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Posts posted by Xepha

  1. Awwww! Maybe you don't place the grill at the right place in your oven... it has to be at the very top of it! And stay close of your oven and watch them. (Yeah, I'm a cookies master!)


    I tasted strawberries cream oreo today. It was good XD

  2. Afterall... we wouldn't all have met if it wasn't of TDN and its awesome staff that is working to make it spiffier everyday :P So yep, I agree with you Smumpkins, they deserve credit and loveeee <3


    Dillon... I'll try to find a comments site tomorrow.

  3. I might try to draw the battery for your avvie... just to see what it would looks like XD

    I've got freetime tomorrow, so I'll give it a try for sure.



    EDIT : This is the best I can do regarding your request...





  4. Because I didn't know it would be that hard.


    We are supposed to find who is the bandit amoung a list of people... but we don't know what is the bandit doing. So it's quite like... pick a name in a hat and guess it's the bandit XD

  5. The Bandit is a game that is impossible to play...


    But okay Ellie, I shall check the topic tomorrow ; hopefuly I'll be online when you open the guessing. I've some familly things tomorrow. (Not like I feel going there... *sigh*)

  6. Hum, that's not in my plan to read it all... Even if I'm bored most of the time XD


    I just translated a old attempt to start a novel (French to English). I'm sure my translation isn't very good. It's hard to keep my style in English. And I checked like 10 words in the dictionnary! argg

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