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    VanillaVanity got a reaction from Angeló in What constitutes the biggest part of your wealth ??   
    for me it's probably the opposite of most people. all my wealth is neopoints & probably hoard those like people hoard items. I use the stock market daily & I run a shop by restocking so I'm pretty well off I could say. I have a huge problem with spending them though. I'm such a cheapskate! I mean what's the point of the money if you don't buy what you want? 
  2. Like
    VanillaVanity reacted to balloongal247 in What constitutes the biggest part of your wealth ??   
    I hoard np as well.  I had a few big ticket items in my SDB, but I've been trying to sell them off, so I only have a couple now.  Since I joined my guild where our leader gives us food club bets every day, my bank balance has really grown.  Before that, stocks may have been the biggest part.  As is, I probably have more in stocks than in items, especially if you consider the stocks as the amount they'd be at a value at which I'd sell them.
  3. Like
    VanillaVanity reacted to jingfah in The Wheels   
    This is definitely a first for me. Never gotten anything better than 2.5k from the Wheel of Excitement before.
    Honorary mention:
    Knowledge: Snowmuncher cheat (ugh)
    Mediocrity: 100 np
  4. Like
    VanillaVanity reacted to Synerjee in The Wheels   
    Oh. My. Gosh. I have finally won it.
    It's my very first paintbrush!!! I'm beside myself with happiness rn. 8D
  5. Like
    VanillaVanity got a reaction from rntracy1 in Anchor Management   
    I just got a pirate draik morphing potion! 
    I would've posted the text from when I got it but I sorta freaked out & had to check my inventory to be sure I wasn't dreaming.  
    I've wanted a draik since I played Neo as a kid soooo this is a pretty happy day for me.
  6. Like
    VanillaVanity got a reaction from sky_blue_eyes in Anchor Management   
    I just got a pirate draik morphing potion! 
    I would've posted the text from when I got it but I sorta freaked out & had to check my inventory to be sure I wasn't dreaming.  
    I've wanted a draik since I played Neo as a kid soooo this is a pretty happy day for me.
  7. Like
    VanillaVanity got a reaction from Zafie in Anchor Management   
    I just got a pirate draik morphing potion! 
    I would've posted the text from when I got it but I sorta freaked out & had to check my inventory to be sure I wasn't dreaming.  
    I've wanted a draik since I played Neo as a kid soooo this is a pretty happy day for me.
  8. Like
    VanillaVanity got a reaction from jellysundae in Anchor Management   
    I just got a pirate draik morphing potion! 
    I would've posted the text from when I got it but I sorta freaked out & had to check my inventory to be sure I wasn't dreaming.  
    I've wanted a draik since I played Neo as a kid soooo this is a pretty happy day for me.
  9. Like
    VanillaVanity got a reaction from kayahtik in Dealing with the Darigan Yooyu   
    Perfect advice! I usually get right up at the goal & stand backwards sort of at an angle. 
    If it's an especially mischievous yooyu I just sit back and watch the carnage. Nothing makes me happier than to watch an opposing team score for darigan citadel with a darigan yooyu. 
  10. Like
    VanillaVanity reacted to kayahtik in Dealing with the Darigan Yooyu   
    1. If there's a one of the 'large goal' powerups, grab that, it'll help a lot!
    2. Don't bother facing directly at the goal when you shoot; Darigan yooyu's go wherever you /don't/ want them to, so trick them into scoring by facing sideways, or even backwards. 
    3. Get as close to the goal as you can so the yooyu doesn't really have any other option than to go in; fake-out the goalie to make them go to one far side, and then run to the other side and shoot. 
    Sometimes if I get unlucky I'll spend 30-45 seconds chasing the yooyu around the field, but most of the time I get it in the goal after a few tries and can continue with my game. Good luck!
  11. Like
    VanillaVanity reacted to Aquamentis12 in So what does the number for an opponents difficulty mean and how should it affect my decision to fight them?   
    I believe it's more like (strength boost x icons = max/base damage). The only thing Strength or Defense seems to do, is when you reach a certain level, you get the boost increase. So if you had your strength at the 35 strength boost, getting your strength to 36-54, would not increase the damage you could deliver to your opponent. Not until you got it to 55, where the next Boost level would take effect.
    This article in the Neopian Times should give you plenty of explanation of the math in the BD.
    This was written by one of TND's BP staff and has an excellent explanation some of the math behind the BD, a list of the boosts and other great information for the curious. :)

    It's nice to hear that you really like the BD! And I'm glad my advice about Downsize! was useful!
    If you've any other BD questions, including battle-set reviews and whatever, feel free to ask. That's what we're here for after all.
