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Posts posted by pulpfreeoj


    That's the difference between, for example, classic Disney movies, which deal with very complex themes (death, family conflicts, even lust) while still being adequate to children, and Disney Junior cartoons, which focus more on children's messages such as loving to learn, respecting differences, taking care of the environment etc (or sometimes even just being cute enough for toddlers).

    I hardly think death and family conflicts are inappropriate subjects for children, handled tastefully. In fact I'd say it's important for children to be exposed to them.


    Additionally, I've known plenty of adults who could stand a lesson or two about loving learning, taking care of the environment, and respecting differences. In fact I've met very few who DON'T need those very "lessons."


    That said, I can sort of get where you're coming from, it's just that I hardly think Jumpstart is going to turn Neopets into the next Dora the Explorer or whatever. In fact, I would have expected that sort of thing back when Neopets was actually owned by Nickelodeon (or Viacom, whatever). And I don't see any indication that this is in danger of happening.


    I just really feel like people are blowing things out of proportion and it's creating this echo chamber of needless panic and pessimism. Not to say that I'm in favor of putting your head in the sand and ignoring bad signs or anything, but seeing bad signs where there are none or taking bad signs and blowing them up from molehills into mountains isn't going to do anything but stress you out.

  2. I won late last year. Combined with the lag gifts and the charity corner (I believe it was the charity corner, or some other NC prize during the beginning of this year or the end of last) I had quite a bit of NC tucked away which I never paid for, and which I subsequently blew trading a mystery capsule for an NC item I'd been after then spending the rest on a huge sale the NC Mall had at the time. It's the only time I've won NC, and I used to feel like you, believe me. I didn't know you could play three times a day actually because I always get the "WHAT ARE YOU DOING CLOGGING UP THE TUBES" message, so yeah, I'll probably try and play as much as I can.

  3. What does "even more child-oriented" even mean, we already can't type out half of the dictionary because of word filters and in case you hadn't noticed, this is a site where you "adopt" colorful cartoon creatures (and nowadays even dress them up in pretty clothes like a dolly). It's hard to get more child-friendly than neopets already is. And what's so bad about "child friendly" anyway? I tend to prefer child-"oriented" media in a lot of cases anyway because they tend to leave out stuff I don't like (romance and such).


    What exactly is the dreaded outcome here? People are afraid they're going to start trying to teach us our ABCs or something?

  4. You could try lost.quiggle.org, but if you're trying to find completely unlisted poundstuck pets I don't know what to tell you. I've also tried the "search engine" method and I don't think that really seems to work anymore for whatever reason.


    I never said "mains can't get in and sides can." I said some people can't get in on their mains; the only people who would even try on their sides would be those for whom their mains didn't work (or I guess maybe people who wanted to gather twice the sign-up bonuses... which is clearly cheating, and seemed to be the insinuation some people were making about those of us in the former category).

    If you're talking about me bringing up the rule-breaking in the first place, it was NOT out of a concern that you guys (people who linked their side accounts to ghoul catchers) were trying to cheat or get more than your fair share, which was obviously not the case. It was mainly out of a concern that people could LOSE THEIR ACCOUNTS without realizing what they might be doing wrong until it's too late.



    My rant about switching mains was more directed at the attitude of people "oh no! you're breaking the rules! how dare you!" when we had no idea how the game worked until we started playing it (it's only once you start playing that the game starts handing you NP and items -- and at that point, it's too late -- the accounts are already linked).

    I don't understand this, because doesn't every other game in Neopia give out NP? I thought we had information about ghoul catchers giving out np and items before it was even released. Anyway, I personally wasn't suggesting you switch your mains and I wasn't trying to attack anyone. I was trying to let a specific person know that what they were doing was probably against TNT rules (I haven't seen any evidence that it's not, and given all precedent there's no reason to think it's not), so that they could be aware of that.


    I understand that you guys who can't connect your mains are in a tough place, and that it's frustrating and doesn't seem fair, but not everyone can play this yet and that's just the way it is right now. Not everyone has a facebook account or wants to connect their facebook and their neopets, or can/want to get it from itunes, or want to play right now while its still so buggy, so I'm willing to bet there are a lot of other people who can't play yet. I'm personally not playing yet either for all the above reasons. I wasn't trying to be a "tattletale" or condemn anyone and I don't think Shane for Wax was either.


    Still waiting on that Google Play release.


    I just play on this side now and not on my main account (ghoul catchers) so I do not earn extra/double NP or something..

