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Posts posted by Xepha

  1. Oh Hershey's park...

    I remember taking the Hershey tour. I think I was about 9 years old... Summer holidays with my Parents. One of the last we took all together before they divorced.


    I'm not doing anything for Halloween... already started to eat candies ;p

  2. I don't know...

    I like to doddles in notebooks, all around my writting XD It's something you can't do on computer. Plus it looks more personnal... Only my thoughts about it.


    Anyway, I've stopped writting as I said.

  3. Levy, I think you are right... everybody can write. And being away of the computer and in contact with the world help. I remember spending my math classes writting in the back of the class, lol. I stopped writting when my childhood friend stopped giving me feedback because she was too busy to spend time with me.

  4. Groups!

    I like groups... *nods* My future job will imply working with groups ;)

    Oh and hum... I'm usually quiet in groups, only talk when I've something important to say or if I see that things are going crazy I'm the one who will yell to shut up XD

  5. oh... there's a Saint Véronique... so yes it's religious...

    Never heard of Véronique's veil? That's only a legend... of course.


    Games... do I look like one of those person who have time to play GAMES? Really... I'm not! XD I'm into graphics, webdesign and all those cool things XD Mac doesn't take space... and it's easy to use! (Windows is also easy to use, but in a different way)


    The debate could go on forever... I think we bring it backs every 10 or 20 pages <.<

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