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    lojoco49 reacted to BrassOtter in Avatars: What have you got?   
    I bought a Blue Evil Fuzzle three months ago and have been trying to get it to scare one of my pets ever since. Today, it finally scared my newly morphed krawk! Speaking of which, I also recently got both the Magical Kauvara and Ghost Krawk avatars by using a Pirate Krawk Morphing Potion on my gnorbu!
    Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'Evil Fuzzle - BOO!' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!  
  2. Like
    lojoco49 reacted to kayahtik in Avatars: What have you got?   
    Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'Neopian Lottery' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!
  3. Like
    lojoco49 got a reaction from Balletlatte in Avatars: What have you got?   
    Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'NeoQuest - Wise and Powerful' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!  
    Just have to say I'm so glad I did NQII first. 
  4. Like
    lojoco49 reacted to Scoobert_Doo in Daily Dare 2018 Has Begun!   
    TDN Daily Dare Tip: Don't forget, if you wish, to add a "Daily Dare" counter to your TDN signature! They have several, great designs, to choose from. You must have a "myTDN" account to choose and use the counters, but it is easy to create.
    And, I found this "unconfirmed" list of this year's Daily Dare games, on the "Site Events" Neoboard. Using the "Spoiler" tag, just in case someone wants to be surprised of the games on their respective day:
    If you don't like surprises, take a look, as there are some games you may want to practice for...
  5. Haha
    lojoco49 got a reaction from Duma in Last to post wins!   
    No worries, I AM rather loco so it's quite fitting 
  6. Like
    lojoco49 got a reaction from jellysundae in The Runway Votes #54   
    Haha, apparently quite a few DIDN'T get mine. Helps to have an awesome gay son I guess 
  7. Haha
    lojoco49 got a reaction from jellysundae in Last to post wins!   
    And so, the paranoia begins. Muahahahahaha ha ha...
  8. Like
    lojoco49 reacted to jellysundae in The Runway Votes #54   
    I'm just thankful that people "got" my entry. Because it definitely needed the animation to be watched, and the UFO takes a long time to appear, so I was fully expecting to create a lot of faces, lol.
  9. Haha
    lojoco49 got a reaction from Angeló in The Runway Votes #54   
    Haha, apparently quite a few DIDN'T get mine. Helps to have an awesome gay son I guess 
  10. Haha
    lojoco49 reacted to Scoobert_Doo in Last to post wins!   
  11. Haha
    lojoco49 reacted to Scoobert_Doo in Last to post wins!   
    Normally, I wouldn't be scared, but with your "likes" number being "666"...
  12. Like
    lojoco49 got a reaction from jellysundae in The Runway Votes #54   
    Thank you, and to you! Yours was simply gorgeous 
    Yay! I'm honoured to be sharing 3rd with you 
  13. Like
    lojoco49 reacted to kayahtik in Basics of Trading Neocash NC Items   
    Well, if you've already bought NC items from the mall and used gift boxes to send them to friends, then you know the absolute basics. Still, here is TDN's very introductory guide to the NC world: http://thedailyneopets.com/customization-wearables/trading/. Particularly useful is the "commonly used trading lingo" section. 
    For a guide more specifically about NC trading, check out this petpage: http://www.neopets.com/~luculla. That should tell you pretty much anything you need to know. Of course, you can only learn so much from reading. Once you've familiarized yourself with the general idea and most of the terms, then go ahead and try making a trade. It'll become clearer once you've actually done it. 
    To answer your other specific questions...
    Is it all just a long process of contacting people one by one to see what they want for each item or is there a site comparing asking prices?
    Check out http://www.neopets.com/~rheet and http://www.neopets.com/~waka, which are both NC value guides. These pages give the value of all (or most) NC items in terms of GBCs. Most trades are for items worth roughly equal amounts of GBCs. Of course, the value can differ from person to person depending on if they are particularly attached to a certain item and reluctant to trade it, or really want an item you have and willing to offer higher than its actual value to get it. If you have a trade in mind, you can suggest it to the other person, and they'll either accept or decline. If you don't have a trade in mind, you can just say what you're looking for or what you're willing to offer, and have the other person tell you what they want to get or give in exchange. 
