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Izzy ♥

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About Izzy ♥

  • Birthday 06/02/1987

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    Auckland, NZ

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  1. I often zap pets in the hopes of them going a colour someone might be dreaming of, I know there are other people about who do the same thing ^_^ I use several dream pet lists for Charter members when looking for new homes - and I thought it might be a nice idea to compile a list of dream pets for you lot too! Just in case you know ;) Personally, I've been given my last createable dream pet from one of these types of lists and have given away several dream pets to others. To be listed, simply post what your dream pets are. Try to limit yourself to four pets each please! Remember: you can be listed as wishing for pets you can't get from the labray (UCs, Krawks/Draiks, certain colours) but keep in mind that its probably less likely you'll get them from here. You cannot be listed as wishing for a Lutari so please do not ask! They run away if pounded, and they won't be transferred.
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