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Posts posted by Xepha

  1. This is all great.


    Congrats Shrinkme for your gallery spotlight :)



    Edit : It's possible to disable/enable rating on your pets... which I think is great. (You can do it right under the 5 stars on the pet lookup where you would click to rate your pet.) So if you don't want your pet to be rated, just turn it off.

  2. Welcome to TDN Danni!


    I had the chance to talk you on the shoutbox yesterday... a little bit!


    About the site : it's THE best ressource for everything neopets related. Guides, Articles, Tips and much more. So when you have a question, just look up there and I'm sure you will find the answer you need.


    About the forum : it's a place to hang out and discuss differents topics. A great place to meet people who are sharing the same interests as you (or at least, an interest for Neopets) and to make some friends.


    And I think it's pretty much all about it.


    Don't eat too many cookies :P (And read the rules too)

  3. I watched a few episodes of CSI.

    I think it's good... I just don't have a lot of time to put into TV watching.


    No idea which seasons was on when I started watching it. It's been at least 3 years, if not 4... Maybe I'll watch more this year. It depends of my homework and such.

  4. Let's say that life decided that I coundn't procrastinate what I had to do anymore...

    so I forgot a book at home today, and I had to came back grab it and turn it back to the library, so I decided to do the other things I had to do on the campus today instead of postponing them again.


    As for the rest... I try to stay up to date in my work... but I can also be very good to procrastinate the things I don't like to do (like appplying on jobs, calling people...)

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