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Everything posted by Angeló

  1. Day 13 Neolodge MarbleGemstoneNature I just noticed that I haven't gotten the Enchanted Negg for a while now Prize
  2. Hello I'm one of the Brutes as well
  3. Peophins are aquatic , yet they got a Maraquan colour Tonu looks like what a Maraquan Tuskaninny should be
  4. I love this movie I havent seen it in a long time I'm watching The Midnight Gospel It's mind blowing
  5. Why does it look like it has a Cleft Lip ?!!
  6. Day 12 Grundo Warehouse They were in this order with the selection box on the Gemstone Negg it didn't let me choose the negg i want i was stuck on gemstone .. i tried to select the Marble several times , but it didn't change .. and i got the useless crystal plushies
  7. The ray is fired at Treakon... ... and he changes colour to Yellow!! But it's already Yellow !!! The ray is fired at randomsilliness... ... and he doesn't change at all :( Still invisible !!! Whoa... did it actually work? Sure looks like it. Your Petpet has been transformed. Imagine that.
  8. i know the Axolotl , but I just didnt make the connection they are so cute !
  9. I don't know what creature that is supposed to be , but I absolutely love it !! Also these are very nice ..
  10. Got my Hipster Milk at last what to wish for next ? hmmmm
  11. The ray is fired at randomsilliness... ... and he changes colour to Invisible!!
  12. my first thought was ... Peopha would look in this wig Dress To Impress confirmed it
  13. Day 11 Exquisite Ambroisa MarbleNatureCharming Prize Negg of Marble Wowie , 2 days in a row
  14. The ray is fired at darkinvention... ... and he gains two levels!!! awwwwwwww how cuteWhoa... did it actually work? Sure looks like it. Your Petpet has been transformed. Imagine that.
  15. She found me at the Tombola and asked for Haunted Diary which I found in my SDB
  16. Whoa... did it actually work? Sure looks like it. Your Petpet has been transformed. Imagine that.
  17. Day 10 Kiko Lake Tours MarbleGemstone Nature Prize YAAAAAAAAAAY
  18. Day 9 Brightvale Scrollery MarbleGemstoneCharming Prize (2 days in a row)
  19. and just like that i have a Green Yooyu on the same account so its monkeys on one , birds on another , weiiiird
  20. actually it's getting an HTML 5 reboot before the end of the year plus a mobile app/site
  21. 16B changed from a Shadow Buzz to a Green Pteri
  22. Day 8 Cave Paintings MarbleCharming Nature Prize
  23. Thanks Duma .. this Thread should definitely be pinned .. I've been looking for a list like this since the Cross Over Challenges first dropped
  24. Day 7 Sutek's Tomb CharmingEnchantedGemstone Prize Stamp x4 Sent it to @616.1314 (Chuen Leong)
  25. Stamp of Spring Charm 1 45,000 NP Charming Spring Background 15,000 NP sorry but the difference is now 30k im sure you'll get a stamp soon it's not so rare idk why people are hiking up the price
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