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Posts posted by Xepha

  1. I saw that news on an other site just tonight (that has nothing to do with neopets or harry potter) and I was thinking... oh, this new park could bring me back to Florida. I already visited MGM studies twice, Magic Kingdom, Island of adventure, Universal studios... And it was a blast all time :P


    But like it was already said, the park will just be a market and it purpose will be to make money. Also, I doubt that they can really recreate the Harry Potter universe...


    But still, if somebody was praying me to go in Florida, I would say : "Alright, but we must stop by the Harry Potter park because I didn't visit it XD"

  2. Great, another Maraqua supporter! :D We'll do better than last year. :)



    Actually, we can't really do worst :P So yes, we will do better for sure :P


    And graphics to show which team we support sounds like a good idea... I have a new avvie to make for my guild webbie. :P Just made some for Maraqua team, but they changed a player... so I have to edit one.

  3. Oh, a topic about our Internet history... interesting. By the way, I remember Paltalk, but I wasn't fantatic of that prog XD.


    Where should I start...



    Age 12 (9 years ago) : Yes, internet was existing... and we were in the first person in my city to have it at home, lol. Anyway, I was mainly a sites reader. I started to send email to a webmaster called FoVeUrbAiN, Yes, I even remember the name. MY very first internet friend! We sent each other a couples of email, then I created an ICQ account and started chatting with him. It was nice... At the same time, I got more email friends and I was sending huge email that were more similar to letter than to email actually.


    Age 13 (8 years ago) : We could say it was basically the same thing then when I was 13. I got more ICQ friends from differents webbies and I was also chatting on The Palace. A 2D chat where you could wear props.


    Age 14 (7 years ago) : wasn't too much on Internet during that year. I tried to join the staff of a site without knowing anything about HTML. They laughted at me.


    Age 15 (6 years ago) : I created my first site, based on Card Captor Sakura. The site is still running, but in French :P It wasn't a masterpiece at first, but I made a lot of friends because of that site. I was also chatting on some cardcaptors forums and opened one myself. I was still on ICQ and I created my hotmail adress around that time. I still use it :P My nickname was LaRévolT (prononced La Révoltée, in French offcourse)


    Age 16 (5 years ago) : Still running my site... plus my friend Alex showed me a 3D online chat called Pinguin Island. That chat was fantastik, really. You could create 3 avatars and explore 3 full land. At a certain point, we were about 200 users online. It is actually open only to a very few people, only on invite... I started to chat on msn during that year. I created my neopets account, and I still use that account :P Fekya is my first pet *hugs her* I created a blog also, and it was full of very depressed and annoyed posts about my crappy life.


    Age 17 (4 years ago) : I kinda disappeared of the net. Didn't have it at home, so I was checking for my email at school and updating my blog from the school too, which was annoying. I left neopets during that period because I couldn't come online. I also left all chatting program XD


    Age 18 (3 years ago) : Got back internet around Christmas. It was really hard to set up my connection. I got back on msn, continued my sakura site, closed my blog because I had nothing to say. I came back on neopets and I joined a guild for the first time. My English started to improve faster.


    Age 19 (2 years ago) : Pretty much the same as when I was 18. I started to work on a RPG project. I was in the scenario team. We never manage to produce the game, but it was fun...


    Age 20 (1 year ago) : Created my own guild on neopets. Started to take part in plot. Discovered TDN and promised myself to visit it every time I need to know something about neopets. It's just the best site around :P. I joined TDN forums but didn't really have time to get involved. Join the staff of an anime graphic site, amai-yume.


    NOW : Nothing much changed... except that now, I spend most of my time online chatting in English instead of French. Oh, and I'm more active on TDN forums too. :)


    The conclusion : we you are on Internet, you never know what will happen to you. The network you will create will determinate your future more than what you think. I wouldn't be here without my cardcaptor site, and I wouldn't have wanted to create site if I didn't started to chat with webmasters!

  4. I stinked last year. I won about 5 out of 20 games last year. How good did you do?


    My stats for last year :

    Round 1 (playing for maraqua ) 6 wins | 0 losses | 0 ties

    Round 2 (playing for haunted woods) 11 wins | 0 losses | 0 ties

    Round 3 (playing for haunted woods) 6 wins | 0 losses | 0 ties

    Round 4 (playing for haunted woods) 13 wins | 0 losses | 0 ties


    Total : 36 wins | 0 losses | 0 ties


    and I had 3 wins during practice rounds XD


    But I'll do much better this year, and I'm a good scorer.

  5. Here is the conclusion to the story...


    My friend asked me : "Did you ask her to stop stealing from you"

    I answered : "No, I don't think she would listen to me"


    Then, he explained me that he tried that with her, and it worked... so I tried.


    She asked me to explain her how I feel and to give her reasons why she should stop stealing. So I did. Then she said she was sorry and I forgave her...


    *Happy Ending*


    I know, I was probably too kind with her, but I hate fights.

  6. Hum, I guess I had version 1, lol.


    I had 2... one cat (I love it!) and one hum... dinosaur!

    But the cat was my fav!


    Anyway, 2 weeks ago, my friend told me she bought new tamagotchis in a dollar store XD I might get one as well because they are fun.

  7. Well, aren't we all responsable of the social diseases anyway?


    Fast food pubs are everywhere. You take the bus, you see a burger... you take your car, you see a burger and you pass near the restaurant too and smell it. You stay at home and turn on tv... guess what you see? An other burger... since publicity has taken control over the net, it's normal to see it here too... so just ignore it or block adds XD. And get a burger now!

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