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Posts posted by Xepha

  1. Yay, I come in number two on Cameron's list :)


    5- I also have an obsession with iMac and iPod... ;P and many other obessions... I don't think you want to know about them all XD


    6- Lists rock!!! Lists of lists are rocking even more! (Don't ask why XD)


    7- So far, I think you are really AMAZING and hum... I love that newbie topic because it's full of lists :P

  2. Homework...

    I've 2 researches to start and an exam to do...


    Wondering who will be calling the rest of team mates first? (We have until Friday to turn in the first part of our work and we have done nothing XD)



    Dare accepted.


    I dare the next person to put in their siggy for the next 7 days : "Apple macs are rocking my life"


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