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Posts posted by pulpfreeoj

  1. I really love Harry Potter! When I was a child, it was my aunt buying me the third book and challenging me to read it that got me into reading real novels (I was always an advanced reader but up til then I had only read "chapter books"). Then when I had caught up (this was just before Goblet of Fire came out) I got LOTR at the time that first movie came out and the rest is history. I grew up following Harry's adventures, which is something I'm a little sad future generations won't get to do, what with the increasing maturity in each successive book meaning it won't scale with them as they age like it did for me and others of my peer group.



    When Pottermore came out I jumped at the chance to be "officially" sorted and get a wand of course. I always identified more with Ravenclaw (as a lot of nerdy people do) but I got sorted into Slytherin. At that time in my life I had enough maturity and introspection to accept the fact, after thinking a little and really paying attention to the description of Slytherin provided. If Hermione can be a Gryffindor then there's no reason I couldn't be a Slytherin, right? I think Rowling really gave the Slytherins a raw deal with their portrayal in the books, given that her apparent idea of what Slytherin is supposed to be differs quite drastically from what's depicted.




    who is everyone's least favorite and favorite character and why?


    Well, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to agree with some of the more...critical views of Ginny Weasley in this thread. In the beginning her character was understandable, but once she disappeared from the narrative and reappeared as the Woman of Harry's Dreams I didn't really buy it at all, even as a kid. Mind you, I don't think Harry should have wound up with Hermione or Cho or something, I just don't feel that Ginny's relationship with Ginny is very genuine or has any chemistry and it ALSO seems very weird from a Freudian viewpoint. MIND you, I'm not going to be rude and base my opinion of her entirely on her relationship with Harry; she's presented as this "sassy, powerful, strong female character" who can do no wrong which is all well and good but in a series with such very flawed and multifaceted characters I don't think it gels well. The most you could say is that she was shy and a little awkward around the object of her hero worship when she was 11-12 years old, but who wouldn't be at that age?


    This also ties into my issues with the epilogue but we'll not open THAT can of worms.


    When I was a child I always identified with Hermione because I know what it's like to be a bookish unlikable know-it-all who's not much to look at and a girl to boot. That said, maybe BECAUSE I identified with her, I can't really count her as my favorite character. I don't know if I do have a favorite, though, I have a hard time having favorites of anything. Maybe Ms. Figg? I like Draco as a character because as the series goes on you get to really see where he's coming from and how he changes (even if just a bit), but that's true of a lot of the characters (Dumbledore being another example). Sirius and Remus both are interesting and good people, and Dobby is definitely one of the ones that always sticks out in my mind. And who DOESN'T have affection for the Weasley clan as a whole?

  2. Oh my goodness that new dress is so pretty! And I don't buy Neocash (except for the Y14 snowball melting during the advent calendar as my pets customs can attest), so this is really a treat. It'll probably end up on Rainbow at some point, she usually gets the pretty clothes I end up with.


    And that animation was hilarious.

  3. I'm not buying anything to donate. I've already donated 50 times as of this morning, including 4 adopted neopians, and I know there's no way I'll EVER get on the leaderboard. If I get some toys I don't want from my dailies, I'll donate them, unless I can sell it for a whole lot of money. I already regret selling my Maraquan Charger and Maraquan Shieldmaiden plushies for so cheap at the beginning of this event, and there were probably more I donated that I could have held onto and sold at a profit.

  4. Yes, I do! And yes, I've heard of needle felting. I don't do it, because I think you mainly have to do it with slightly more expensive materials like 100% wool/mostly wool yarns, but I think it's fabulous. I have wool but I've mostly used it for unfelted clothing as gifts, or socks for myself, so far. It's my passion for these sorts of crafts that inspired this gallery. Which is what makes me wish there were more obviously knit/crocheted toys on neopets, since I love them so much.


    On a slightly different note, do people usually use paintbrush clothing in their galleries, if it's applicable to the theme? I know there are ways to trade for them but I've only ever seen people trade for paintbrush clothes they actually want their pets to wear...the Christmas and Snow pet scarves really fit well, but the one paint brush item I really want in my gallery would be the Elderly Female Ogrin Ball of Yarn. Don't ask me why but I am fixated on it.

