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Posts posted by Xepha

  1. Well, check on Rozanira... if it satisfy you like that. I unbugged most of it, like I said.


    The major error, you had height:0px put in all your div, so they weren't showing.


    Okay, I'll give you what I have. The picture is different from last time I checked it o.o. If you need more help, PM me.



    body, font, td, p, i, a{font:8pt verdana;color:#FFFFFF;}
    #nst, .user, hr, #userneohome{display:none}
    a, a b{font:8pt century gothic;color:#166931;text-decoration:none;}
    a:hover, a:hover b{color:#40E0D0;}
    .contentModuleHeader, .contentModuleHeaderAlt{border:0px solid black; background:url('http://www.blessthefaerie.com/Images/Divider.gif'); color:
    .contentModuleTable, .contentModule, .contentModuleContent {border:none;}
    #content{width:800px;background-color: none;}
    #usershop img{display:none;}
    #footer, #header, #contentcontent, .sf, hr{display:none;}
    #usertrophies td{padding:0px;}
    .trophy_cell td{padding:0px;}
    <div id="pic"><img src="//images.weserv.nl/?url=http://www.blessthefaerie.com/Images/Jhudora_Layout.jpg" width="780" height="500"></div>
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  2. I like...

    *looks in iTunes*


    The Killers, 3 Doors Down, The Fray, Snow Patrol, Green Day, System of a Down, U2... And many other bands :P I buy music from many differents artists in iTunes and it would be long to list them all :P



    I also listen to music from Quebec... that you wouldn't know even if I named them.

  3. *wants to talk about snow*



    When I was a kid, we were always playing in the snow. Making tunnels, forts, etc. That was really fun =P



    I can remember a few good snowstorm. Like when it snows more than 1 meter in just a few hour. I like snow... and I hate freezing rain!!!

  4. French and snow... 2 good things about Quebec.

    But seriously, we have to learn both languages here. Our accent is pretty wrong... but still. Support in both language is always offered. Websites are written in French and English. People in stores speak both languages, etc. Montréal is also very cosmopolitan.


    It was snowing last thursday morning ;D (It didn't stay... was melting right away!)

  5. Living in an apartment... I'm caching signal from people living all around me (very low), but they are all secure, and so is our wireless network too.


    As if it's legal to steal a signal, I don't think it is... and even if it's legal, I don't think it's moraly acceptable.

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