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Posts posted by Xepha

  1. Yeah, I'm used to it now...


    *tries to put a new topic on the HOP table*


    Anybody is having Halloween's plans?

    What? Halloween is in a little less than 2 months...? Well, I know it is. But it seems more interesting to talk about it than school XD

  2. **Firstly, I'm an adult and I'm studying with adults too :P**


    Most importants events in my program included...

    - the initiation day (that was today, I didn't participate lol It's my 3rd year there...)

    - Wine & Cheese (once per semester) Went there 2 times. First time it was fun, second time I didn't like the place where it was. Too small for the number of people inside. And anyway, you have to be there really early if you actually want cheese... and there's never enough bread for everybody <.<

    - They also try to organise party for any reasons that you can think of... I don't attempt to them.

    - STRIKES. They are really good to make us miss class in order to voice our opinions ;p

    - Oh yeah... they organized a Spa day last year... and a visit to "la cabane a sucre" (google it if you don't know what it is XD)


    Otherwise, 2 years ago, we had the habit to go drink a beer at the school's bar after our "Groupe Restreint" class.


    I don't know yet what is coming for this year. I'm not really involved in anything XD

  3. lol... last time I slept in class... it was in history of sciences! I was sleeping most of the time... and I felt sorry for the teacher who couldn't interested me in what he was saying. This happened almost 3 years ago XD

  4. Sorry, I didn't vote because I don't like any of the answers that are there...


    I believe we are currently destroying the world in which we are living and that humans will perish because of humans actions. Nothing is being done to stop humans' stupidity. We just open our TV and watch what is happening. It's really sad.

  5. Awww... it's alright Smumpkins. It wasn't too bad to go back. I kinda like to get there and to get back from there. =) (Yet, I'll be the first one complaining about how I've this and that to do and how stressed I am... I know.)

  6. Well, beside the email (that you will use at least to collect some something has happened and your daily space faerie scratchcard)... you can explore all the possibilites of your portal here : http://www.neopets.com/portal/index.phtml and chat on premium neoboards too... What else? The Super Shop Wizard is really great if you are a restocker.


    The rest is pretty much the same. TJ and Anime did a great job in their premium articles here. It explains it all :)


    I hope it helps!

  7. Well, I am not sure if you are aware of this... but the Snowager alert is missing *cries*


    Yup, it's 1AM here, and I always launch TDN to get to Mr. Snowie quickly... but tonight it's not showing. Perhaps it has something to do with the server move.


    Just thought I should bring back this matter to you :)

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