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Captain Awesome Pants

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Status Updates posted by Captain Awesome Pants

  1. You wouldn't have fit in mine anyway. I eat too much. :P That's why my all-you-can-eat-that's-already-been-eaten-buffet is so popular! There's always so much variety!

  2. Those are a little hard to ... deliver.

  3. Don't forget the all-you-can-eat-that's-already-been-eaten- buffet!

  4. It's got all that, plus a constant all you can eat buffet, and a swimming pool. :P

  5. Do not fear, for my stomach has GREAT living conditions.

  6. Perhaps... >.<

    Or perhaps not. The world may never know.

  7. Pretty high up on my leg too. :P

  8. Oh really? That's interesting, I've never met someone like me. I do, however, know someone who has a dent in his head, but he wasn't born with it, unlike mine. how about you? Were you born with yours?

  9. Oh my, that may be a bit extreme. UI doubt he knows of teh danger he is in as it is. Oops, shouldn't have said that. >.>

  10. They are good. But I prefer glazed, of the filled ones.

  11. Sugary sugar. XD Ahhh that's good.

  12. Bwahah! The triumph of sugar! I told gramps he would see the day when sugar and junk food would triumph over veggies.

  13. I fear Morgan is right. We found out on our own. *nods* Well, I did. FM #9 on the other hand... I think she might have eavesdropped.... *looks around suspiciously*

  14. Well, we're going to be waiting a while. See it's a paradox. You need a microwave from the future to time travel, but you can't get the microwave WITHOUT timetravel.

    ....Unless you happen to have said microwave with you.

  15. Hello dearie, how is the pepper army going?

  16. That's what happens when you eat your veggies *nods*

  17. So I CAN'T mention anything about rabbits and cakes and little magical bottles that say 'drink me'?

    Darn. *puts away rabbit, cake, and bottle* You didn't see that. >.>

  18. *power

    I meant power. Cheese is not a poser. :/

  19. Plus, it's too late, dear. I fear he has already recieved his mini-lecture thing. (for lack of a better word) Unless.... you know of a way to use a cereal box, a microwave, a meepit, and the poser of cheese to go back in time.

    ...Do you? o.O

  20. Bu-but he KILLED you! Now I have no one to discuss ramen noodles with. Whether or not you like them.

  21. Oh my! *sees that Ian has killed you* I shall avenge you! *goes to put stern little lecture on Ian's page*

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