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Posts posted by Xepha

  1. I way too lazy to read the 2 pages of HOP I missed...


    But I played to FF6, FF7, FF8, FF9, FF10.

    Only finished the 7th and the 10th.

    They were all cool in my opinion...



    Gaia... I've an account over there. I don't like it much. I never sign in anymore... unless I want to write something in my private journal.

  2. Well, I keep to do list for the stuff I've to do. It's quite amazing how many papers are on my desk with notes... But otherwise, yeah, I don't plan anything far. Like I can see what I'm going to do in the next few days, and that's pretty much all.

  3. I'm done with your request Zac ;D

    Yep, that was fast!


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    <h4>Neopets Links</h4>
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    Guild Invite:<b> Closed</b>
    Put anything you want here :)
    Lookup created by Angelxepha for Zac.<br>
    Brushes: hybrid-genesis.net and another site (I lost its URL. :{)
    <div id="mytextbox"></i>
    <h4>About me</h4>

  4. Oh you youngins


    In 10 years... I'll be taking care of babies (hopefully) instead of playing Neopets. I'll be 31.


    when I grow up (2 years) I'll be an electrical engineer, but when I /really/ grow up (15ish years) I want to go into safety for the Ontario Health & Safety Association.


    EDIT: For those that want to go into programming or webmastering, think about maybe doing advertising. That's what my sister wants to do with her webpage-making/grpahics knowledge


    In 10 years, I'll be 31 too... and it's just really hard for me to imagine what my life will looks like. I'm graduating in April and I still don't really know what I'll do after getting my diploma (beside framing it in an ubber awesome frame...). I study something called "Communication (relation humaines)". It's some kind of psychosociology. Basically, we work with small group of people in several differents fields like how to imply a change or we could teach a group listening abilities, or more simply... we can solve a conflict between 2 people or 2 groups. Those kind of things... Don't really try to understand what is it ; nobody understand when I explain it in French!


    I could have taken web related studies, but I changed my mind at the last minute... I was accepted in both programs. And my third choice was literature! lol (was accepted into this one too)

  5. I had a cool guild activity idea this week that is easy to run and should keep anybody busy XD


    It's a "Did you know" activity. You ask people in your guild to send you facts or tips about just anything and you pick one and add it on the guild HQ page :) Who wouldn't like to see his username on the main page of its guild? :D

  6. Yes yes yes! I know about this :D


    When you put value, like "top:0;", it won't show correctly in firefox unless you add px after your value.


    So "top:0;" becomes "top:0px;"


    If you change them all, it should show correctly in both browser :)


    Also, quick tip...

    set up your h3 property in your css, so you will get more space for text. Then you just have to happy <h3> </h3> to your titles and they will all look the same.


    I hope this post is clear to understand. =\

  7. 1) If you were given the task of creating ideas for a prize item(s) to redeem for the Altador Cup what would you want to make?

    - Yooyuballs plushies! That would be so cute to have the full collectiong added to my gallery!!!

    - Instead of having keyrings... we could have some badges that our pets could wear ;D


    2) If you could spend your points on any item(s) what would you want (it would have to at least be Altador related)?


    - Humm... well, I wish I had enough points to buy the weapon from last year AC... so if something like that was available again, I think I would get it.


    3) What could be another idea for a side-game like slushie slinger?


    - Maybe there could be a cheerleading game XD You would have to learn a choregraphy and repeat it in front of "judges" and you would be awarded points depending of your accuracy. I don't know really.

    4) Redesign, if you could change something of Yooyuball or the teams what would you change?


    - Never ever doing a double robin round again! That was too much playing.

    - Opposite team - played by computer - is too easy to play against... so I agree that playing against a real opponent would be cooler.

    - My guild had the idea of making a AC of famous people around neopia! =D


    5) What is the best part of the whole Altador Cup?


    - A good occasion to meet people that are playing in your team :D

  8. Anime, I can send it to you if you want ;D


    And yep, my windows is in French (not SPANISH, TJ!) lol


    Luna, I like your desktop.... nice illustration of individualism. I'd rather be with the group of oranges than lonely in the corner of the picture! :)

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