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Captain Awesome Pants

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Status Updates posted by Captain Awesome Pants

  1. Phew, okay. I was concerned that the great and powerful Cheese Overlord and Underlord, All great and Mighty Wielder of the Cheese had gone cuckoo and decided to unban oranges. That'd be a horrible tragedy, after what the oranges did during the Great War Which Proved To Bring About the Greatness of Cheese Over Oranges.

  2. FCOE? Is that that the Flying Cheese Orange Express? I thought Cheese World had banned all of those! :O

  3. So that sock... is it coming by the FCWE? Or is it hijacking a plane and then a boat and then hitch-hiking with two cats, a pair of scissors and a fellow sock to get to me? :O

  4. She tasted pretty good. Like toes.

  5. Maybe.



    Or maybe I ate her.

  6. Last night, actually.

    I was Kaa-san before (it means mother in japanese) but then I realized that all the people I used to know way back when TDNforums just went under its huge revamp didn't remember me as Kaa-san, so I changed back to Laura.

  7. I'm utterly confused now. XD

    A dog that can type IS pretty epic.

  8. LMAO, a bald doggie. That's win.

    Tell Zorro that I say hi!

  9. You have doggies? D'awww :3

  10. You only had 6. XD I beat you by 10.

  11. Bwahahah, that's great!

    I've had so many name changes. It's crazy.

  12. Lmao.


    Good times... good times.

  13. D'aww, Muffiny Mia. How young and naive I was back then. :B

  14. Addicted? No.

    Ruler of? Yes. >:D

  15. I'm pretty? D'aww shucks.

    Why shank joo. :3

  16. Kuuuu. ; _ ;

    Come back, pwease. Ah miss you.

  17. *kicks*

    NEVER! :O


  18. No, actually. It isn't. It's the Boogie Monster.


  20. So I see you are interested in "Not Dying" How interesting... I am too! Coincidence?

  21. Oh, it's been lovely. Not like I'm soaked or anything., >_<

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