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midnight_spell360 last won the day on November 3 2024

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    reading, watching cooking shows, hanging with friends, the usual...

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  1. I would like to recommend a documentary (TDN doesn't ban this word, right?) movie found on Hulu that is based on a book by the same title: Far From the Tree. A man who found himself to be what society and his family deemed to be "not normal" and he wanted to look at other families with a child with different challenges (which also causes society/families to label these differences as "not normal") and it was very eye-opening for me to be able to see these different ppl and see their life experiences and I hope that I learned to accept ppl as they are, to respect them as they are and not try to hold them to society's standards to feel that these "differences" should be changed to make these ppl "fit in" or be "normal". I admired that the man who wrote this book and made this movie did not only focus on his "difference" but looked at many different families with a child not seen by society (and some times their families) as "normal". 

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