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Everything posted by GillyTook

  1. Some of the stuff has a day and a half for the first day of an event. Does anyone know if the void essence is like that? So far it's not saying I can collect another 10, but I'd rather double check and not miss it if for some reason they've set it up so it resets midday or something.
  2. Oh cool. I didn't actually know the old form was still accessible, so I'll have to play around there as well next time it's giving me trouble.
  3. Doooo we know what's up with dress to impress (I know there's no affiliation, but like have they put out a statement)? Because (example, not the one I'm going for) jellyneo's rainbow pool says this little guy's eyes SHOULD look like this, but in DTI, they look like this. Um. I was not going for demonic? If we make something, is it going to look "correct" in the final image, or will I need to do something like contacts and hope that whatever species I finish with isn't too, ah, off from the idea I'd had?
  4. I don't care about the avatars (have noooo idea which I do/don't have, and won't ever be able to get good enough for game ones, so meh!) but DO love the bank bribery boon, and since they're the one most likely to win, makes sense!
  5. https://gleam.io/t6BuI-VuDTcj1NWe-4l4cq Thank you, @Duma! I don't know if mine changed, but here's the multi link in case.
  6. Oh gosh, doubt I'll be able to beat the snowager on easy for ages still I can do the koi warrior in one turn with my pea easy peasey (I'm so sorry) so the soup just runs me two fights to heal fully if I'm in trouble. It's just the figuring out strategy if anything we'll be facing will take me more than a round that's the issue. Don't have the rejuvenate yet, though I DO always start out with lens flare. Means I can do my daily battles in however many takes it is to get all 15 items.
  7. ~12 more hours and I'll have both I'm really really hoping I never have my health fall below that in a battle! It's stressful enough when it does when I get blasted by the snowager or something and go into something I know I can take out in one turn to use the soup a couple times. Guess we'll be waiting to see how many reward points the whole thing awards us, huh? I'll definitely keep that post bookmarked though so I can use it. Thank you!
  8. Lucky (or not?) to wake up in the middle of the night, and finally found it! OH MY GOODNESS! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! I'VE BEEN TRYING FOR THIS FOR YEARS!!!!!!!! Sadly, it looks like it is glitched (what else is new, lol) for people with all the pet slots, so I can't see the korbat that I WOULD have tossed in. Instead, in went the pteri. Eh. Currently I don't have any plans in mind aside from just using her as a daily quest customising monstrosity, so not like it's TOO big of a problem, and now that I know my time, I CAN GO ANY TIME I WANT! WOO HOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
  9. I think you might be right? It's just got SO little dark brown comparatively. If it had a bit more, I'd definitely want to paint one of my pets that.
  10. So for my lineup, I'd have grapes, Varia, the pea, the tear, the soup, and have 3 spots left for. . . the tablet, the staff, and the wand? Or should I pick something else besides those? Keep the downsize+staff or wand? I am a super incredibly lazy bum and would like to keep ONE set total for my battledoming (doing it to train now, and will eventually do it for stuff to sell, I suppose, when she gets to a high enough level) where I can just improve things ever so often as new stuff comes out, if that makes sense? Also, really, game, I had to waste a refresh for that? TSK! But her stats are ever so gradually improving!
  11. Sooooo, definitely should try for the tear, yes? Do any of the 1p opponents typically have super attack peas? If not, I don't think I need to worry about the megaphone. Did I ask this already? Are there any good defenders that do ALL of the elements, or is it just pick and choose and have a bunch of stuff in the SDB to trade in and out if I want to battle something else and/or a plot demands THAT element? Wait, the weapons ALL have elements, don't they? Lol, just when I think I'm starting to understand ANY of it. . . I've still got the pin grenade (though is that a no trade?) so would the grapes (we're allowed to type that word here, right? ) be worth it, or would they be comparable? I got Illusen's staff from the faerie. . . whatever it was last year (shoot, I don't think I've spent all my points yet, either.) So basically Judhora's is the same, only different element? I've only really got it there because I don't have anything better. I normally don't need to rely on it with the double grenades. So far anyway.
  12. THAT GRASS EATING NOSE IS SO FREAKING CUTE! ooohhhhhh, and I love the outfit Wonder why the polka dot looks so different compared to the bulk of the rest of the ones with that brush. I really like it except for the face. There's something off about it.
  13. I normally don't win prizes from him, but today seems like a great day to win this snowball.
  14. I know some of the weapons are new, but do you know if any of the ones we'll be able to get from the plot prize shop are any good? Obviously it'll need to wait a while before we can actually earn them, but some of 'em might be power boosters, right?
  15. I dunno, this versus the huge ginormous spiders we have where I live? I'll take the pinchy pinchies over the venom and creepy crawliness I really like the dress. Not sure if I like it enough to want a nimmo, but I definitely like it. Makes them look less weird with the big princess bottom to it, and that's definitely my favourite dress style.
  16. Thank you for allowing us to do this! Here's my link. https://gleam.io/t6BuI-VuDTcj1NWe-4l2ni
  17. NOT MERIDELL!!! Oh my gosh. They've greyed my favourite land. Nooo! Edit: Never mind my edit. I completely read that wrong. Too early to be thinking
  18. Looks like the Invision one. Also, thank you for letting us keep Shift if we want it. That bright grey killed my eyes.
  19. I can't multi-vote. Sorry to be a huge hassle ^^'
  20. I want to do the whole plots, not just the battles! That'd be fun. I have had my account for decades, but had a long hiatus and missed all but the Wraith Resurgence. I hadn't even considered the battledome before recently (the last plot sort of got me into it, and lately I've really thought it seemed fun) so sadly wouldn't have bothered before they changed to the new 'dome. Ah well. Maybe I can hope they'll fix it one day.
  21. I wish they would allow us to play the old plots without the fights like they do the Altador plot. Oh well. Right now, I'm getting a lot of codestones from the koi warrior on hard, so I don't really see a a need to chance yet. I don't know of anything else that'd give me the np to sell for enough to make up for that. Does defenders (assuming it's been fixed) scale to your pet's level, or does it just stop when you hit a wall for what your pet can take out? Edit: Looks like it has not been fixed. Boo.
  22. Oh, that's interesting. I thought the scamander was the only money tree exclusive item. Wonder if they'll still appear from time to time after the plot's over, or if it's just what gets released is what's released then they're gone (or in TP/auction inflationland) for good.
  23. THEY EVEN GOT HIS RAINBOW Out of curiosity, how do you get the new items? Are they in one of the shops or something?
  24. What should I put the Downsize! in place of? I'm still a bit of a coward who sticks to enemies I can kill in one round, so it hasn't been an issue YET, but I'm sure it'll eventually be a thing I need to worry about.
  25. Well it finally happened! Col Mack is at a high enough level that she is on 12 hour training sessions. If I'm lucky, I can get the 250 bonus on at least one of those stats before any plot-based fighting starts. This is the equipment currently. Are there any good all around shields that are buyable/not obscenely expensive that I could use to replace both of those? Other than that, seems okay, right? At least for someone like me who doesn't have tons of experience, and is still training my girl up regularly.
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