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Captain Awesome Pants

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Status Updates posted by Captain Awesome Pants

  1. *awkward silence*

    You wants a cookie? :O

  2. What's up with you, cranky old man?

  3. AH AH AH! You like TH too? WHEE. :3

  4. Duwaahhh... it's not like I'm going to remember that. XD

  5. ...have fun with that. I'll be at your funeral.

  6. Vanilla Beans (wif real bean specks :DD)

    I only has a little left though....

  7. Yeah, Chain of Memories, that's what I was thinking of. Thanks. :D

  8. Oh, shut up.

    Ice crem happens to be ice cream's evil cousin twice removed.

  9. Is that what happens when you grab people's necks? =X

  10. I'm sorry. :[

    Do you understand it all now?

  11. Ya know, you rarely find sadistic people who go on forums. xD

    Us masochists are everywhere though. It's insane.

  12. Ah. I see.

    You and I are like opposites. I prefer to torture myself, and you like torture on others. xD

  13. Which do you like more: physical or emotional torture?

  14. I need to ask... what about torture is it that makes it so appealing to you?

  15. Since my one real life KH-obsessed friend is at her dad's and doesn't pick up her phone, could you tell me what the second game is called?

  16. Did I ever tell you that I met Eoin Colfer?

    ....twice. :]

  17. Most people just look at me like I'm weird. :P

    And of course, lucky me, we're watching my neighbor's goldfish while they're away. :/

  18. I can be sweet... sometimes.

    And people thought otherwise. Pshaw, silly old fools.

  19. I'd still love you though.... just I'd never come near you again.

  20. It's their eyes.


  21. *blinks* Weren't you? Hmmm...

    When I poked you, you didn't move.

  22. You should take a screenshot when you reach 9001 posts. xD

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