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Captain Awesome Pants

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Status Updates posted by Captain Awesome Pants

  1. Ian! How could you kill Morgan? :O She was the one I discussed ramen noodles with. For shame.

  2. *pokes you*

    Can I have Ian's toes back? They tasted really gooooood.

  3. When did I say you were my master... oh wait. You're not talking to me. :/

    And Ramen noodles are delish. :P

  4. I think I really should also have a talk with Morgan about mind-controlling her Fluffy Minions.... >.>

  5. Why mouthwash?

    Should I have a talk with Morgan about getting things to people on time?

  6. I may have. :O

    I love how us three are having these conversations that are related to each others. XD

  7. I suppose. But why nachos? Should we add jalepenos? What type of cheese? ALL THESE QUESTIONS!

  8. And I also meant to say Morgan. x_x I can't type today.

    Ooh.. and handle. Not handly.

  9. *by

    ...I meant to say by, not b.

  10. What do you mean b, 'Ruto, just Ruto'?

    I prefer calling you Morgna, queen of cheese, thank you very much. :O

    And I suppose I can handly gummy toes in replace of Ian's toes. But I will not EVER replace the newbie's toes for anything!

  11. *drops toes slowly and whimpers*

  12. I hate to tell you.... those were my socks. >.< And I only wash those once a week.

  13. Ummmrhhh - Uhhrr


  14. Hmm... well Ian has some pretty tasty toes then. >.>

  15. I was walking past my fridge, right? And I just decide to open it out of nowhere. CRAZY. And in the cheese drawer.... guess what I found. .......A dead body. :3 It didn't taste much like cheese though. If it did, I would've sent it to you.

  16. Been so long since what? *clueless*

  17. *is evil blue fuzzle'd*

    Huzzah. :D

  18. Postingpostingpostingpostingpostingpostingpostingposting postingposting postingpostingpostingposting postingpostingposting

  19. If they bite me, I'll bite back. :K

    Oh my, I can't wait. :O

  20. I know, it is the sad truth.

    *goes to cry that she can never really pwn everyone, just make them feel like it*

  21. I know!

    But I've already reached the first one. :P Mia/Laura, Master of Muffins.

    Most definitely the most prestigious rank ANYWHERE.

  22. Aww you should, I mean it's not like it's too too far away from you.

  23. So, have you ever gone down to Chicago to see the window displays? Simply gorgeous.

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