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  1. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Emily in Add or Subtract 2012   
    Thank you TDN ladies :P
    You are the best coworkers EVERRRRR.
    *Mission accomplished*
  2. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Spritzie in Add or Subtract 2012   
    Thank you TDN ladies :P
    You are the best coworkers EVERRRRR.
    *Mission accomplished*
  3. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Lydia Trebond in Add or Subtract 2012   
    Thank you TDN ladies :P
    You are the best coworkers EVERRRRR.
    *Mission accomplished*
  4. Like
    Xepha reacted to hrtbrk in Add or Subtract 2012   



  5. Like
    Xepha reacted to Izzy ♥ in Puzzle Challenge Winners!   
    Well, our Puzzle Challenge has come to an end and we've tallied the results! There were 8 people who completed all the puzzles :)

    RANK 1 - Ysera324
    RANK 2 - poptart123
    RANK 3 - jellyfish
    RANK 4 - celestialchaos
    RANK 5 - 7_rayne_7
    RANK 6 - FrankMafkees
    RANK 7 - thejokerlaughsatyou
    RANK 8 - laasya98

    We have a $10 NC card for all 8 of you - look out for an email with details soon! Congrats everyone :D
    Til next time!
  6. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Emily in Add or Subtract 2012   
    ^I totally made a PHP version of the game last year for a University project. :P I can reset the counter if you want XD
  7. Like
    Xepha reacted to Izzy ♥ in The Daily Neopets' presents... Puzzle Challenge 2012!   
    Congrats to everyone who completed all the puzzles :) I'm not sure how many people there will be who completed them all... maximum 16, since thats how many people got today's and it was the least-completed puzzle. There's probably at least a couple of people who got today's but missed an earlier one though. Ian's tallying the results for me so we'll see!
    I will make up a solutions page tomorrow sometime and post it for y'all. I meant to write it earlier and release it when I closed the submissions but I spaced xD Working night shifts the week you move house doesn't help the memory haha
  8. Like
    Xepha reacted to hrtbrk in Advent Calendar 2012!   
    December 1st is here and the doors to the Advent Calendar have opened once again! Go ahead and get into the holiday spirit by claiming your gifts now!
    UPDATE: A new feature is that there will be a clickable snowflake featured in the animation that reward a bonus prize! For a list of bonus prizes, click here!

    Don't forget to check me off your list!
    December 1st only!

  9. Like
    Xepha reacted to BEE. in This has officially made my day!   
    I woke up (20 mins ago) feeling awful, and realised it's a new day on neo. Just started my dailies before college and had bad luck at the shrine so I moved onto the fruit machine. Now I usually only win 50nps on this (though less than a month ago I won a few thousand) I clicked on spin today and got



    You have won 20,000 NP!
    You also win:


    Smelly Dung Muffin
    Maractite Paint Brush

    I've been saving for a Maractite Paint Brush! I am SO SO happy right now! And one day before the advent calendar<3 This makes me love neo even more. I feel.. well again :D
    I'm so happy that I had to make a whole thread for it! :'D I now have no clue what I can save for...

  10. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Rebecca~ in BD avatars no longer available?   
    ^Always go read the BD news before asking a question.
    If some avatars are not working as of now, send a ticket to TNT.
  11. Like
    Xepha reacted to hrtbrk in Follow TDN Everywhere!   
    Busy? Never miss an update by following The Daily Neopets on Facebook and Twitter!

    Bored? Follow our staff blog, try submitting a Neoconfession or looking up Nice Neopets!
  12. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Lamppost in BD avatars no longer available?   
    ^Always go read the BD news before asking a question.
    If some avatars are not working as of now, send a ticket to TNT.
  13. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Mouseykins in BD avatars no longer available?   
    ^Always go read the BD news before asking a question.
    If some avatars are not working as of now, send a ticket to TNT.
  14. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from ~Xandria in CSS coding question? *complete noob*   
    All answers in one post :

