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Posts posted by Xepha

  1. Oups, I didn't edit the neohome thing...


    let me 5min to fix it ;p



    EDIT : Fixed >>>


    #userneopets img {height: 110px; width: 110px;}
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    <div id="menu"></i> 
    <p><a href="/myaccount.phtml">My Account</a> <a href="/petcentral.phtml">Pet 
    Central</a> <a href="/explore.phtml">Explore Neopia</a> <a href="/games/arcade.phtml">Games 
    Room</a> <a href="/neomessages.phtml">Neomail</a> <a href="/objects.phtml">Neopia 
    Central</a> <a href="/neoboards/index.phtml">Neoboard Index</a> <a href="/nf.phtml">Neopets 
    News</a> <a href="/video/index.phtml">Video</a> <a href="http://www.neopets.com/randomfriend.phtml?user=angelxepha">By 
    <div id="mytextbox" align="left"></i>
    <h4>About me</h4>



    Luna, next one is a lookup for Michael, until I get a PM back from the other lookup request. Then your siggy, then Strategos request.

  2. Aang's lookup code :



    #userneopets img {height: 110px; width: 110px;}
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    <div id="menu"></i> 
    <p><a href="/myaccount.phtml">My Account</a> <a href="/petcentral.phtml">Pet 
    Central</a> <a href="/explore.phtml">Explore Neopia</a> <a href="/games/arcade.phtml">Games 
    Room</a> <a href="/neomessages.phtml">Neomail</a> <a href="/objects.phtml">Neopia 
    Central</a> <a href="/neoboards/index.phtml">Neoboard Index</a> <a href="/nf.phtml">Neopets 
    News</a> <a href="/video/index.phtml">Video</a> <a href="http://www.neopets.com/randomfriend.phtml?user=angelxepha">By 
    <div id="mytextbox" align="left"></i>
    <h4>About me</h4>


    I did improve my coding, again ;D

    I hope you will enjoy it.

  3. Hello Jester and welcome to our... well, some people say it's a forum, but I think it's more like an asylum (You will understand soon, when you will start asking yourself if you are just as crazy as us).


    Anyway, have fun with us ; follow the rules and don't accept cookies or food from anybody!

  4. A very happy Halloween from all of us here at TDN! :D




    You can currently find Ghosty Trick or Treat Bags - which are free and contain prizes - at the following locations:

    If you don't get anything from these places yet, try to visit them later today to get your halloween bags.


    Update: It appears that users who collected bags last year, can only collect bags this year after the time they got them last year. It must but over 365 days to the hour from the time you collected them last year. If you can't remember, like myself, just keep trying at random later times.





    You can play deadly dice at any time during this spooky day, to attempt to get the avatar. To receive the avatar you must tie Count Von Roo for the first roll, then successfully defeat him upon the second (thus earning two levels). This avatar can also be lost in the same way, if you lose to Count Von Roo instead. Your Neopet must be Level 3+.

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