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Posts posted by SpideyLuc

  1. On 10/10/2023 at 3:37 AM, Singledwish123 said:

    "I think it's nice to be rewarded for sticking around, and that feels like a normal part of a lot of online games, but hopefully it's not so discouraging that people try to pick Neopets back up but find it AND SOME PARTS OF THE COMMUNITY (not TDN!) gatekeep-y."

    I fear for everyone whose first intro into the community is the /r/neopets discord... They are very strict and even asking questions can get you temporary, or if they are in a bad mood, permanent ban. I appealed my ban after 5 years and I wrote like a NOVEL. They basically responded TL;DR you're still banned bye.

    I hope more people filter into the TDN forums and the TDN discord. That's where I refer everyone to lately because the atmosphere here and on discord is so much friendlier 




  2. 1 hour ago, Yuiina said:
    1. I am on Discord under the name Yuiina
    2. My Neopets main account is yuiina
    3. I can't just send one of my pets so here is a picture with all of my main account's pets 🥰 image.thumb.jpeg.cc9b54cd8493e38ed6b403ccbaabcf47.jpeg


    edit: I love your Illusen gallery!! I finished the Jhudara quests a couple years ago and thought of changing my gallery but I'm too in love with my stupid little battle ducks

  3. 35 minutes ago, Singledwish123 said:

    Hi! This is so nice of you and a very cool giveaway! I'm strawbreathe on Neopets and peachujam on Discord!


    I've been trying to zap my Ogrin robot for years now and maybe this will be the thing! Thank you so much for the chance to participate in the giveaway!


    Screen Shot 2023-10-01 at 11.45.53 PM.png


  4. 3 hours ago, Zafie said:

    Hello. I'm on the Discord and my username on neopets is yosuuke. This is my favorite pet that I own and his name is Kartir. I adopted him from the pound years ago, painted him Royal and transferred him over from a side account to have him on my main. I couldn't be happier with him.

    Thank you sooo much for the cool giveaway and the opportunity to join! ^-^



  5. 5 minutes ago, Kidme said:

    I'm on discord 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway! Please send to kidmerenu if I win 😊 My side is the only account I currently have the lab ray. 


    Here is one of my neopets. I adopted him from the pound as a green quiggle and didn't really intend in keeping him. Zapped him to maraqaun and he's just such a goof that he became a permanent neopet haha He looks like a fried chicken boy. The lipstick adds to the derp.




    the DERPIEST, I love it! Since I have  minute off from work I'm sending you the first fortune cookie, and if by tomorrow at noon 17 people haven't shown up, you and whoever else gets in here can have the remainder ❤️


  6. Been a while since I've been active, but thought I would do a giveaway for all of you!

    I have 17 lab ray fortune cookies to give out, so here are the rules:
    1. Must be a member of the TDN discord (link here:https://discord.com/invite/USYH66Z)
    2. Must reply to this Topic with your NP account name for delivery
    3. Share a photo of your pet in your reply


    I will come back later tonight or tomorrow morning and give them out asap after work.

  7. On 4/11/2020 at 1:36 AM, Duma said:

    The moment you know you did something that's against neo rules you should avoid even mentioning it at all costs. Even if it was years ago. TNT and official fan sites don't like it and might still issue a punishment. I know Discord isn't, and probably never will be, something TNT accepts as a fansite but you should act in the same way though.

    They don't want you to give other ppl ideas (and TDN enforces this rule too). They and/or you might get in trouble because of it and ofc TNT (and most of the players) don't want cheaters on neopets. Talking about scripts you're using is always dangerous. Even if it's just a script that helps you remember to visit a place. On top of that anything that starts with or contains "auto"-something is easily deemed against the rules even if in fact it's just a name and the script is harmless.

    Yeah I definitely learned my neolesson with the mods in the discord. There's a zero tolerance policy in effect. My guild member got banned from everything too:
    i said i had np leftover from games on my alt

    but that was my main for like a year

    because my old acc didnt have a email

    so i wasnt able to recover it

    that's a snippet from our conversation. They banned her for mentioning something, without following up with questions about it and banned her outright without letting her explain. It's just a bit rough is all I'm saying. I'm a mod on a couple reddits and two discord channels and I ALWAYS gave people warnings and pms before doing something drastic. Unless it was something racist/sexist/super offensive.

  8. 57 minutes ago, aleu1986 said:


    While I don`t think the item itself is very nice-looking, I really, really appreciate that they made the effort of letting four-legged pets actually WEAR it, as is the intention. It is a satchel, afterall and is meant to hang over the shoulder. I get that they can`t make items like a book or a glass be held by a four-legged pet and it must instead be placed on the ground, but with this item, it makes perfect sense for all pets to wear it properly. I can see it looking a bit awkward on some, but I honestly think it looks worse when the item is just lying uselessly in front of them, it makes me feel like I shouldn`t even have included it in the customization. :P

    yeah I like it worn over not worn

    Also huge fan of the cute lamps we got. I recently made a sapphire custom for my techo and it fits weirdly well into it



    Ok. It's nothing absolutely crazy. 