    <style> #myscrollbox { width : 450px; height : 200px; overflow: auto; background-color: #333333; color: white; border: 3px solid white; font-size: 15px; font-family: verdana; } .imageleft { float: left; margin: 10px 10px 10px 10px; padding: 5px; border: 1px solid red; } .mycenter { text-align: center; } </style> <img class="imageleft" src="https://images.neopets.com/new_shopkeepers/900.gif" /> <div id="myscrollbox"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras id risus ante. Integer pretium tellus ac turpis interdum sed venenatis sapien porttitor. Nam tincidunt tincidunt blandit. Mauris accumsan aliquet tempus. Vestibulum tempor faucibus vestibulum. Nam auctor, orci et tincidunt malesuada, leo neque mattis mi, sit amet viverra velit sem et mi. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis tellus magna, dictum sed hendrerit nec, fringilla sed arcu. Phasellus ullamcorper turpis nec massa tincidunt suscipit at at tellus. Morbi eget ultricies tellus. Curabitur lectus ipsum, feugiat at viverra id, commodo faucibus nunc. Pellentesque est ipsum, imperdiet nec interdum in, laoreet at mi. Aliquam sit amet felis libero, ac fringilla nisi. Suspendisse tempus, nisl ac condimentum volutpat, justo tellus malesuada turpis, in sollicitudin eros nisi in risus. Proin accumsan mi sollicitudin magna tempus dignissim. Phasellus ullamcorper, erat at faucibus ornare, lacus elit sagittis ligula, vitae pellentesque lorem dui nec velit. Morbi non augue odio, id venenatis neque. Quisque luctus, odio sit amet ornare ullamcorper, nibh nisl luctus purus, eget laoreet lectus tellus volutpat libero. Nulla nisi augue, fermentum vitae fermentum nec, venenatis eget lectus. Maecenas dui diam, accumsan at auctor nec, tempus et enim. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Duis enim neque, consequat a suscipit vel, malesuada nec libero. Suspendisse et est id lorem tristique varius. Etiam ut metus ipsum, non volutpat leo. Donec lacinia ipsum vel sapien ullamcorper ac rhoncus velit molestie. Aenean quis lectus ac urna posuere rutrum at sit amet risus. Praesent non augue a elit tristique commodo in eu urna. Suspendisse auctor quam a risus lobortis placerat. Aenean iaculis lacus et tellus elementum sodales. Pellentesque ultrices egestas condimentum. Aliquam sit amet sem neque. Aliquam eget turpis neque. Aenean non diam facilisis leo luctus faucibus. Sed diam est, malesuada non vestibulum non, imperdiet id orci. Quisque tincidunt nisl a elit facilisis mattis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse nec orci vel massa posuere pulvinar. In sit amet sapien odio, scelerisque consectetur arcu. Fusce lacus turpis, egestas at posuere vitae, tristique et velit. Aliquam ac arcu eu turpis varius condimentum. Praesent urna dolor, faucibus eu eleifend nec, imperdiet mollis leo. Suspendisse est diam, rutrum in vehicula sit amet, hendrerit non tortor. </div> <p class="mycenter">This sentence is centered! YAYAYAYAYAYAY!</p>
    Things you want to know!
    When a CSS selector starts with "#", you will be using id in HTML to assign that style to it.
    When a CSS selector stars with a ".", you will be using class in HTML to assign that style to it.
    ID is preferred when that style will only be applied once.
    Class is preferred when that style could be applied multiple times.
    I always use the same code to center things. It has become TDN's standard too :D Very simple. One tiny CSS that we apply over and over, always on a p tag that wraps the element we want to center. So it's good to center paragraphes and images.
    And if I understood correctly, you want to float an image at the left of your box. So rather than floating the box right, I applied that to an image and added proper margin to it. Whenever you see something like 10px 10px 10px 10px it corresponds to top, right, bottom and left. Always in that order. So if you want to increase the left margin (the blank space between 2 elements), you would change the last 10. Sometimes you will see just 1 value after margin or after padding. That means all the sides are equal. And if you only see 2 values, it means top and bottom are the same, right and left are the same.
    If you want to center the entire mytextbox, you can apply text-align:center to its style directly too :P And skip applying it to each p.
  15. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Mouseykins in CSS coding question? *complete noob*   
    All answers in one post :

