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Posts posted by Xepha

  1. I feel the same, Metroid.


    It's still fun to call us like that between each other, to joke... but I find the whole creation of groups on the forum a bit, well, childish. It doesn't bring anything good, except rivality.

  2. Caption Contest Voting


    You can now vote on the December Caption Contest, here. We have 19 finalists who have some amazingly funny captions. Who will in the 20,000 NP's...it will depend on your votes. So, VOTE NOW.


    Avatar Lending Program


    The ALP has had a wonderful addition to their collection of items, the Bony Grarrl Club. So, check out the Avatar Lending Program for full details on how you can be lent the BGC and more!


    Advent Calendar


    Also, don't forget to collect your Advent Calendar prizes this month; TDN is covering the event in great detail.


    - New Petpet Colors -




    Green Mirgle | Orange Sludgy | Red Pikis | Yellow Horus

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