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Posts posted by Xepha

  1. ^ I wouldn't go to any countries that is in war...

    < I'm tired to always listen at the same songs...

    v Could you please name a song that I should absolutely download?

  2. It was a real jackpot winning, not a glitch in the game


    To win the Jackpot you need 5 Treasure Piles (or a mixture of Treasure Piles and Flags) in a line.

    (from http://www.neopets.com/~Kyeps)


    And please ask her which frozen message she is seeing when she is trying to log in. Perhaps she was frozen for something else...

  3. Ahaha...

    I actually won the lotto... and it was with a free ticket I found as a random event...


    As for Dice A Roo, I read somewhere that a good thing was to buy the max lotto tickets you can, and then play Dice A Roo to earn extra one. So you had more chances to win the lotto... ehehe.

  4. The screenie shows a jackpot win... 1 pile of treasure and 4 flags...


    What is the reason they are giving her for her frozeness? (Which rule in the Terms and Conditions?)


    And how was she "hacked"?

  5. You can poke the meteor every hour... so if you don't get something at your first attempt, try again later.


    I often get intergalatic beans or some kind of meteor rocks. I'll try to pay attention from now on and edit this post everytime I get something new ;)


    August 29th


    Tasty Fungus


    August 30th



  6. ^ All like all sort of things... be more specific in your questions and I'll be more specific in my answers XD

    < My cat is sleeping on my bed and is all kawaiii!

    v Tell me something funny! Just anything :P

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