  5. I just use the soup faerie to feed my pets on my side. I still have about 1600 np, only spent on some adoption fees.


    I just realized, is visiting the soup faerie in a side against rules somehow? I never considered that.


    EDIT: It is explicitly allowed to go to the soup faerie on a side, as per this editorial. Just for anyone curious. So I guess that's an option if you have the patience for it and/or don't have many pets on sides, like me.

  6. I feel terrible about it but i don't think I will be doing today's. It's been basically luck of the draw for me as to whether I have the item that people decided to buy and jack up in my SDB already, but 150k? That's ridiculous. Unless it lowers a LOT closer to midnight. And heck, i thought the assorted mini biscuits were too much at 15k (didn't buy those yet either, I have the other three. Which are the cheapest ones, lucky me).


    I have 3 neopians adopted so far. I'll keep an eye on the prices today just in case they DO lower.


    So I just picked this up at the Igloo Garage sale, is it something you need?

    Woollen Socks Knitting Set

    Thank you very much but I do have that item!




    If you wanted, you could just incrementally add groups of items as you complete the previous groups. That way, you set an achievable goal each time, but don't limit yourself just to that.

    Oh, that's a great idea! Sort of like leaving your gallery open to expansion but not leaving it with an incomplete feeling if you're not able to add more or decide not to add more. Thanks! And I absolutely love love LOVE your gallery.

  8. If you could please send it to concentratedoj (my side), that would save me from transferring it over. Once again, thanks so much!


    EDIT: I have updated my wishlist so it is more up to date in terms of what I still need for the gallery (the gallery is still size like, one or two so the items won't be there yet). Just for everyone's information.

  9. Lia, if you wanted to donate items I would be most grateful! If you do, would you mind if I put your (user)name in a section on that petpage thanking donors? Mirandaell, do you mind if I put your name on there too or do you prefer to remain anonymous?


    I appreciate the positive feedback, I wasn't sure if this idea for a gallery would be something people would like to see or if it would be too "boring". Even if it wasn't popular, though, this is mainly for my own enjoyment, to be honest :whistle: and maybe eventually to be entered in the Gallery Spotlight. Far...FAR in the future. Maybe.



    I would stay away from crocheting because of the plushie problem

    NEVERRRR! Okay, overreaction aside, I'm assuming all plushies are NOT applicable to this gallery unless otherwise noted (we'll assume they're sewn not knit or crocheted and mass-produced and stuffed with polyfill and not wool), so that's not a problem. The amount of crochet items is actually quite small, there's like one doily on all of neopets and I think one crochet book, plus the Jimmy and Woogy egg dolls. Unless we assume some of the hats and scarves and even socks are crocheted instead of knitted, which is possible. It's funny because IRL one of my favorite things is crocheting amigurumi and neopets has like little to no crocheted toys.


    Your gallery is so original! I love it.


    Aw, if you decide to donate some things that would be much appreciated, but don't feel pressured to do so by any means!

  11. See, I didn't want to get too deep into the world of Plushies because then I'd probably have to start including everything that's plushie or sewn, which wouldn't be feasible, hence why the only ones present on the wishlist are the Knitted Chia and Poogle Plushies. I included sock puppets on the logic that they're made from socks and thus could easily be hand-knitted. Blankets is something I forgot about though, definitely have to look into that.


    Thanks for the advice.

  12. So, my main gallery (which is on my side account oddly enough) is going to be based upon all things needlework.


    It started with knitting, but knitting items are so few, so I decided to expand my goals to crochet, cross-stitch, and embroidery, as well as EVERYTHING related to wool itself. The thing is that I'm sort of concerned that I might make the theme TOO broad, and end up with something unmanageable and/or a totally unreachable goal. I've had to use a lot of my own judgement when it comes to, for example, scarves that I think are probably knitted or crocheted or something instead of just regular woven cloth. And I thought about including things like Gnorbu and Cybunny grooming items to add to the conceit that this gallery goes from the process of raising the woolbearing neopets (and petpets, can't leave out baabaas) all the way to finished products.


