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Posts posted by Xepha

  1. Because we are old school people XD


    Seriously, last time I played The Sims... was a long time ago. Like 2 years or something. It's the first version of the game... and well, I liked to build houses the best.

  2. ^ The radio... everyday I think. But it depends of my mood mainly. I like a show called "Happy Hour" Good rocking songs XD

    < disagreements is what will make me rich, so please continue having some XD

    v What is your favorite kind of cookies? :D

  3. I have one sister, named Catherine. She is 18 :) (3 years younger than me)


    I've an half-sister too, but I don't know her, so I'm not considerating her as a sibling...

  4. ^ I'm doing nothing except breathing, typing this message and listening to music

    < I'm bored... but you wouldn't have guess it!

    v Do you like the new TDN forums look?

  5. Okay Crash, I'm done with your request. I tried to be as colorful as possible. Hope you don't mind red/pink/white :P I ain't sure about the color sheme, so if you don't like something, we could try to find better colors. (Preview on Xepha's lookup until I code something else)


    Here is your code :


    #userneopets img {height: 125px; width: 125px;}
    #usertrophies img {height: 50px; width: 50px;}
    #usertrophies .trophy_cell b {font-weight: normal;}
    #usertrophies .medText {font-size: 10px; }
    #header, #footer {display: none;}
    #main {width: 705px;border:none; background:none}
    #content, .content {width: 705px; background-color: none;}
    #lookup-picture {position:absolute; left:0px;top:0;}
    .contentModuleHeader, .contentModuleHeaderAlt  {background-color: #A00F0F;
    color: #D7D7D7;}
    .contentModule, .contentModuleTable {border: 0px solid; }
    .contentModuleContent {background:url();  }
    #mytextbox {position: absolute; top: 682px; left: 206px; color: #A24900; font-family:verdana; font-size:11px; width: 705px; filter: alpha(opacity=80);}
    #menu {position: absolute; top: 449px; left: 24px; color: #D7D7D7; font-family:verdana; font-size:11px; width: 172px;}
    #menu a {color:#000000; background-color: #FE5151; filter: alpha(opacity=90); opacity: .90; margin: 2px;  display:block; border: 2px solid #000000; padding-top: 3px; padding-bottom: 3px; font-size:11px; line-height:12px}
    #menu a:hover {color:#000000; background-color: #FE5151; filter: alpha(opacity=70); opacity: .70; margin: 2px; display:block; border: 2px solid #000000; padding-top: 3px; padding-bottom: 3px; font-size:11px; line-height:12px}
    body{background:url(http://xs218.xs.to/xs218/07341/blumaroo_bg.jpg); background-repeat: repeat-y;}
    BODY {scrollbar-face-color: FB7376;
    scrollbar-highlight-color: FFFFFF;
    scrollbar-3dlight-color: FDCACC;
    scrollbar-shadow-color: 620807;
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    scrollbar-track-color: FB7376;
    scrollbar-arrow-color: 620807;}
    body, td, p, hr{color:#FC9C9E; font-family:verdana; font-size:11px; line-height:18px; letter-spacing:.5px}
    a:link, a:visited, a:active {color:#413D30; font-size:10px;}
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    h4 {font-size:14px; text-transform:uppercase;  border-bottom: 2px dashed #FF6451; color:#FFFFFF; width:95%} 
    <div id="lookup-picture"><img src="//images.weserv.nl/?url=http://xs218.xs.to/xs218/07341/blumaroo.jpg" width="998" height="768"></div>
    <div id="menu"></i> 
    <h4>Neopets Links</h4>
    <p><a href="/myaccount.phtml">My Account</a> <a href="/petcentral.phtml">Pet 
    Central</a> <a href="/explore.phtml">Explore Neopia</a> <a href="/games/arcade.phtml">Games 
    Room</a> <a href="/neomessages.phtml">Neomail</a> <a href="/objects.phtml">Neopia 
    Central</a> <a href="/neoboards/index.phtml">Neoboard Index</a> <a href="/nf.phtml">Neopets 
    News</a> <a href="/video/index.phtml">Video</a> <a href="http://www.neopets.com/randomfriend.phtml?user=angelxepha">By 
    Neomails:<b> Open</b><br>
    Neofriends:<b> Open</b><br>
    Guild Invite:<b> Closed</b>
    Put anything you want here :)
    Lookup created by Angelxepha for Crash.<br>
    Brushes: hybrid-genesis.net and VPDesign
    <div id="mytextbox"></i>
    <h4>About me</h4>

  6. *is the friend who has the Cybunny*


    I hope it will be back somedays... everytime TNT are late with the news, my hopes raise and I think that it could be because the pound is back. XD


    What will come first : the pound reopening or Altador Cup prizes? (You don't have to answer this question, really)

  7. I tried them at University... that's what we are equiped with, and the only weird thing was the keyboard because some accent aren't at the same place, but that's a thing you can used to easily ;D But the rest is much much much cooler than a PC.


    Just thinking of all the free space I'm going to have on my desk is making me HAPPY.

  8. =D I'm ready to change for a mac...


    I thought about it and so far, I never choose my computer. It had always fell from the sky (I mean, from my dad) and it was only PC after PC after PC. And yes, it is always crashing and having troubles. Windows 98 was really a nightmare... and XP can be a pain sometime too. Like I have 2 identity set up on it, and if I switch to the one that isn't admin, it crashes... and then I've to run the sort of time machine of XP to restore my computer. It takes about 30min for the whole thing to be performed. A big waste of time.


    So yep, I'm saving for a shiny iMac and it has become an obsession!

    (I need a new job though... so I can continue to raise fund and that my dream comes true)


    Glad that you enjoy your Mac Ian ;D *Shinyyyy*

  9. I don't really know how it will work here, for the iphone. Rogers is the only company that will support it, and it would be one of my last choice of cellphone company.


    I watched some video about the iphone on Apple site... and yeah, it looks cool. But I prefer to save for a shiny iMac with Leopard than for a phone. I barely use my cellphone anyway.

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