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Captain Awesome Pants

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Status Updates posted by Captain Awesome Pants

  1. Umm, the one's you might know are Ouran High School Host Club, Vampire Doll.... oh god what's that other one. Dang I forgot.

  2. Surprising enough, my dad has actually tried to read some of my mangas. I'm glad I had chosen a relatively innocent one that night.

  3. Yep. Things you shouldn't read are always the best kind of reading.

  4. Wat choo doing?

    I'm reading things I really shouldn't....

  5. She assumes everything I do is rude, just because I had issues with being nice when I was very little. So then get in trouble for being interested in what my brother is saying and what not.

  6. Well, I finally figured out it's my mom that ruins my nice-ness. I can be nice, but she totally ruins it. And the stupid ceiling/floor won't stop squeaking.

  7. Umm... Well.... I can't exactly say here. But it was censored on dA, so....

  8. Augh now I'm all sad. I would show you this one picture of them... but it's.... suggestive?


  9. It did. But it was cuz I had eaten two peaches in a relatively short amouont of time. too much peach for too little time.

  10. That's fine. Cuz Tom's mine. :D

  11. It's suh cute. I love that one. When I first saw it I was like, "BILL ISH CUPPYCAKE? NOWAI!"

    BUt it's sickening how fascinated he is with the interviewer. Stupid interviewer.

  12. *sniffle* Why couldn't he ruin a headboard for ME?

  13. Those are maple style sprites from teh game Maplestory and there's this program calle dBannedstroy that allows you to create your own little custom maple sprites using maple images.

  14. I feel so bad for that headboard and the pillows.....

  15. I loved the part after the wedding. I was laughing hysterically when she said the feathers were dried into her hair. And when she was like, "Dang that was my favorite pair." Oh, and poor headboard.

  16. Humm... if that link doesn't work, tell me.

  17. But she had Nessie.... D:

  18. WOOT! But if you ask me, Meyer could've made the ending just a little more..... *ahem* interesting ;D

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