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Everything posted by jellysundae

  1. It's intense, isn't it! The highest increase can be by 10! But same for potential decrease... That's why I stopped doing this before.
  2. They've surely added that to the pool of what's asked for by mistake, right?
  3. What can I say? xDDD Well done everyone, and thank you for such great entries this round!
  4. The ray is fired at domaniala... ... and she changes colour to Skunk!! Are our pets showing their displeasure about the Neopets Metaverse the only way they know how?? This little guy's ready for battle, too! Whoa... did it actually work? Sure looks like it. Your Petpet has been transformed. Imagine that.
  5. SKEI is feeling lively today! SKEI (profile) 43 60 +17 27,000 350,000 1,620,000 +362.86% Hope it's not just a sugar rush, with a big crash comin' later!
  6. New bread delivery! http://www.neopets.com/~megawonderful It's a good job this bread comes ready-sliced, because you'd definitely cut yourself on this xD The snark over the wording of TNT's "apology". I do agree with the people who are feeling now that TNT themselves have no say in what's going on, and are being given things to say to us; that Jumpstart/NetDragon are basically throwing them under the bus here.
  7. SO FLIPPIN' CUTE!!!!! Underwater pizza, so niche! x'D If it's a water pizza that's gonna cause some serious logistical issues. xDD The ray is fired at domaniala... ... and she goes down to level 1 But... nothing happens. It makes a kind of 'zzrrrppptttt' sound before shutting down completely. The creepy Kookith shoos you away and appears quite angry, so you hightail it out of there before he shoots some miniature laser beam at you or something. The ray is fired at domaniala... ... and she loses 3 strength points Puppup shall now be known as Pants McGee. How nice.
  8. Yep, I'm gonna follow the herd and go with Awakened. >:3
  9. Yep, they're trolling on purpose; but also fully within the rules. There's nothing wrong with what they're doing, per se, but they are using the mechanics of the tree to be douchenozzles. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I worry that our conversation on here will have the same effect as the complaints threads on Board 7, and encourage the 6 NPers to continue for longer than they would have otherwise. Best thing you can do is feel some sympathy for them, because someone who finds pleasure it behaving spitefully towards others can't have much joy in their lives.
  10. Textbook definition of too much time on their hands? Also, sadly, too much vitriol in their souls? They're still at it right now.
  11. The ray is fired at domaniala... ... and she changes colour to Disco!! Ray didn't understand my memo... Puppup shall now be known as Puppup. How nice. >___> These guys are not at their best right now, clearly!
  12. On behalf of a fellow ninja, who is fighting a losing battle with Food Club right now. I did not know about Animal Day D8 I shall go play with my Neopets after submitting this to make up for it! Also, I'm imagining some of Duma's pie right now. Warmed and eaten with blueberries, raspberries and mango and a big dollop of yoghurt. >:3
  13. The ray is fired at domaniala... ... and she changes into a Green Poogle!! Ooh ooh! MSPP please and thank you! Your eyes recover quite quickly after the giant explosion, but that's more than you can say for your Petpet. The Kookith is kind enough to sweep up Puppup for you and you head home.
  14. it's people being jerks. or just one person right now, but wow are they dedicated! Earlier this year a bunch of people started doing it, I think because of complaints about rubbish on the tree, but I can't actually remember. But once people started making boards complaining about the 6 NPs, people did it all the more! I heard that was a guild dedicated to it. This current name I've not seen doing this before, but they're certainly making up for lost time. xD
  15. @Duma that looks fantastic! Is it something custardy? Do give us all the details.
  16. https://www.instagram.com/stories/highlights/17937164512000364/?hl=en A bit of sausage roll-making from a Brit chef-turned-farmer the I follow on Insta. Primarily for Scoobs, but for all to enjoy! I hope the lady from Belton Garden Centre picks your compliment up out of the ether, too. Oh, but now I remember that you can't actually watch highlights unless you have an Instagram account.
  17. I feel it's a really graphic representation of a seriously bad cold, ironically. xD They need some balsam on that poor trunk. Though with the tail being on fire too, it could just be the after effects of a really hot curry the night before. If curry's hot enough does it make your ears burn? The ray is fired at domaniala... ... and she loses two levels Your eyes recover quite quickly after the giant explosion, but that's more than you can say for your Petpet. The Kookith is kind enough to sweep up Puppup for you and you head home.
  18. Just looking through these again and I'm so mad at myself for not managing my own entry. My voting this time hasn't been overly helpful as I voted for everyone they're all so good. I wonder who I could have come up with for a different duo though... because Howl and Sophie was the only other possible my brain provided me with, I was kicking myself, repeatedly, when I saw the entries. x'D Me too! Some time later... Huh, and now, NOW, I find inspiration! So here you go, here's my entry... Storm and Wolverine Pretty tough finding a pet for him, because both the hair and the claws display so differently on different species, also tough finding a background that worked with the overall vibe, and the claw didn't just blend into. SO tempted by the Kacheek, simply because it looks so ridiculous. the claw just wasn't cutting it though *groan* sorry... I'll get my coat...
  19. The ray is fired at domaniala... ... and she doesn't change at all Tumbles shall now be known as Puppup. How nice.
  20. Out of Scoob's two options the first looks very pretty! Pie is way more of a thing in the US than it is here in the UK, we have SO many other options when it comes to puds that pie's definitely an also ran. Intentionally using the term pudding here, because that is what we call all dessert, it's only called dessert on restaurant menus. xD Maybe it's because we don't have diners like the US has? Somewhere where (according to every US TV show ever) there's a variety of pie options available at all times? In cafes/tea rooms/coffee shops etc. here we absolutely lean more towards cake and pastries. *researches* Here we go, this is the (somewhat sparse!) selection at a local garden centre's cafe. Lots of cake, several cheesecakes, Danish, flapjacks, and some excellent-looking sausage rolls... There's one thing on the middle shelf there that's got a pie-crust look about it...
  21. Hmm... Cora, R U OK? Baking that potato in the fire's not gonna make it good to eat you know. xD
  22. HAHAHAHA!!! I didn't pick up on this yesterday, but that's a very apt name sequence, isn't it! The ray is fired at domaniala... ... and she gains 5 maximum hit points!!!! Feelin' better after that nasty draining caused by Glowing! Nothing looks different about Pooper but you can sense something happened. It becomes evident later when it tries to climb a tree but breaks off the branch instead. The ray has increased its level to: 2
  23. I now feel compelled to find Rico S. day animations... xD this one's pretty good xD yup, this one too Plus there's also the lady who supervises my gallery! Always a delightful ray of sunshine.
  24. Got one I have the things for today1 >:3 Tchea Fruit x2 Cheops Plant x2 Super Toy Sailboat x2 PFFT!
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