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Posts posted by Xepha

  1. Not only mean...

    she is also evil!


    She is too lazy to learn how to make stuff or to write her own text, so she takes it easy and steal on people. I'm not the first one she steals...

  2. Okay... I'm posting this into the neopets anything and everything because it all started on neopets and it's very NR after all.


    this is a long story, but months ago (like in February or something), a girl requested me a layout for her future guild webbie. I said yes to her because she is the cousin of a one of my guild member that is nice. So I did the layout, coded it for her and gave her a link where to grab it.


    About 3 weeks ago, I discover with her cousin that she had stolen my webbie texts and some graphics... she also copied our outsite neopets board topics and descriptions. She had joined my guild for a short time but was inactive. My first reaction was to ban her from my guild. She mailed me and asked me why. I explained her. She started to be really mean, so I blocked her from sending me neomails and I reported her to neopets and I also reported her to freewebs also.


    She stayed quiet for a while... and life was going on. I put her on my guild wall of shame (that is guarded by the giant meepit)


    Yesterday, she asked her cousin to tell me that she has stolen more from my sites and that she put it on 20 differents accounts so nobody can stop her, so hahaha (like she said). Also, she said that we are the bad guy and that we stole from her (but I have all my psd files as proofs)


    Fine, I decided not to care anymore and to act over friendly with her and to love her. I chatted with her on msn today, and she was really evil and offered me 800k to get her cousin frozen on neopets. She also said she had stole his password book and that it was now under the kitchen sink. My friend went to see, and it was there with a note from her saying she knows all his password.


    So now, the questions are, even if I think that girl lies like she breathes, is there something to do beside reporting her, ignoring her or being nuts with her?

    Do you think she will get tired of that game if I stop fighting?

    What would you do if you were in similar situation?

  3. It could make a cool animated avatar too...

    With a color rotation, and then "Jubjub Fan"


    lol :)


    Cute anyway :D

    I don't use tiles backgrounds, so I wouldn't use it, but I'm sure it would look great in a gallery devoted to the species!

  4. I'm 20... going on 21 this summer :P

    But, I'm 2 years old on my heart... that was the best age of all time. You don't understand anything and you are just happy and innocent.

  5. My exams are done since mid-april, ahaha :P


    And I know my results too






    okay... just need to know one more result, and I'll be set.

    But I'm really happy with those and proud :P

  6. I think it was a good idea to submit it to the editorial... so I'll look forward the next edition and see if they answer it :) I really hope they do :D (and that they say you can use it when you are loggout! That would be truly awesome)

  7. That topic just reminds me that one day, I was in store with my sister and my dad. My sis and me were bored, so we decided to guess what the computer pw was...


    and it was, loveyou


    really funny XD


    Anyway, all password would be complex with number and letters... and random, if possible. If it's hard for you to remember it, then it's a good password!

  8. Beside the fact I had to recode my guild and my lookup (actually, I made new one because it was faster...), I think version 2 is better than version one. The sidebar are really nice on the new version and I like the game room better... and the quick links are fantastik. Less clicks make my hand happy!


    The hardest thing to assimilate was the search... at the bottom of the page. Took me a few days to develop the reflex XD

  9. I just wanted to let you know that I opened a coding topic where we can discuss about the new way to code lookups / guild layout. Some people have already figured how to perfectly code them on V.2... and I've post 2-3 codes that could help you to start.


    If you have other codes you would like to share with me, please visit this topic.


    I'll try to figure out more tomorrow... I'm way too tired tonight to continue.

  10. I thought it would be helpful to have a topic about the new way to code lookups and guild layouts...


    I'm still trying to all figure it out, but so far I know how to get ride of all side bars...


    #header {display: none;}
    #footer {display: none;}
    .sidebar {display: none;}
    .contentHeader {display: none;}
    .content {display: block;}


    And how to but a transparent background to the table (which contains council, links, poll and admin in guild)

    table, td {background: transparent;}


    You can also replace the transparent with any color of your choice

    table, td {background: #000000;}


    Now, my eyes are burning, so I think I'll go sleep...

    Happy coding! I'm sure all webmasters are happy to know they will have to recode all their neolayouts... :crying:

  11. Okay...

    I have a question regarding neopets TOS.


    Rule number 5 states clearly that we can't post or send through the site (neopets) any links containing or relating to promotion offering prizes of any sort.


    What I understand from this rule means that an external site can't have contests or giveaway. But some well known unofficial neopets fansite have giveaway or are offering prizes sometimes. Is that a freezable offense according to the TOS or not? And why?


    Also, if I want to run activities in my guild, explain them on a external website and don't give ITEMS or NPs as a prize, but something more honorific (awards, subcouncil spot during a week, the chance to participate into special auctions or similar things), would I be transgressing the TOS or not? Why?

  12. Wow! Plot prizes are out! ;D


    Got the paint brush (Might repaint my usul ghost... it was a color I wanted for her, long time ago... before finding a brown pb), all the books, and still have 8005 pts... not sure if I should buy more books or an other PB.

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