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Posts posted by Xepha

  1. Yep... no talk about the latest book, so no spoilers. But talking about collection isn't banned XD

    But anyway... the board seems rather quiet lately... seems like I'm not missing much.


    3 weeks of work left, including this week! Woot!

  2. Speaking of collection...


    All the books from the Serie I have are like in different format and such. (not to mention that I have book 5 and 7 in English in addition of French. I lent my english copy of number 6 and it never came back to me! Last time I lend a book in my LIFE! They are too worthable to me!)


    French :

    I have the 3 first edited by folio junior, 4-5-6 by Gallimard (I guess number 7 will be by this editor too). My collection would sell for nothing. But it is priceless for me like I said, sorta XD

  3. My friend had a very good idea...

    TNT could do a celebrity Altador Cup XD


    He wrote an article about it, so I can't tell you much for now but it will be in my guild newspaper ;P


    Otherwise, I'm happy we are getting 11 months of break from Altador Cup, and I don't really wish to think about the changes they might to do it.

  4. A Mario Pub! I would certainly go! XD


    I can play lottery, and I do sometimes (my mom keeps telling me : "Go buy a 6/49 ticket or Super 7 ticket/ when lots are high, lol). So... if I ever win, I'd like to travel & learn mainly. I'd give money to my mom too, maybe to my sister if she is kind with me, ahahah.


    I would also support green mouvements to help saving Earth. It is terrible what humans did to our planet.


    I think that's about it. Would need to think about what I would like to do with the rest of my lot, lol.

  5. A penguin! That's awesome Ellie :D


    I saw some on tv today... during live earth! Just before I left to take a walk with my mom. I was like "OHHHH PENGUINNSSSS SO CUTE!! I WANT ONE AT HOME!"

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