    I'm also wondering if anyone has had good luck using NC to get an item they thought would be worth more later and then successfully trading for something of higher value than the NC they spent for the original item.
    Personally I don't have experience with this, although obviously some items do end up being worth much more than the original NC they were purchased for. An example of this is Armin's Collectors Contacts, which seem to have become very popular immediately after they were released. However, my advice would be not to spend NC on anything unless you actually want it for yourself. Since you are spending real money, I wouldn't recommend trying to 'invest' in something that may or may not increase in value. 
    Also, is it possible to use Neocash to get an NC item in a trade, such as offering 100 NC in a gift box? I'd like to get NC back for some items that I don't want, if possible.
    Unfortunately, no. The closest thing to this is offering a 'custom' as part of a trade, which means that the person offering the custom will buy specific items currently available in the mall in exchange for an item that the other trader has. So you couldn't give someone an item in exchange for actual NC, but you could ask them to buy you something from the mall that you want, instead of asking for an item they already have. But be sure to only do this if they've already offered to do a custom trade. It would be pretty rude of you to ask them to spend real money if they didn't offer first. 
    Like I said, the fastest way is to learn by doing. It can be nerve-racking, especially when you first dip your toe into those fast-moving NCC boards. But be brave, and you'll figure it out. Most traders are very nice. And I'm sure other TDNers will have more advice for you too! 
  14. Like
    lojoco49 reacted to Yuiina in The Runway Votes #54   
    Oh! Thank you very much 
    Congrats on your entry :) 
  15. Like
    lojoco49 got a reaction from Scoobert_Doo in Avatars: What have you got?   
    Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'NeoQuest - Wise and Powerful' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!  
    Just have to say I'm so glad I did NQII first. 
  16. Like
    lojoco49 reacted to deboratibi in The Runway Votes #54   

    Ever since the beginning of The Runway, I've sprinkled a few references here and there... It made me so happy to see this! 
  17. Like
    lojoco49 got a reaction from teukkie in Avatars: What have you got?   
    Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'NeoQuest - Wise and Powerful' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!  
    Just have to say I'm so glad I did NQII first. 
  18. Haha
    lojoco49 reacted to jellysundae in Got a new laptop!   
    Yup! You can definitely play on your own, I've never been brave enough to join a server, cos I'm kinda weird like that, lol. I go hunting for villages and make them pretty :3 OFC now I have a new machine I've lost the worlds on my other one, but I'm excited to start afresh on 6 new worlds. I believe you can save your worlds and play them on various devices now though, so that's pretty good. I'm really out of date because it's about 3 years since I could play it.
    I'll now get to spend forEVAR going through the Painterly Pack options to make it look all purty. There's bound to be quite literally a gazillion options to choose from on that now.
    *snorts* I'll admit I checked the keyboard quick after reading that Looks like the construction of this one means there's very little ingress opportunity for crumbs, actually, BONUS!!  I'm sure carbon-dating on some of the ones in my old lappy would show they've been there a VERY long time. xDD
  19. Like
    lojoco49 got a reaction from phill in Got a new laptop!   
    Yay!! I love it when they're all new and shiny and fast and you haven't yet dropped crumbs all through the keys  have fun!
  20. Like
    lojoco49 reacted to jellysundae in Got a new laptop!   
    And OH EM GEE the Wheel of Mediocrity spins SOOO fast on it, I couldn't stop laughing.
    Bearing in mind that the one I've been using is my (extremely) old one, that I finally stopped using in 2014 or so because it was running so slow, then had to go back to when the screen died on the "newer" one (only a year younger!). But my old and well-loved workhorse, that has served me extremely well for 10 YEARS . . .  well. I think what I was basically doing was the computer version of people who won't get their pet down because they cant face the emotional pain it's going to cause them, despite the fact the animal's suffering.