    <style> #myscrollbox { width : 450px; height : 200px; overflow: auto; background-color: #333333; color: white; border: 3px solid white; font-size: 15px; font-family: verdana; } .imageleft { float: left; margin: 10px 10px 10px 10px; padding: 5px; border: 1px solid red; } .mycenter { text-align: center; } </style> <img class="imageleft" src="https://images.neopets.com/new_shopkeepers/900.gif" /> <div id="myscrollbox"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras id risus ante. Integer pretium tellus ac turpis interdum sed venenatis sapien porttitor. Nam tincidunt tincidunt blandit. Mauris accumsan aliquet tempus. Vestibulum tempor faucibus vestibulum. Nam auctor, orci et tincidunt malesuada, leo neque mattis mi, sit amet viverra velit sem et mi. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis tellus magna, dictum sed hendrerit nec, fringilla sed arcu. Phasellus ullamcorper turpis nec massa tincidunt suscipit at at tellus. Morbi eget ultricies tellus. Curabitur lectus ipsum, feugiat at viverra id, commodo faucibus nunc. Pellentesque est ipsum, imperdiet nec interdum in, laoreet at mi. Aliquam sit amet felis libero, ac fringilla nisi. Suspendisse tempus, nisl ac condimentum volutpat, justo tellus malesuada turpis, in sollicitudin eros nisi in risus. Proin accumsan mi sollicitudin magna tempus dignissim. Phasellus ullamcorper, erat at faucibus ornare, lacus elit sagittis ligula, vitae pellentesque lorem dui nec velit. Morbi non augue odio, id venenatis neque. Quisque luctus, odio sit amet ornare ullamcorper, nibh nisl luctus purus, eget laoreet lectus tellus volutpat libero. Nulla nisi augue, fermentum vitae fermentum nec, venenatis eget lectus. Maecenas dui diam, accumsan at auctor nec, tempus et enim. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Duis enim neque, consequat a suscipit vel, malesuada nec libero. Suspendisse et est id lorem tristique varius. Etiam ut metus ipsum, non volutpat leo. Donec lacinia ipsum vel sapien ullamcorper ac rhoncus velit molestie. Aenean quis lectus ac urna posuere rutrum at sit amet risus. Praesent non augue a elit tristique commodo in eu urna. Suspendisse auctor quam a risus lobortis placerat. Aenean iaculis lacus et tellus elementum sodales. Pellentesque ultrices egestas condimentum. Aliquam sit amet sem neque. Aliquam eget turpis neque. Aenean non diam facilisis leo luctus faucibus. Sed diam est, malesuada non vestibulum non, imperdiet id orci. Quisque tincidunt nisl a elit facilisis mattis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse nec orci vel massa posuere pulvinar. In sit amet sapien odio, scelerisque consectetur arcu. Fusce lacus turpis, egestas at posuere vitae, tristique et velit. Aliquam ac arcu eu turpis varius condimentum. Praesent urna dolor, faucibus eu eleifend nec, imperdiet mollis leo. Suspendisse est diam, rutrum in vehicula sit amet, hendrerit non tortor. </div> <p class="mycenter">This sentence is centered! YAYAYAYAYAYAY!</p>
    Things you want to know!
    When a CSS selector starts with "#", you will be using id in HTML to assign that style to it.
    When a CSS selector stars with a ".", you will be using class in HTML to assign that style to it.
    ID is preferred when that style will only be applied once.
    Class is preferred when that style could be applied multiple times.
    I always use the same code to center things. It has become TDN's standard too :D Very simple. One tiny CSS that we apply over and over, always on a p tag that wraps the element we want to center. So it's good to center paragraphes and images.
    And if I understood correctly, you want to float an image at the left of your box. So rather than floating the box right, I applied that to an image and added proper margin to it. Whenever you see something like 10px 10px 10px 10px it corresponds to top, right, bottom and left. Always in that order. So if you want to increase the left margin (the blank space between 2 elements), you would change the last 10. Sometimes you will see just 1 value after margin or after padding. That means all the sides are equal. And if you only see 2 values, it means top and bottom are the same, right and left are the same.
    If you want to center the entire mytextbox, you can apply text-align:center to its style directly too :P And skip applying it to each p.
  16. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from ~Xandria in Does anyone know of any good tension headache remedies?   
    Caffeine might help, but not always.
    You can try to either have a hot shower to relax your muscles OR to put ice on your neck/shoulder area. Stretching and doing little yes movements (about 30-50 of them) followed by small no movements might help too.
    If nothing works, book an appointment for osteopathy or physiotherapy. These professionals can help your pain to go away and can also give you exercises to do at home.
  17. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from jurassicshark in Does anyone know of any good tension headache remedies?   
    Caffeine might help, but not always.
    You can try to either have a hot shower to relax your muscles OR to put ice on your neck/shoulder area. Stretching and doing little yes movements (about 30-50 of them) followed by small no movements might help too.
    If nothing works, book an appointment for osteopathy or physiotherapy. These professionals can help your pain to go away and can also give you exercises to do at home.
  18. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Rebecca~ in This Year's Game Challenge Overwhelmed me...did not enjoy.   
    Don't forget that you have until the end of today at midnight NST to finish yesterday's challenges!!! They extended it because of the glitches.
    And GMC seems to always fall at a very bad time of the year since I switched university. Let's call it the frenzy of the end of the semester! On top of that, I am starting a new job since Thursday, so I have been even busier.
    The challenges were meh, and many of them were harder than in previous years. The game was also pretty much unbalanced between Ninja and Pirate. Pirate often had higher scores to beat. It's ridiculous, especially when one team gets legits scores and the other has to score 5 pts to beat a challenge. Hello TNT, who is the designer who thought it was a good idea? They announced one team would be more puzzle and the other more action and adventure. Nowhere it implied that adventure meant scoring higher...
  19. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Spritzie in This Year's Game Challenge Overwhelmed me...did not enjoy.   
    Don't forget that you have until the end of today at midnight NST to finish yesterday's challenges!!! They extended it because of the glitches.
    And GMC seems to always fall at a very bad time of the year since I switched university. Let's call it the frenzy of the end of the semester! On top of that, I am starting a new job since Thursday, so I have been even busier.
    The challenges were meh, and many of them were harder than in previous years. The game was also pretty much unbalanced between Ninja and Pirate. Pirate often had higher scores to beat. It's ridiculous, especially when one team gets legits scores and the other has to score 5 pts to beat a challenge. Hello TNT, who is the designer who thought it was a good idea? They announced one team would be more puzzle and the other more action and adventure. Nowhere it implied that adventure meant scoring higher...
  20. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Viridian in This Year's Game Challenge Overwhelmed me...did not enjoy.   
    Don't forget that you have until the end of today at midnight NST to finish yesterday's challenges!!! They extended it because of the glitches.
    And GMC seems to always fall at a very bad time of the year since I switched university. Let's call it the frenzy of the end of the semester! On top of that, I am starting a new job since Thursday, so I have been even busier.
    The challenges were meh, and many of them were harder than in previous years. The game was also pretty much unbalanced between Ninja and Pirate. Pirate often had higher scores to beat. It's ridiculous, especially when one team gets legits scores and the other has to score 5 pts to beat a challenge. Hello TNT, who is the designer who thought it was a good idea? They announced one team would be more puzzle and the other more action and adventure. Nowhere it implied that adventure meant scoring higher...
  21. Like
    Xepha reacted to hrtbrk in GMC Extended Until Wednesday At 10 AM!   
    Due to a glitch filled event, TNT has extended the time allowing users to complete challenges on "day of." Users now have until Wednesday at 10 AM NST to complete the challenges.
    The winning team will be revealed in Wednesday's news.


