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Everything posted by TryVegan4TheAnimals

  1. This was my decision and thought process exactly
  2. I'd also be curious to know! I interpret it as sadism (like, someone enjoys annoying people), but I could be wrong.
  3. Yeah, that makes sense. Oof! So not only does he have to win, but then even if he wins, there's only a 25% chance of him getting it. I guess that's going to take a while I'll suggest that he goes with the Vandagyre Flight Suit instead:
  4. My parents recently joined Neopets, and my dad is trying to get a full set of the new Cyberpunk Draik Armour: He started off wishing for the base armor: He finally got his wish granted, but he was awarded the claws, not the armor. The algorithm must be confusing "Cyberpunk Draik Armour" with "Cyberpunk Draik Armoured Claws." It must be possible to specify, though, because I have seen the wishing well award the base armor in the past. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks
  5. https://thedailyneopets.com/dailies works fine for me (Firefox with the latest update on Windows 10). Sorry you're having problems, Angelo. Maybe uninstall and reinstall your browser?
  6. Sorry to hear you're having issues, Bonnie. Everything looks fine on my end (Firefox on Windows 10). Hope it resolves itself soon!
  7. Lo-fi hip hop for that yummy cozy feeling
  8. Agreed. Other than that and the shoes, though, I like the outfit! Hopefully there are more suits for more species in the future.
  9. This is a hilarious theory And a compelling one, too, the more I think about it. I'm sure it's a grueling job, so it's unlikely that the same couple of people have stuck around for that long. But why keep the same pseudonyms? Why not have a different one for each support person? Is it to give the illusion that it's a wonderful place to work and that the same people have stuck around for that long? Just thinking aloud, here. I had one experience with Alice. She was very nice!
  10. So sorry to hear. We're rooting for you, Nat! Hope the support ticket works
  11. You can use the Soup Kitchen! (as long as you don't keep NP on your side)
  12. And I would add a suggestion for posterity: keep a bunch of stuff and Pant Devil Attractors in your inventory while you're refreshing, since there is a small (but scary) chance that a Random Event can take your p3 away!
  13. Ooh, that's exciting! I'm rooting for you, Nat This post has been edited by a member of staff (Duma) because of a violation of the forum rules. Please keep your posts at 7 words or above. Per the reason above, please review our SPAM rules.
  14. That's so cool, Angelo! Draphlys are very photogenic I still haven't gotten any p3s from it, but hopefully one day
  15. This is true, but they're so cute tho
  16. Best of luck with getting a Strale, Nat! I totally agree, we need as many p3s as we can get Yay! I always love meeting vegan Neopians
  17. Hi natvv! I love p3s, too! They're actually one of my favorite aspects of Neopets My understanding is that The Coincidence is the only way to get them. There used to be a random event which gave you one: "Ohhh how cute. It seems [petpet name] has got a [petpetpet name] in its mouth. Have you been feeding it lately?" (Source) But for some reason (I have no idea why), they changed it at some point so that it no longer gives one: "Ohhh, how cute. It seems one of your Petpets has got a Petpetpet in it's mouth. Wait a minute, that's just a leg!" (Source) Although there are some p3s that don't seem to be given from the Coincidence (like Glymes and Strales), so I have no idea how people acquire those. I've posted on the suggestions NeoBoard several times that TNT should add more p3s (maybe a User contest to design them so TNT doesn't have to) and increase the opportunities to acquire them. Hopefully one day it'll happen
  18. This'll be my first time participating in an Altador Cup! Any recommendations for which team I should join?
  19. Cherry-Colored Funk - Cocteau Twins (Genres - Dream Pop/Shoegaze)
  20. I'm rooting for you, Angeló! It's only a matter of time
  21. Not sure if you'd be interested, but just in case you are: I found a way that's super easy! It involves using a portable Firefox browser that has a working Flash player and disabled auto-updates. If you have Windows, all you have to do is download and unzip the folder. It's been working great for me! Hopefully it'll work for you, too
  22. Just had to share my luck today Spiffy shall now be known as Spiffy. How nice. Okay, maybe not that nice. Lets hope you have better luck tomorrow.
  23. Does anyone have a Glyme that they'd be interested in trading/auctioning? I'd love to get one for my Slogmok Thanks! Hope you're having a nice week so far. -Alex
  24. I'm rooting for you, Mayetra! Hope you get it soon
  25. The Order of the Red Erisim wins! Oops
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