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Posts posted by Xepha

  1. So how long do we have to wait to try again?



    We can poke it once per hours!

    That's what one of my guild member reported.


    Now I'm getting :

    "Meteor Crash Site 725-XZ


    Maybe it was all a dream.

    Try again later."


    ... Why can't I be lucky?

  2. Well... I'm almost 21 now, and I think it is worst than when I was 15-16!


    At least, I have a very very very good relationship with my mom. We are like best friends :D


    Ahaha, got a mail from my dad this morning, he is trying to make me feel guilty not to go now. And he is proposing me to take THE DOOM BUS! I thought I had been clear about the bus. I won't do a 4:30 ride to go there. Too boring and tireing!

  3. Well, I tried...


    and it doesn't work.


    Actually, I had kinda fun with him over the phone on fathers' day, but he had shows his true him yesterday. So it erase all the good feeling I had about him during... 24hours.

  4. Oh, my relationship with my dad isn't excellent, let's say it like that. It would be very long to explain it in details... but I'll tell you the main ideas.


    I phoned my dad for fathers' day, as I posted previously in this board. He told me he was organising a surprise party for my sister because she is turning 18 next wednesday. The party is this friday. So he invited me to come visit them this weekend. I said I would think about it. They live kinda far from here... It takes 3 hours in car, or 4:30 in bus. I don't drive, so I would have to take the bus. Anyway, I said I would think about it. That was Sunday.


    Then, my mom came up with a very great idea. I could take the train, and he could pick me up somewhere nearer from where he lives (about 1:30 in car). So I emailed him and made this proposition. Yesterday night, he told me he couldn't loose 4 hours of his time to pick me up because he had planned to prepare the party Thursday night. He is cooking Rigatonni... I don't know if any of you have any idea who to cook Rigatonni, but I think it is one of the simplest thing to do. Tomatoes + Spices sauce... with cheese. Then you cook your pasta and add them in the sauce, put everything in the oven and it is ready not very long after.


    I must also mention that from the first proposition that was to go there for the party, and well... see my sister and my half sister that I have never meet, it changes A LOT. He now wanted me to go at a Saint-Jean Baptiste's show there. (Saint-Jean Baptiste is our National Day in Québec, by the way... so a big event you know! XD) and at a mishoui in a camping... blablabla. Basically, he wants to show me off to his friends.


    But, it has nothing in common with the weekend I had imagined. We have 2 visions of this weekend, and I told him over MSN I wasn't interested to argue with him and that if we can't agree, then we will have to report my visit and that's all. Anyway, I've been refusing all his invitation in the past 4 years, since I moved to my mom's house.


    What did stress me in all this? Well, just talking to him stress me. I'm always anticipating what he will say and I know it always end up in tears and madness. I know people can change, but he just demonstrated me he hadn't change. So now, I'm not really willing to go there. And it will be tough to tell him no thank you, you have been such a pain with me yesterday that now I think I shouldn't come for the best of my health!


    Any further questions?

  5. You know what, you really can't tell you speak French. You write English well, keep it up. :)


    Whoops. Altador Cup Article update coming up soon...


    Thanks Matt =]]

    I think I improved my English a lot in the past year...


    Will check the AC article update soon.


    Go Maraqua! We can get some wins today!!

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