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Posts posted by Xepha

  1. Oh, alright...

    Sorry, think it was very late when I read your post, and didn't catch what you meant ahaha :P



    Oh well, to start off, I wrote a lookup tutorial where I explain a few things...

    See how far you can go with it





    The only thing I still have to explore is how to split the content module (like the neohome, neopets, shop & gallery...), so if you wanna do it that way, I'll look at your code once you have started, okay?

  2. Yeah, I read this in the editorial... didn't know about the talisman AND the game won't load for me anyway. So I think we could say that I don't really care! XD



    Anyway, from what I understand in their answer, they are saying that they learn from their mistakes...

  3. I'm awful at Destruct-o-match, one of my worst games. I'm not that good at any games besides Volcan Run II I suppose, since I barely can break 1100 in Whack-a-Kass and I top out at 730'ish on Meerca Chase II. I mainly play for fun or to get 1000 NP a play, it adds up when I put it in the bank. Also, I love your Maraquan Eyrie, I want to have a Maraquan Lupe someday, but all Maraquan pets are gorgeous in my eyes. Sorry if I ramble, it's a habit of mine.



    I have an obsession with everything and anything Maraquan. *Points Underwater Spirits, my guild*. I'm planning to have my friend adopt my Eyrie. It is his dream pet! Long story, but I got Lordsub color by the secret lab... :D

  4. Most helpful neopets fansite is TDN, I must agree with you :D

    And the people around here are... adorable!


    Hum, one of the game avvie I'm the most proud of is Destruct-o-match. I worked more than a month on the game to get it. Oh, and extreme herder wasn't easy neither.


    I could blablablah during hours, but it's late now (1:10 am), so I'll go sleep. ;D

  5. I'll still stay on Roo no matter what next year. You all have my word.


    And so I will stay with the Maqs ! Lol



    Seriously, I don't think we will win the cup next year, because Maraqua is an average team. Maybe Krawk Island for next year cup? I don't really know.

  6. Hello Hello, Welcome on TDN forums ;D


    I'm Angelxepha... also known as Xepha or V. ;D Just got my 5 years shield on neopets (although I took a break of a little more than a year in the middle of those years) My currents goals are... hum... just keep my guild on the good track, train my Usul and pill neopoints in my bank! (Oh, and to get more avatars too. Should try for the Volcano Run avvie soon... I know I could get it, I'm just lazy)


    Anyway, you should me around from time to time on the forums. I try to post whenever I have free time and nothing else to do.

  7. Greetings!


    Because I'm bored and I finish working next week, I've decided to open my graphics stand.


    Rules :


    1- You MUST fill the form and be as detailed as possible.

    2- You MUST have posted at least 10 messages on TDN forums.

    3- Only ONE request at the time.

    4- By asking me a graphic, you accept to KEEP the credits on your graphic(s).

    5- Complain about the time it's taking me to make your request and I'm sending you to the back of the queue!


    What I can make for you :


    - Avatars, Banners or forum sets ;

    - Neopets Lookups ;

    - Website Layouts ;

    - Small graphics such as animation, buttons, etc.


    Please take in note that I prefer to do Neopets related or Anime related graphics.



    Examples of my work can be seen here (Lutari Island, Altador Cup Fanatic, Maraquan Kyrii, Saving the Princess, Swordmaster Talek, Defenders of Maraqua) or here. You can also check for Angelxepha, Rozanira and Xepha's lookup on neopets. Those are my accounts and I always code my lookups on my sides, so you can see my latest work XD.



    Now... the form!


    Type of graphic you are requesting :

    If you'd like it to be a specific size, please tell me now :

    Pictures URL (put as many as needed) :

    Please, describe me how you would like your graphic to be. Be detailed! (Texts, Colors, Shapes, Brushes...) :

    Anything else you want to say :



    I can't promise how long it will take me to complete your request. Sometimes it can be really fast, other times it could take a week or two. It depends of my mood, mainly! If I think I can't do a graphics for any reason, I'll let you know quickly.



    The evil waiting line



  8. 1: What would you do if you found a Tanizard on the ground?

    Well... I did, kinda! TNT sent me a Tanizard for the referrals I got a long long time ago. I put the petpet in my SDB and forgot about it. When I came back, I decided to sell it... but to paint it before, so it looks spiffier you know! So I painted him... sketch! But the thing is... it took ages to sell it in the trading post. I'm really unlucky with trades. I think I finally sold it for 120k.

    2: What would you name it? ( if you kept it )

    Good Question... Loch sounds like a good name for a Taniz!



    3: What would you paint you neopet if you could could paint them for free?

    Maraquan XD But I love all my pets the way they are currently.



    4: Do you use code stones?

    Yes I do. I train Fekya!



    5: Have been in the neopian times?

    Yes I've been in the NT! Here is the link to my article :)


    6: How many hours a day do you usually play?

    It depends... Too much probably !

  9. I'm going back to university on Sept. 4th. ;D

    More than a month of holidays to go. And I finish working on August 10th! (Unless I take an other job...) How nice he?


    What else random could I add to this post? *rolls eyes*

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