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Posts posted by Xepha

  1. Oh well ok for the capital D... you know it better since you saw it :P


    And for the animation, you will do better next time. I'm not very good myself with ImageReady and it takes me age to make a correct animation.

  2. Oh, when I left my secondary school, I wasn't feeling like you. I was just over happy to leave it forever and to never come back there! And didn't care about not seeing again people from there. I didn't go to the ball thing because I hate such things...


    My last day of college was about the same, I think... and I don't think I'll have any difficulties to leave Uni XD


    And yes, if you miss your old school too much, there is always ways to come back to help them or just do a visit :)

  3. I watch a bit of everything...


    I'm totally addicted to Grey's Anatomy... otherwise, I watch News, a talk show called "Tout le monde en parle", some news parody, teens soaps even if I'm not a teen XD, oh, and I kinda like sc. fiction programs too... So yeah, a bit of everything. But I'm not the kind of person who spend all her time watching TV... I spend more time on the computer chatting!

  4. The "Mikey" animation on your avatar is a bit slow, especially between the Y and M.


    On the siggy, you could have put Darigan with a capital letter XD


    But it is fine and cool like this ;D


    Xepha rates it 8/10

  5. It looks nice :)


    I noticed you changed your set before seeing this topic! :D


    I would rate it 9/10, because the siggy is big, and you could have put an outline to the text or some brushes/texture on the pic.


    Avvie is cutehhhh!

  6. Never wait for prizes to come out, or you will just get mad at TNT for being slow.


    And I don't think the plot is really over, but we will only know after Altador Cup.

  7. I never took a break from education... but I gave up on my job last year because it was too hard to manage University-Work-Life. And I'm getting way better marks since I don't work at the same time of studying.


    So anyway, if you need a break, just take one. It will help you to see clear and to relax... Just meet whoever is responsable of you and explain him or her why you think it would be better for your health to take a break and how did this idea came up to your mind. Be serious and rational.


    And there is one thing I can tell you for you, even if it is a very hard decision to take, you won't regret your final decision... XD

  8. Personally, I don't like the map. It is very random and lower your pet defense...


    If you collect avatar, you can add one to your collection (and an other one if you get the petpet lab)...


    But I still belive the map is a big waste of nps XD

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