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Posts posted by Xepha

  1. Me doesn't like the randomness... I only use it for my guild adoption agency, and it takes ages to get a good change that people are interested in...


    I had grundo changed into quiggle... or other specie changed in skeith or grarrl... how sexy? Actually, I kept the grarrl because he turned darigan, and they are the only cool looking grarrl XD

  2. It looks really odd... I installed it on a side account of mine.

    Not compatible with Firefox, I think, unless you add px after all your numbers.


    Do you want the christmas background under everything, or a color background. I'm confuse...

  3. Oh, I will just buy a interzone pass... won't cost me more than when I go to university.


    And I used to travel more to go in university before I moved.


    I'll have to check if it would be faster to take the train, but I doubt it would be, since it goes slower than the metro XD.


    And I don't have my driving licences yet, because I don't want to have them.

    *is afraid to drive*

  4. Well, for the summer it is full time


    And I start at 8am @_@

    Got about 60-75min of transport to do (bus, metro, metro, bus, walk)


    Will be hard to turn me on a early morning schedule, after 2 months of going to bed at 1-2AM XD


    But I'm still happy, because it means money in my pockets!


    So to stick to the topic... YAYAYAYAYAYAY! :P

  5. Yep, Maraqua is doing good. We could be better, but there is still a quite a few matches to play.


    Me and my friend found that Darigan team (on the field) looks like grape. But I guess it is better than beeing called fried fishes lol.

  6. hum... I often use the shadow or light properties... otherwise, just play with your program properties until you get something nice. And as Sammy said, you can google for tutorials on the net. I like Aethereality or DayDreamGraphics, then I browse their links and affies to find more site XD


    And yes, the cursive font looks better XD

  7. Yes, it is true :)


    Well, the human ressources agency is doing a very good job actually. It is so much simple than applying on random things or to go hunt for jobs.


    I'm so happy not to end in a clothing store or a restaurant! (not that I have something against people who work there, but it is not made for me)

  8. It is just temporary, for the summer.


    So from June 27th to mid August. Then, the agency can find me a part time job because anyway, I get back to university after labour day and I'll be searching for a field for my field class XD!

  9. Hum...

    I know how to make the lookup center, but I don't know how you could make "the content modules are aligned in the center and all the same width". (Surely, it is with css...)


    What did you try so far? Coding lookup can be a pain, and I know it because I code about 20 lookups compatables with version 2.

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