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Posts posted by fantazia01

  1. I am thinking all the uber weapons are forever out of my reach lol after 15 years I'm guessing it's just not gonna happen but I'm firmly in the mid-range finally in the battle dome! I can beat up Von Roo for fun now...hate that guy >_>

    In the original battle dome, I beat up on other players and got myself beat up on too, my average was 60 something percent so at least I gave as good as I took! XD Things sure have changed in the new dome though, I just do 1 player now, everyone is so well armed! Looks like this weapon might be a good one for mid-range or a little higher though, ya think?

  2. I was expecting Chadley to want some ridiculous score on this one but 105 was way too easy. Beat it first try without even getting all stressed about it for a change! Boom, done. 9 days in a row of beating him so far, I hope I can keep it up, I am soooo wanting that gold trophy! ^_^

  3. Welcome Welcome! I'm a returning vet too, been back a couple months, lots of changes to Neopets but lots of stuff is just the same. It's really comforting to see old content still going strong and some of the new stuff is just all kindsa cool. I also collected a bunch of things rl, still have a ton of plushies stored away from way back when, never giving them up! lol Lots of helpful and nice people here on TDN, fantastic resource site with all the guides and advice that really helps get you back into the swing of things. Hope to see ya around, add me on the site if ya like, my user name there is the same as here ^_^ Have fun and good luck in Neopia!

  4. Congratulations! That sounds so exciting. I've been planning a trip to Japan for a long while but had a bit of a set-back recently due to health issues. It'll be a year before I can go now at least but, it's still on my to-do list. ^_^ I love Japanese culture, such a rich history, you're so lucky! I have friends who have/are working and living there, mostly all in the tech field but they love it. The pictures and videos they send me are amazing. Best of luck with the new job and the new life! :D

  5. Hello there! Welcome back! I'm a returning vet too, been playing Neopets off and on for nearly 15 years and recently came back after a long hiatus of a few years myself, I'm so adult it's painful but I loooove this site! Btw, I'm an ENFP-A Scorpio! XD Let's be friends! -bounce bounce bounce- ^_^ Yeh I'm a little extroverted maybe..dunno..ahem. Anyway!!!...Good to meet you and add me if ya like, my username is the same here as on Neopets fantazia01. Great to meet ya and hope to see you around :D 


  6. Hi! Nice to meet you. I've also been around for a long time and have recently returned after a break of a few years but, things never seem to change too much which is great, still love Neopets! ^_^ Feel free to add me, my username there is the same as here. Like you, I've always used TDN but decided this time to actually join the forums and interact rather than lurk lol Great bunch of people, very nice and tremendously helpful, hope to see you around. :D

  7. Whoa!! That IS lucky! Congrats!! ^_^

    Yeh, me and the Count have a love/hate thing goin way back. The dude can be cruel but, I like taking chances. I got 4 levels from that mean old Roo last night! First toss of the dice was a tie and the second came up as a tie as well! So, it was DOUBLE double or nuthin! If I'd have lost then I'd be cryin in my cheerios about it but, I won, so woohoo! XD Aaand I will avoid the grumpy ol dracuroo for a while, he's stolen my avatar back from me before and it took months to get it back again. He's just a dusty fang-faced meanie!!!


  8. 7 minutes ago, Scoobert_Doo said:

    Whew! Thank you @fantazia01 and @kayahtik for the encouragement! It really helped! I was able to jump on another computer. It took a few tries, but was finally able to beat Chadley's score! Had to really concentrate on not shooting the Mootix right away, in levels 1 and 2, so I could get at least 4 or 5 points, per Mootix. That really helps in getting a score closer to Chadley's. In levels 3 and 4, I just went for shooting them as fast as possible, as they were dropping too fast. Couldn't have done it with you two!


    Woo! Great Job Scoob! -high five- Nice! Just gonna leave this here because it's too perfect not to post in this instance XD


    -gigglesnorts and hides-

  9. Once in a great while, the Neopian Gods look down upon you and say..."Behold! We shall bless this little nerd. We shall bestow upon them stuffs and shinies so that they might squee! Then they shall sayth unto one another 'Lookie what I got! OMG! BLURGLURGLELURG!! THX!' So shall it be done!" Then you get pwned with a stroke of luck that lives up to the hype and just makes your day. Today was such a day for me and it started last night at 3 am with Count Von Roo and today with the Grey Faerie, WOOT! When was your last lucky day? What happened for you and your Neopets?? ^_^ 





  10. 6 minutes ago, Scoobert_Doo said:

    Playing this on a laptop with a track pad is not fun. At level 3, everything gets super laggy. I even changed the game settings to the smallest size and lowest resolution. No help. Now I'll be stressed-out, until I can beat Chadley's score.

    You can do it Scoob! -shakes her pom poms!-

  11. 1 hour ago, geoterza said:

    I was having a difficult time with this because the bullseye was lagging behind my mouse movements.  I ended up borrowing my roommate's computer because it's a touch screen and I could just whack-a-mole those little parachutes.  It worked way better and within about 5 tries I was able to get the needed score!

    I went from a highest ever score of 150 to 552.  I could have kept going for a higher score, but I just stopped and sent in my score once I realized I had enough.


    Ha! That's awesome! Kinda like how I just got lucky yesterday in Kiko Racing, they said in the thread for the game here and in the guide to hold both buttons down so, that's what I did, On my first try, got a high enough score to win...shocked the crap outta me that it actually worked! Today was harder lol I kept missing the little dudes so I was muttering expletives to myself for sure but, I finally managed to beat it. I'm not playing that one again unless it's for another challenge in the future! XD Woulda been epic to have had a touch screen, I'd go back just for revenge if I had one!

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