    I'm pretty sure this is a violation of rules? Unless I'm mistaken, you're only supposed to earn NP on your main, whether you're doubling up or not. I know TNT's policy is to let it slide if you accidentally do a daily on your side or something and don't do it on your main that day (because we're human and mistakes happen), but I don't think what you're doing is allowed.

  7. I'm the opposite of a yarn snob, I'll use pretty much anything. I've bought a lot of yarn secondhand from thrift stores in fact, and some of it without labels (which is just asking for trouble, I know; I've become a little more discerning).


    It's funny because a lot of people don't like using the ubiquitous Red Heart at ALL, but I like it for amigurumi because it holds its shape so well. Basically, I'm more likely to find a pattern that fits the yarn than to say "I won't use X yarn," whether in terms of fiber, brand, color, weight, or anything. A perfect project for any yarn, if you will.


    My friend actually sent me a skein of Cascade 220 in a colorway I like, and it seems amazing. I've got a project in mind but...I actually have to buy more of it first, heehee. Luckily it's not SUPER expensive or hard to find. It's exciting.

  8. Oh my gosh, I've wanted a nice kitchen background before (there are a couple that exist but they lack a certain something). This is exciting! And not even having to spend anything on it is nice.


    I also decided to take advantage of the current overabundance of the daily freebies and snagged Light Faerie Lemons for my gallery for 18 np. Whoo hooooo


    Didn't get a Fountain Faerie Quest but there's always next year I suppose.

  9. I hate watching infomercials because I always feel so bad for the people who have the "wrong" product or don't have what they're selling. I always feel bad watching people hurt themselves (falling or cutting themselves accidentally) in those infomercials, especially.


    It's sort of like embarrassment, right?


    I'm otherwise pretty shameless, my mom walked in on me watching Kamen Rider one time, but I wasn't really embarrassed, even when I had to basically tell her it was Power Rangers (which I used to LOVE as a kid so she definitely knows what that is).

  10. You might say I have a little interest in the subject. (The gallery looks so bare because I haven't spent the money to expand it yet, I have a lot more of the things on my wishlist than it appears; my one regret is that since I don't buy NC, I won't have all the lovely NC items that are knit and crochet.)


    My grandmother first taught me to crochet (in the round, she likes/liked making random round pieces of crochet) when i was a kid, I totally forgot, nd a few years later my mom re-taught me the very basics and I learned the rest on my own. I then taught myself how to knit by looking online.


    Some examples of my work. I don't really take/host online pictures of my work so that's all I have, and the first two are rather old. The Petey Piranha is one of the things I'm proudest of to date, because it's the first thing I've done about 90% pattern-free (the head is adapted from a Mrs. Pac-man pattern). It's not great, but I still like it. It's huge and huggable.

  11. As long as Neopets is playable and still free to play, I'll continue to play it I suppose. I hadn't heard about this and it is a little sad. I'm not convinced by all the people that seem to be screaming about the end of neopets, because it seems like every little change brings people grumbling about "neopets jumped the shark since X" or "isn't it a shame, Jumpstart/the habitarium/losing the habitarium/implementing customization/the creation of neopets RUINED neopets."

  12. Well, I got Air Faerie Eye Shadow today (another eye shadow that wasn't one of the ones I was hoping for, haha), and got an Earth Faerie. I wouldn't have bothered except that she asked for Lime Elixir, which I had three of in my SDB. For your efforts, knightofearth's speed has increased!



    A bit useless, as I understand it, but the healing springs faerie gives those potions for free and I always did have a bit of a soft spot for Earth Faeries anyway ;|


    It looks like they have released it on iTunes only, for right now.

    Haha, wow. That doesn't seem very fair. At least it's free though, and I assume if they've gone so far as to release it the other platform releases can't be far behind.


    I also love those "Bejewelled"-type games (Pokemon Shuffle has recently captured my attention for instance) so I'm glad about that.


    But I mean if you've been doing the quests since day one you might as well keep going for the 100% attendance prize at the end.

    You don't have to do the quests for the special prize, just go and collect your free item every day.

  15. I rejected the Fire Faerie quest today, those rainbow gym socks are probably on my other account but they're going in my gallery, not to a faerie.


    I also accepted the Crafting quest today and yesterday just to see what I could possibly get if I decided to buy some NC, and lo and behold for two days in a row she offered me the chance to get the fabric flowers foreground. No thanks, Delina.


    On the plus side I got Fire Faerie Eye Shadow! Which...is not one of the faerie eye shadows I was trying for but still cool! I'm always in favor of free wearables.

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