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Captain Awesome Pants

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Status Updates posted by Captain Awesome Pants

  1. Crap, I have to go cancel that funeral now.

  2. *is hugged*

    Oh well that's a shame. They're really rather awesome. ;]

  3. You know, you're really pretty. ;]

    I wish I had your lip piercings. But my mom is a butt. D<

  4. RAWR!

    Muahahahaha..... I is dinosaur.

    Ever seen the shirt that says, "All my friends are dead." and has a dino on it?

    AHAHAHA.... ha....aha

    You had to be there. :/

  5. Oh, every so often I feel lucky. XD

    The beginning was TERRIBLE. I will not lie. But then it got to be SOOOOOO much better.

  6. Well then, when I get some free time, and those books, I will read them. :D

  7. And yea, school. Meh, I've been busy to, but I don't care. Suprisingly though, I've had more time than last year, even though I'm now in high school.

  8. OMG my friend has that one. And the other one with all the bright colors. I have the black one with red on it.

  9. Hmm... I need to hire a secretary....

  10. All yours. So now it is your jon to watch Jasper day and night. XD

  11. JASPER CULLEN? I own Cullen Co. It merged recently with Jacob and Co. Co.

    So now it's Twilight Co. Would you like to be hired?


  12. Why have you abandoned me so? Now I have no one to talk with of the splendors of bill's hair. XD

  13. I can be to, but I don't feel like it.


    :P It was a loooooong summer. Can't blame me for not caring.

  15. Because Shakespeare is supposedly the best play-write ever.

  16. I'm pretty sure our cooking class room is taken. By cooking club..

    Fitting enough XD

  17. I think I shall stick to my official coffee mug. It doth come in handy when thy are pouing the coffee.

    Can you tell we're starting Shakespeare?

  18. Hows that offical welcoming hand shake going for you?

  19. NESSIE! Aha, me and my friends call her that now. It just caught on, like with Bella.

  20. The put the anime on a projector screen.

  21. Oh, the beginning is the BESTEST part.

  22. Really? Ours is full of people like me, and we get to eat, watch anime and debate over subtitles. It's hysterical.

  23. Omg.

    What about....

    How do a blonde's brain cells die?


  24. Twilight... WHERE?!?

    Lol. I loved New Moon and the beginning of Breaking Dawn the most.

  25. Ouran IS amazing. And so is Vampire Doll. I just went to the first meeting of the anime club at my high school.

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