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Everything posted by nirv120

  1. This one took me so long to figure out. I didn't understand I had to go watch the race and for legit months I didn't understand why I never won anything. Glad I finally have it so I can stop betting on this boring thing.
  2. I got another dip! Two in two weeks. I haven't had luck like that on this website ever.
  3. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I got a fountain faerie dip through the grey faerie! I don't even know what I'll get but I'm so happy!
  4. I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with makeup at any age. The only thing that worries me about makeup at a young age is what is in there is a lot of toxic ingredients in most mass market makeup products that can have pretty disastrous effects on young children if used often enough, especially young boys. I myself gave up make up almost entirely a few years ago when my grandmother died of cancer and I learned makeup is often full of carcinogen. It has been a huge time and money saver in my day to day life. I think the true answer here is to try and normalize acne and skin problems. We can definitely do it, vitiligo has become celebrated it used to shameful not even twenty years ago. It isn't fair that kids should spend a significant amount of what little money they have access to to pay for makeup products that can put them in harm's way.
  5. I got excited for a minute there
  6. Woohoo! Got a new usuki for my gallery!
  7. Tyrannian was never a color I liked, but this might be my least favorite tyrannian species. At least the outfit is amazing!
  8. Third doses are not a thing yet where I live, but I'm so eager to get one. Every time I got a dose, a significant part of my long covid symptoms went away. I still have some residual pain and letargy and I'd like to see if a third dose could help with that.
  9. The ray is fired at Syquie... ... and he gains 2 movement points!!!! The ray has already been fired... But... nothing happens.
  10. The ray is fired at Syquie... ... and he gains 5 maximum hit points!!!! The ray has already been fired... But... nothing happens.
  11. Pretty sure you can do NC activities on any account.
  12. The ray is fired at Syquie... ... and he gains two levels!!! The ray has already been fired... Whoa... did it actually work?
  13. The ray is fired at Syquie... ... and he gains 4 maximum hit points!!!! The ray has already been fired... But... nothing happens.
  14. Not a huge fan of the outfit, I wish they gave us something that's actually useful in customs, but both of those colours are absolutely beautiful. The spotted one in particular I might add to my neofamily once they open the additional slots.
  15. That's why I follow nsheng's bets religiously. Sometimes he's a little behind, but never so much so that I feel I'm being robbed.
  16. The ray is fired at Syquie... ... and he gains 3 movement points!!!! The ray has already been fired... But... nothing happens.
  17. That's why I don't do scratchcards. They look so glitchy.
  18. The ray is fired at Syquie... ... and he gains 4 maximum hit points!!!! The ray has already been fired... Whoa... did it actually work?
  19. I've won three or four times while I was wishing twice a day, but nothing since school forced me to go back to once a day.
  20. That is one of the cutest pteri colors! I love it so much!
  21. The ray is fired at Syquie... ... and he changes colour to Halloween!! The ray has already been fired... But... nothing happens.
  22. The ray is fired at Syquie... ... and he gains 5 maximum hit points!!!! The ray has already been fired... But... nothing happens.
  23. The ray is fired at Syquie... ... and he changes colour to Starry!! The ray has already been fired... Whoa... did it actually work? Sure looks like it. Your Petpet has been transformed. Imagine that.
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