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Posts posted by Xepha

  1. Some general advices :


    Species weapons aren't good. (You will overpay for them, and could get something better and nicer that isn't limited for your specie)


    Training is as much important as equipment. Increasing your stats will increase the damage you will do, so it's a good idea to invest into training.


    As for the perfect weapons set, it's hard to say... everybody has preferences.

  2. Not.doing.anything.at.all.for.Halloween.


    The good thing is... we decided to stay at home and do nothing. =)

    I've an exam on thursday, so I should be studying for it. And yes, I'm too old for trick or treating. And yes they are organizing a party in my program, but I'm not going to go. <.<

  3. Ewww! I can't STAND guacamole! I usually just get steak burrito, black means, extra rice, cheese, sour cream and the red tomatillo (hot) sauce.



    Good, I can't stand guacamole either XD



    @Levy : nice Halloween graphic ^^!

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