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Everything posted by Angeló

  1. Day 6 Jhudora's Bluff Charming Gemstone Marble Prize Stamp x3 They are inflating .. yesterday it was 30k , today it's 50k
  2. Cybu is on the rise 5000 Shares is not bad for me
  3. I haven't won anything since February It's about time
  4. Im sure its a bug or glitch . It should be collectable
  5. The ray is fired at randomsilliness... ... and he changes into a Blue Mynci!! well that's weird .. both on the same account , both Monkey-Type Whoa... did it actually work? Sure looks like it. Your Petpet has been transformed. Imagine that.
  6. @616.1314 if you have the background i can trade you with the stamp ... neomail me Day 5 The Brain Tree CharmingGemstoneEnchanted Prize
  7. Get your pets tested .. could be the Hoochie Coochies that's spreading these days
  8. R93 Not bad for a consolation prize Sketch Sofa (neohome) (very rare)
  9. The ray is fired at pizzadeliveryguy... ... and she changes colour to Glowing!! That's the second Delivery Guy who turns glowing after Grandpa Grarrl ! They are either having too much Energy Drinks or there's smthg fishy going on at their daily Pizza Route!
  10. Day 4 The Golden Dubloon Enchanted Gemstone Marble Prize Mages Satchel
  11. hello u sure ?
  12. Whoa Girl You're on a roll there ! Congrats x
  13. Day 3 Dar-Blat Nature Charming Gemstone Prize :Spring Ona
  14. Day 2 The Beach Enchanted Charming Marble Prize :Illusory Negg ! I like it a lot !
  15. The ray is fired at darkinvention... ... and he changes colour to Purple!!
  16. The ray is fired at darkinvention... ... and he changes into a Yellow Bori!! well , my Bori came for free
  17. just got this beauty 190k in my shop
  18. Kari looks marvelous this year , she's obviously been working out during the quarantine Hopefully Topsi is gone forever Day 1 Grumpy Old King Negg Choices Charming Enchanted Nature Got the stamp right off the bat Its name is confusing tho .. it's a stamp , of Spring Charm .. not a stamp of spring , charm .. so it's a stamp of a Charm , not a charm of a stamp
  19. @jellysundae congrats :* i'm really happy for you !! this is a great weapon ..
  20. got this while shopping at the book shop
  21. Whoa... did it actually work? Sure looks like it. Your Petpet has been transformed. Imagine that. Whoa... did it actually work? Sure looks like it. Your Petpet has been transformed. Imagine that.
  22. The best thing the lab ray gave me today is raising one of my petpets' level to +6 and darkinvention is now a girl again
  23. i randomly chose the Brutes too i think they have some of the better boons x
  24. That's why I lost Congrats to all the winners BIG ROUND #100 COMING UP and I still have no idea what I'll do about it
  25. Best of luck I hate this game with a passion
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