    What do you think? This "wishlist" I already have some items of and I haven't edited it to account for that yet, so at this point it's really just everything I am considering including. What makes a good gallery theme without being too broad or too narrow? I am especially curious about what other crafters think. Should I try and branch out FURTHER, including for example, some Ixi grooming items since Ixis are the closest thing on neopets to goats that bear wool/hair? The actual petpets like baabaas and vacanas? I'm just not sure how far to go here, or what would make it a cohesive and attractive gallery without restricting the number of relevant items until you might as well not have a gallery at all.


    (It's also a travesty that there are so few knitting, crochet, cross-stitch, and yarn-related items on neopets, let me add. A lot of them, even the books, are completely adorable though, so I can't complain.)


    Rainbow_Dipped looks lovely. Will certainly consider drawing them, though if I do, I can't guarantee that I'll be able to include all of their clothes. (Would depend a lot on the style I draw them in)

    Thank you, even if I sadly doubt it. (My grandmother had a bad brain haemorrhage about two-and-a-half weeks ago and there still is a lot of uncertainty about how much damage there is, etc. We're currently playing the waiting game, as to say.) Same to you, though, I do hope you'll be having great holidays!

    Rainbow and I would certainly understand if you don't draw all of her clothes. She's got quite the ensemble going on at the moment!


    And I will certainly have your family in my thoughts. The best we can do in trying times like this, especially during this time of year, is to band together, families and friends and even strangers, to support each other :* I wish there were something I could do, but I hope warmly given Christmas wishes will somehow be able to help.

  14. I've been a fan of LOTR since I was little (the movies came out but I got the book for Christmas and read them before ever seeing it) and Tolkien in general for slightly less. I actually got The Hobbit later and, funnily enough, had the opposite problem of most people- instead of taking a few tries to get into LOTR it took me a while to really get into The Hobbit for some reason. I love Tolkien's works and the world he constructed.


    I feel like the Peter Jackson Hobbit movies haven't lived up to my expectations, as someone who hasn't seen the last one yet. The first was actually pretty good and held a lot of potential, but I really felt let down by the second one. My favorite parts of the second were the Smaug parts, everything else was lacking, in my opinion. And even then, the dwarves did things that ruined some of the Smaug parts

    like the gold statue scene, what on Earth was that about? Also, the "gold sickness" being a literal thing caused by some supernatural power of the Arkenstone instead of a metaphor for greed that has gotten out of hand is turning me off quite a bit, but I have come to realize over the years that Jackson's Tolkien movies have a tendency to lose a lot of the subtlety of Tolkien's work and take things literally more than is comfortable to me.

    The less said about the focus on the romance subplot or the handling of (and adding unnecessary things to) the Bard storyline, the better.


    So basically, I don't have high hopes. But I'll still see it, because I love Tolkien and I want to see it through. For what it's worth, I absolutely LOVE Martin Freeman as Bilbo and don't think there's a better casting choice they could possibly have made.

  15. I figured out how to work it and emptied out my SDB quite a lot. I'd like to report that I got at least one item of furniture ( a Simple Red Bed), though I forgot the rarity of the toys I donated. I think it was either in the 70s or 80s range.


    As others stated, I got food, a stamp, a LOT of books, and a few wearables, none of which would fit my pets (haven't checked the value on those but there are a couple I suspect are fairly valuable).

  16. Was messing around with the Charity Corner and looking at my inventory and saw this Random Event, which made me think of this thread:



    An Alien Aisha approaches and hands you Toasted Quiggle Legs. Gross.


    Alright, 'fess up, whose Aisha's been toasting poor Quiggles and handing out their legs as a snack?!

  17. So I guess the moral of the story is I should have chosen the toys and not the tree tag. Darn. I like getting wearables.


    Anyone know if there have been reports of wearables or toys or anything besides food from the tags? I got Island Sandies, if that helps.

  18. I personally like it. Just cleaned a few Dailies junk items from my SDB (which is full to bursting with those) and got some cookies in return. I just wish there was a way to look at the tag more than once (unless there is and I missed it when I was donating).


    I feel like there's no way I'll ever be able to get on the Most Generous Neopians board though, which is a bad feeling. Maybe that's for NC donaters who have a lot they don't want?

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