    Need to catch up? View our guide!

  22. Like
    Xepha reacted to Azeruth in Games Master Challenge: Pirate vs Ninja!   
    I cleared my cache and cookies and it works now. Kind've annoying.
    100% now for the Pirates, even finished the qualifying games, hopefully tomorrow and the next day don't bring a difficult game or score :D
  23. Like
    Xepha reacted to hrtbrk in Games Master Challenge: Day 5 Now Working!   
    This morning, players were plagued with several glitches which caused them to not be able to progress in the challenge. Thankfully, the Neopets holiday team have been working hard all day and the games are now working.
    There will be an extension of time to give everyone a chance to finish on day of release.

    One notable change is that the game Switcharoo has been changed to Flycatcher.
    Happy gaming!
  24. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Caro in Tips for GMC Games   
    Itchy Invasion: I played on large and with my pen tablet rather than with a mouse. (I also played on my slower computer which has a larger display...)
  25. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Emily in Official Team Ninja Discussion Board!   
    For those still having troubles with WWW (the cutest Wocky game EVERRRR)... I made a video even though I'm not part of team Ninja. That's how cool pirates are for you :P
    I had enough points after catching 4 items, but kept playing until game over to show how I balance things. I played on my trackpad, though I've achieved high score with a mouse before as well.

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