  12. Like
    VanillaVanity reacted to Scoobert_Doo in Question about using side account for storage   
    I know ladycanary and kayahtik already answered this question for you, but, in researching another question, I ran across this Neopian Times Editorial question:
    Neopian Times Editorial, Issue: 733, 20th day of Hunting, Y18, Question #2:
    "Hey there! I've been wondering, is it okay for me to use a side account as a storage room? I mean, I like hoarding stuff, and I have over 5000 different items @-@ i'm not interesting in selling, I like my stuff! but having that quantity of items it's kinda... inconvenient. So, is it ok? On a side note, i really enjoyed the Daily Dare! And I'm absolutely ready for the Altador Cup! Thanks for your hard work, guys. (please remove my username!) ~ username removed
    As long as all of the items are purchased/earned on your main account, you are free to send whatever you want over to your side to store there! Also as a side note, I'm glad! This year's Altador Cup should be a good one!"
    So, officially, according to TNT/JS, it is ok. Thought you'd like to know there is an official answer out there.
  13. Like
    VanillaVanity reacted to Vlagopus in Is restocking still profitable?   
    For some reason my profits dropped quite drastically as well. I have a shop sized 56 and I used to sell about 30-40 items and be able to get upwards of NP 40,000 in my shop till every day (net profit about NP 20,000), but now I only get half the sales with much less profit. I always check prices on jellyneo item database when I restock, and sometimes if the last updated time was fairly long ago it's worth checking at the shop wizard myself. If the price has dropped too much, I usually remove it to my safety deposit and wait till the price goes up again. It almost always will, since people will no longer restock that item, and eventually demand becomes greater than supply.
  14. Like
    VanillaVanity got a reaction from Aquamentis12 in So what does the number for an opponents difficulty mean and how should it affect my decision to fight them?   
    Thank you guys! I'll definitely take a look at the opponents double my hp. I always look up my opponent on the battlepedia site, because I like to be prepared you know? I wanna build up a collection of weapons for different opponents^^
  15. Like
    VanillaVanity reacted to Scoobert_Doo in Shockwave games   
    The latest versions of Chrome (since September 2015) and Firefox (March 2017) no longer support the Shockwave plugin. So, you will not be able to use those browsers to play the Shockwave games. If you are using a Windows PC, though, there is a "work-around" for Chrome. For Windows PCs, you have three options: The last version of Safari for Windows, Internet Explorer 11, or an extension for Chrome like "IE Tab".
    The last version of Safari for Windows can be found on the 'Net. Fire up your favorite search engine and you should be able to find it. Be careful when downloading. I was able to find it on a site that just made me watch a video on how to install software, before it would let me download it. Some sites may try to get you to download something else, first. I usually steer clear of those sites. Run a virus scan on it, too, after it has finished downloading. Please note, though, the last version of Safari for Windows was released in 2012 and is no longer supported by Apple. Using an old/outdated browser (or any software or OS, for that matter) could put your computer's security at risk. Because it is no longer supported, any security vulnerabilities found will most likely not be patched. If you do use the last version of Safari for Windows, you do so, at your own risk. I'd recommend using an ad blocker, with it, and use it to ONLY go on Neopets, and when on Neopets, ONLY to play the Shockwave games. When you are finished playing the Shockwave games, log out of Neopets and close Safari. If you wish to continue playing on Neopets, open another updated browser like Chrome or Firefox. If you already have Shockwave installed and then install Safari, you may have to reinstall Shockwave, as Shockwave may not "recognize" Safari being installed.
    If you wish to try Internet Explorer 11, there are a couple of things you will have to do to get the games to work. You will need to add, without the quotes, "neopets.com" to IE 11's "Compatibility View Settings". If you don't, you will keep getting the error message you posted above (Sad Usul). The easiest way is to open IE 11 and go to Neopets. Then, click on "Tools" (gear/cog looking icon in the top, right corner of IE) and select "Compatibility View settings". In the new window that opens, you should already see "neopets.com" in the "Add this website:" text field. Click on the "Add" button, to the right, to add "neopets.com". Once added, "neopets.com" should now appear in the "Websites you've added to Compatibility view:" box. Click the "Close" button, at the bottom of the window, to close the window. The Neopets webpage should automatically refresh. IE 11 will now let you use Shockwave content. However, you aren't "out of the woods", yet. The Shockwave games may load, but game controls, like the space bar, arrow keys, may not work. I recently noticed this, after a Windows 10 update. To get the controls to work, you will have to disable/turn off "Protected Mode". Again, please note, turning off protected mode could put your computer's security at risk. The same things I recommended for Safari, I recommend for IE 11, too - use ONLY on Neopets, and ONLY to play the Shockwave games on Neopets. When finished playing the Shockwave games, turn protected mode back on, logout, and close IE. Use a different browser to continue your activities on Neopets. To turn off protected mode, once again, click on "Tools", but this time select "Internet Options". Click on the "Security tab", at the top. Look for "Enable Protected Mode (requires restarting Internet Explorer)". Once found, "uncheck" the check box by clicking on it. Click on "Ok", at the bottom of the window, to keep the change. You will receive a warning. Click "Ok" for that, too. Protected mode should now be disabled and you should be able to play the Shockwave games. To re-enable protected mode, follow the same instructions, but click on the check box to put the "check mark" back in. With IE 11, I have encountered game "freezing" issues. When a Shockwave game freezes, there isn't anything you can do, but close the pop-up game window, and try again. All game progress will be lost. You may have to disable IE 11's pop-up blocker, too, or make an exception for Neoepts - "Tools", "Internet Options", "Privacy" tab and look for Pop-Up Blocker. Uncheck the check box or click on "Settings" to add Neopets.