    It's been blue-screening all over the place, and more often than not, on start up, given me the delightful operating system not found message, that's always a heart-warming start to the day! I've had to perform major resuscitation on it several times in the past couple of weeks. Also there was the minor fact that because it ran on Vista Windows no longer supported it, and neither did just about all anti-virus stuff. So it was way past time that I let it retire with some dignity.
    I DID finally learn to sync Firefox though, a couple of days ago, so while I'm here using a brand new machine, I have all my bookmarks and saved passwords. \o/
    If I completely disappear now, it's because I've downloaded Minecraft.  I've not been able to play on that since having to go back to my oldest lappy, poor thing couldn't handle it. So it's gonna suck me in BIG TIME once I start on that again!
  21. Like
    lojoco49 reacted to altargoblin in Avatars: What have you got?   
    Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'Geraptiku - Deserted Tomb' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!  
    #323!! this is one of my favorite avatars, i'm really excited to finally have it
    also, + charity corner 2018, korbat - royal, quigiki april fools avatar, hidden identity, easter cybunny, and buzzin' since my last post, which is a pretty nice haul! i know the seasonals aren't the hardest to get, but i'm glad i remembered
  22. Like
    lojoco49 got a reaction from jellysundae in Avatars: What have you got?   
    Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'NeoQuest - Wise and Powerful' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!  
    Just have to say I'm so glad I did NQII first. 
  23. Haha
    lojoco49 got a reaction from jellysundae in Last to post wins!   
    Setting fire to the rain - now THAT's a plot hole...
  24. Like
    lojoco49 reacted to rntracy1 in Are Guilds a Thing of the Past?   
    I agree with you!  I don't think NPs is dying either.  Here at TDNF, on the welcome page, I see so many people coming back to NPs.  I do agree with you that their security and customer support needs some attention however.  The rate at which they freeze accounts has a LOT to do with why they are losing players.  I also think it's time to revamp their Premium.  I would leave the perks they have now, but I would also add some new ones.  Like what?  Well sheesh, you want me to think of everything.  Gosh!  LOL.  But seriously though, maybe a faerie quest fortune cookie or another random fortune cookie every 3 months.  A gift box where the user opens it up and it could be ANYTHING from (well, I was going to say a junk item, but scratch that because THAT'S what it would be ALL THE TIME- LOL) a coupon for a certain number of NPs to use at the HT that CAN be used with the % discount if you have it or on discount day, OR a coupon with NPs to use at user's shops, a coupon to use at the NC mall, whatever.  I think they would get a LOT more premium members.  But that's my opinion.
    You are COMPLETELY RIGHT!!!!
    I mean no disrespect, but you are misunderstanding TNT's responses.  In the first response to question #8, they specifically say "What's not allowed is going on the boards and requesting that a user do or say something in order to "win" a prize or be given an item, or posting to ask who wants free items or Neopoints and the like. There are many scams that involve things like this (that we won't explain since we don't want to give people ideas), so we've had to ban them completely. Besides, if someone really wanted to give gifts to random people, there are tons of users posting and lots of usernames to choose from" .  
    In the second one they say, "giving gifts to your friends is totally fine. We definitely don't want to discourage that. What is against the rules are outright contests where a user has to do something/donate something/join something/etc. in order to enter" while in the first response (I didn't add the part where they said it) they do specifically say NEOfriends, this response specifically says friends.  You can have friends who are not your NFs.  I have plenty of friends in my guild who are not my NFs and vice versa.  Regardless, they are specifically saying that what is against the rules is when it is being asked for someone to donate, give something, or sign up for something in order to get/win something in return.  This for that type of thing.  It is not against the rules to give things to people, it's against the rules to say that you will give them things in exchange for something else.
  25. Like
    lojoco49 got a reaction from Luxina in Avatars: What have you got?   
    Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'Neoquest II - Devilpuss' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!
    Phew! Now I can go to bed happy  Ready to hit the Bionic Cybunny areas next chance I get.
    Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'Neoquest II - Bionic Cybunny' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!  
    And there he is 
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