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Everything posted by GillyTook

  1. Loooove that snow leopard! I also really like the steampunk! The base could be fun on its own, and the clothing could make some killer crosspaints.
  2. Ooh, congrats! They're definitely a cool pet to have!
  3. THE KRAWK HAS HIS KRAWKLINGS WITH HIM Also, love the adventurer theme for the 8-bit. It's really cute, even if I don't want to own any for myself. Same with the Link Kacheek one from last year (?) Too cute, but I hate the lack of ability to customise the more.
  4. Oof, which I'd seen the predictions before I joined. Eh, at least the Seekers have bank bribery if they win.
  5. Works for me! Still working on getting a Varia is the Bomb, so was wondering what to use after that if I manage to not one hit take something out (Hm. Someone needs to make a grinning emoji with fangs. That was the closest I could get.)
  6. I was browsing and saw a mini article about the "anagram swords" from the hidden tower. Are any of those decent (since they're technically buyable) for 1P battledome (have zero interest in PVP, though at one point I said that about regular bd, so who knows) or since they're one element would you really need all of them to be able to really do anything much with them? And of course there's no telling what'd be good or not for the plot since since we don't know what we'll be fighting, right?
  7. Oh wow. I looked it over last night while I was half asleep, and REALLY must have been half asleep since I didn't even notice that some of them were highlighted! Thank you!
  8. Currently I've got static cling (don't think I've ever used it) and lens flare (use it every battle.) As I'm working on making my little Col battle-worthy, I've been wondering which, if any, of the faerie abilities I should be training for her. I've been getting bottled faeries from the dome pretty regularly, but selling them. Should I pick up a few of the extra ones she can learn now, and plan to learn some more as she levels, or just leave her as-is?
  9. You'd HOPE TNT would be fair like that, but who knows. I wonder how they figure out who leaks, if anyone does. Not that I'm planning to join and play mole, but it'd make things a lot fairer for everyone else if someone was.
  10. Ugh, yea, that DOES ruin a ton of the fun. I've been getting lucky lately going by the predictions in the voting thread, but it's not always been the winning team. And, of course, there are weeks when the prize(s) that faction will win are ones I don't have any interest in. And okay for the scoring. I thought I'd read somewhere (though asked here because I couldn't find it on google) that aside from just the number of battles you win that the battles themselves count for a varying number of points. So obviously a tier 2 enemy would count as more than a tier 1, but would a tier 1 on the highest difficulty count for more than a tier 2 on the lowest? Or something like that. I can (if I get lucky) beat the tier 4 on easy difficulty (then go heal in a throwaway fight like Boochi after), so I wanted to make sure that I wasn't cheating my team out of points by killing ones I could off in one round. Of course if one guild basically controls the outcome, I might just go back to only doing my 10 wins per round and not bothering with 10 every day if that's the case.
  11. I know you have to beat an opponent 10 times during the fighting to be eligible for the prizes, but how does scoring for your team work? Like, does anyone know a chart that says how many points each opponent on which difficulty is, or is that something that the site hasn't released?
  12. Should I have been keeping those charms? I've been discarding them. Can you tell what elements the enemies are using on you?
  13. I just (finally!) hit 100 mil in the bank, so I do have some extra to spend if need be. I'd just rather not let it drop below that again, haha. It was my big goal for SO long after all. So go for Varia first, a ghostkerbomb after if I need a second high-power attack for the plot? This is what the battlepedia at jellyneo says about the tablet.
  14. They've purged inactive accounts before, so if it's been too many, yours may have been one of those What kind of error is it giving you?
  15. I finally got the soup! Hooray! Still not sure if I want to keep the tablet (guess it can be good in case of emergency?) and the sword is still just there because it's no trade and so I have nothing else to do with it. So if I'm remembering correctly, you suggested the next thing I should go for is the ghostkerbomb? Or should I try to fill either of those two other slots? Tbh, if I'd gotten a second pea, I probably wouldn't use anything else, hahaha. Oh well, I got one, and that was better than I could have imagined.
  16. I didn't know there was a neopian version of it! Also, the mask is a toy. You can play with it to get a bit more dialogue before you quick stock it into the closet.
  17. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Is this why my neopets all look unhappy, though none are sick and all are in good moods according to the quickref??????? Edit: OHMY! Okay, so I get what they're going for. It's the kitten hanging onto a branch saying hang in there, but is this on brand for neopets? It took a second before the inspiration clicked, and hang in there until you're rescued/things get better was NOT my first thought. (also, I have no idea why these pictures are so big. Sorry.)
  18. Rude! I was gonna feed that to my grarrl!
  19. Hm. Given that I don't celebrate holidays (the occasional Star Wars Day post aside) I think I'll sit this one out. No clue how to do it right. I'll still vote, though!
  20. I know I suggested mine to you in a PM, but I figure it'll be less likely to get lost in the official thread? With the daily quests, it could be fun to see how people do "sacrifice pets" who, instead of being dressed nicely, just have random things from the closet tossed onto them to fulfil the quest requirement. Bonus if it's actually the way your pet looks instead of just randomly picking things from DTI
  21. After this can WE go play a game? Sure, maybe it'll increase the chances we'll finally get a high score trophy/avatar in it if YOU do your part, too!
  22. Dunno if anyone here would know it yet. So it seems they're pushing it now, which likely means it'll be required soon. I don't necessarily mind either way except for one thing. I tend to use one of my sides (whichever is logged in on another browser, haha) to use the shop wizard if I'm on a faerie quest, since you can't otherwise use it. Will using neopass and logging into all of your accounts at once make it so you cannot use the shop wiz with a side account since technically you're still on the account that has the quest, or will whatever way they have to toggle back and forth between them (assuming they're not just killing the sides and putting all the pets onto one) still let you use it?
  23. That's a new one for me. Usually when it's daylight savings time it'll reset. That SUCKED this time since I was finally about to get the 100K on the day I got the the prize (I always manage to miss a day somehow, oh my goodness.) and nope. Reset THAT day. Argh. This time, it randomly reset me to having a week left until the prize and 3 days until the 100K? Interesting. Very interesting.
  24. I didn't even think of that! It'd make sense, though. Ehh, it's just a dog. Who cares? **snuggles all the puppies closer and whispers that they're good boys and girls**
  25. Mannnn, they did us dirty this year Only thing I kinda like is the military-dog-esque backpack at the very bottom =/ I mean, part of it is that I don't like any of the elderly pets, but the rest is just bleh.
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