    As I said earlier, with a Windows PC, you can use Chrome, but only if you use an extension like "IE Tab". "IE Tab" allows you open new tabbed pages within Chrome, but the pages use the "IE engine" to display them. By doing that, you are able to use plugins that Chrome no longer supports, like Shockwave. When you use "IE Tab" to open a new tabbed page, make sure you login to Neopets on that "IE Tab" tabbed page. If you don't, and play a Shockwave game, it will not accept your score, as you aren't considered logged into Neoepts - even if you are logged in on a "regular" Chrome tab. Nothing else special is required. Unfortunately, this will not work on a Mac, as Macs do not come with IE installed and Microsoft no longer makes IE for Macs.
    As for Macs, I heard Safari still works. You may have to install the Shockwave plugin, if you haven't already. Unfortunately, I do not own a Mac, so I cannot confirm. I do know that new Macs, with OS X Sierra, come with a 64-bit OS and 64-bit Safari. Shockwave is a 32-bit plugin. From my experience, you cannot use a 32-bit plugin with a 64-bit browser, unless the browser has an option to open/start in 32-bit mode. So, basically, what I am saying is that if you are using a newer Mac, you might not be able to play Shockwave games. I believe OS X Lion had the ability to open Safari in 32-bit mode.
    With all of the Shockwave games, you may have to refresh the pop-up game window a few times, if the game doesn't load.
    And, there are 3 Shockwave games that have a black box that covers the top, left portion of the game screen. They are Castle Battles, Gourmet Club Bowls, and Hannah and the Pirate Caves. To the best of my knowledge, there is no way to get rid of it, or a "work-around". I have heard of some using an older version of Shockwave, or playing on a computer with an older OS, like XP or Vista, and using an older version of Shockwave, but I haven't had luck trying an older version of Shockwave with Windows 10. The games are still playable, but a bit more challenging. With Gourmet Club Bowls, the black box disappears as you go through the instructions, but it is possible it can come back. The avatars are still obtainable for 4 of the Shockwave games - Attack of the Slorgs, Dice escape, Gourmet Club Bowls, and Hannah and the Pirate Caves.
    Sorry this is so long and good luck! If you have any questions, please post.
    Have fun!
    UPDATE - 13 July 2017: I've seen a few posts on the "Help" Neoboard from a Neopian who posts on "Shockwave" topics, that they use IE and an old version of Shockwave, around from 2006 time frame, and they are able to play the Shockwave games WITHOUT the block box blocking the top, left corner of the game. I tried this before, but for some reason, it wouldn't work. However, I tried it today and it worked! No black box covering the game screen! So, I am running Windows 10 (Creator's Update), with Internet Explorer 11 and the latest updates/patches. I downloaded Shockwave version, originally released 30 June, 2006. I uninstalled the current Shockwave from my computer and installed this version. I did have to reboot after installing it. After rebooting, I tried HaTPC with IE 11, comfigured as I outlined above (Compatibility View Settings and Protected Mode Disabled). When I clicked on "Play", for HaTPC, another Shockwave window popped-up, but it quickly went away, and the game loaded. It loaded a bit quicker than before. Lo' and behold, NO black box! I tried Castle Battles next, and it worked, too! After logging off and re-enabling "protected mode", I then opened Chrome and tried Gourmet Club Bowls, using "IE Tab". When the game loaded this time, I was able to see the pop-up box - it didn't close/go away. It was asking if I was 18 or older, and then wanted my first name, last name, and email address and mentioned "Atom Entertainment". No way was I going to give that info, so I closed the pop-up window. But, Gourment Club Bowls loaded just fine and NO black box, too! I haven't tried it with Safari, yet. So, if you do try using an old version of Shockwave, again, you do so at your own risk! Shockwave has had many security vulnerabilities in the past. Using this old version could expose your computer to those security vulnerabilites that may have been fixed with newer versions of Shockwave. As before, remember what I said I do, ONLY on Neopets and ONLY for the Shockwave games. Once finished, logout, re-enable settings, if needed, and close the browser and continue on Neoepts with an updated browser. Please PM me, if you wish to know what site I downloaded Shockwave from. Hope this helps! Oh, and a BIG thank you to the Neopian on the "Help" Neoboard!
  16. Like
    VanillaVanity got a reaction from acorah in So what does the number for an opponents difficulty mean and how should it affect my decision to fight them?   
    So I'm a new battledome-er & I've read articles but the difficulty rating of opponents is still something I don't understand. I know I remember reading the difficulty of an opponent has something to do with their hp and/or strength.
    My question is how do I know what opponents I may be able to beat? Is there a way to come up with my own 'difficulty' & just compare it to the opponent I want to fight? 
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