    But I have been in the discord since early 2018, and was invited by the creator funny enough. We had talked about some charity thing and we connected over the fact I was doing children hospital visits as Spider-Man and charity events for under privileged kids through the Ronald McDonald Foundation. SO. I'm in the discord at that point.

    Early to mid 2018 I didn't know much about what was allowed in Neopets in the way of userscripts, so I just downloaded all the ones recommended to me by people on the reddit, which is also run by the discord people. Same mods. Moving along, One of the scripts was one to visit the healings springs to heal your pets every 30 minutes. I stopped using the script in August of 2018 but never deleted it off of my greasemonkey. SO I had it installed but wasn't using it, like, it wasn't activated I should say. Greasemonkey is used like a library where you download a script and can turn it on and off. I had been meaning to delete it off my library but there's so much to purge there I figured, I wasn't using it so what's the harm. 

    Fast forward to yesterday. I post a screenshot of me getting caught with a bad word filter for something like, "the only way to open is" and one of my userscripts is to let me know not to post things that could get me in trouble. In this case the word pen was next to is... you can do the math. One of the mods Novey wanted to use that script so he asked for a DL link. I said, I got in trouble for using links in the past so I'll DM you. I dm-ed him and told him to use userscripts at his own discretion. I didn't know he was a mod at this point, I thought he was genuinely trying to learn about Userscripts (I'm dumb), not potentially trying to phish for information. So he asked which userscripts I have installed. I gave him a long list. He seemed very curious about the Healing Springs one  here's a snippet:
    "NoveyYesterday at 2:25 PM
    Ah okay can you list all of them then?
    bboyspidermanYesterday at 2:27 PM
    gameroom fixmeup - autofills the hagan and a couple small tweaks that make dailies a couple minutes faster
    search helper - adds TP, sdb, and sw, ssw links to items on screen so you can easily look them up 
    food club auto better - I link it to my better and it fills in the bet I click bet, it fills in the second bet, I click bet, sort of like the hagan
    bad word checker - for neoboards
    ssw shop price checker - to make sure I'm not posting 100k items for 10k, basically like the search helper, but is shop exclusive
    training timer  - times my training so I can accurately train my pets
    sidebar - adds a sidebar with helpful dailies links and timers for jhudara an illusen
    and the healing springs one
    which I just turned off
    I had a couple more but once I got premium on NP it made them useless
    NoveyYesterday at 2:31 PM
    Alright thank you so much! Do any of these like visit pages for you at all? Sorry, I don't really know much about scripts and such!
    And I'm interested in the healing springs one mainly, do you have a link for that?
    bboyspidermanYesterday at 2:51 PM
    the healing springs one visits the healing springs for you every 30 minutes
    which is not neo-legal but I used it for a half a year without anything happening. but I don't know if I would recommend you use it yourself
    here is the link
    (link removed for TDN guidelines)
    NoveyYesterday at 3:03 PM
    So, unfortunately since we are a fair to play server, and you've knowingly been using auto scripts over the past year, while trading in our server, we have to issue a ban on you. We've done the same for people who use these scripts, because although you didn't get in trouble, you're still risking yours and others accounts by using them and actively trading/selling/buying things on site."

    I had told him:
    " I used it for BD purposes because I like staying healed up
    but 1/20 times she gives an item, so it technically automatically gives me a healing potion or snowball a couple times a day
    so I should have deleted it a while ago
    just got lazy"

    He got the impression that I was still actively using it, when I meant that I had been using it like, in my library and giving the link to people who were interested. The script literally has no great impact on the game. Any and all items I got from it are STILL in my sdb, because they are virtually worthless. I never benefitted in NP from it nor did I use it to my advantage in #trading. Using the script maybe got me a random healing potion a day. which is like OK at best. The important thing was that it kept my pet healed for BD-nig, which is my big passion in the game.

    So though I stopped using the script in mid 2018, since that coincided with the start date I was in the discord (I assume since he didn't give me much warning when he booted me) I was banned from the discord and then 5 minutes later I was banned from the Reddit, since my username was on it.

    TL;DR I messed up talking to a mod casually about using scripts and miscommunicated how I use them which got me banned. 

    It was my fault for not specifying that when I say use I meant "had installed". English is my second language so there's a lot of intricacies I still mess up. I grew up in Heidelberg, Germany and though we tend to learn English better than most people, I learned it in both Europe and America since I ended grade school in California. You can imagine the confusion. Not trying to say I wasn't in the wrong, but I am saying that he should have talked to me before straight up banning me from literally everything he had the power to.

    The biggest miscommunication was that I said, "and the healing springs one
    which I just turned off" which he thought meant "I just stopped using it", instead of me meaning I just got rid of it off Greasemonkey. Un-installed it.


    I know some people get unbanned after a year or two and appealing the decision to the mods. I just sent in my appeal and hope they'll listen to me. But I've heard varying things about their change of heart to banned people. In an effort to stay in the community I've been using the neoboards and want to come back to TDN again. The discord is just INSTANT and everyone there was so friendly it's really rough to not have access to it anymore.


    I just joined the TDN discord, but it was 1/20th the amount of people, still, I need some access to instant messaging hahaha

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