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I haven't played with it much, but one background I found I liked it with was the Gorgeous Sunset Background:




Now that just fits perfectly. Why are you so good with finding stuffs like this? :laughingsmiley: I suck at it.


I love searching stuff like that, and messing around on DTI. :P I think there's been a new sunset type background released recently. I'll have to try it and see how it looks.


I lack patient I guess. :P Whenever I try to dress up my pets, it turns out bad. Like, real bad.


So, how many people have successfully got Draiks so far? :D


A ton. :D I moved them all to a pet page, and it's not even totally up-to-date. I couldn't add any more, so I need to create a second page.


The current page is HERE.


You will! I don't know the current prices, but they're definitely lower. It won't take all that long.


That page is so beautiful!! Great job, Spritz! <3 :D Love the Draiks!! It's well maintained. :)


Couldn't add more? :O You should be able to add more. I used to own a graphic site and it had a lot of codes and stuffs. If the HTML codes get cut into half (like mine did), store it in a text file or something. You can paste anytime you have to edit the contents. It worked for me. And I was too lazy to look for other solutions. :P



EDIT: OMG. Post lag. :O Congrats Sweetdang!! :D That's a lot if you ask me.! You're almost there. :)


That's what I did the second time around. I waited until I would have 2 million leftover.


I can type in the information, but it doesn't show on the page. I don't know what the issue is. I'll have to check into it this afternoon.


Thanks :D I've been trying to change their customizations more often.


And it looks like prices are around 4 million on the TP. I see a couple for 3.8-4.


For items not selling, I generally just knock my prices down a little bit here and there until either someone buys it, or it's obviously not selling, and I feel up to searching it again.


Spritzieeeeee the Wheel of Extravagance is driving my patience x'D


I said I wouldn't buy anymore clothing for my pets until I get that avatar and in the end, I bought that wig for Uvertira earlier and that Pop Star dress for Beauty >_<


I adore your Draik's name, Angelo. Also, I adore the Beautifully Glowing Wings as well.

Sorry that I myself has been too busy to get a Draik (still making some money for its Darigan coat of paint after I hatch it), but I'll get one before summer comes, I hope.


Oh, I should add my draiks to the list! I keep forgetting.


So I painted Hydraea Christmas today (she was Royal before)




The colours match terribly between the green and blues xP. Hopefully desert will be better when I can save enough for it.


Everyone! :D I am thinking of making some new graphics for the Draik Lair front page. :) The current graphics are... well, old. What do you think? ^^


Pranky: A makeover would be cool! :D


Linsta: What are you talking about She looks LOVELYYYY


knock knock


i'm part of the exclusive club now :D


meet Alsou , my new Draik :)

Pretty draik!! Mememe pick me next! She's a beauty. :)


thanks Sweetdang :)


so can you believe I got those wings for 600k only ? :D


@Pranky : i don't really know you but apparently u're a veteran TDNer .. so HI :) and yes I support the graphics idea :)


thanks Sweetdang :)


so can you believe I got those wings for 600k only ? :D


@Pranky : i don't really know you but apparently u're a veteran TDNer .. so HI :) and yes I support the graphics idea :)

No! They're so beautiful! How did you manage it!

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