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Posts posted by pulpfreeoj

  1. Since I 'came back' to neopets with my current account and found all these lovely dailies exist, I have basically been a hoarder. It's just easier to throw everything in the SDB instead of bothering with pricing things every day and trying to sell 1np junk, especially when its food that you could always just feed to your pets later or items that might be useful if there's an event or something.


    Made the Charity Corner much easier, I can tell you. I'd probably have made a lot more money off that if I had a battle-ready pet and did the battledome every day. Not that I would support that ridiculous artificial inflation that was going on, mind you, that was completely uncalled-for.


    I also have a really bad habit of buying cheap things I see that I like and have no use for and throwing it into my SDB, especially toys or particularly pretty food. Once I sought out and bought a Pretty Pink Wocky Tea Set even though I have NO use for it at all.

  2. I am desperately seeking a Colourful Yarn Sweater. It's a crafting faerie prize that's now unavailable, and I want it to customize one of my pets.


    I have a very few NC items to offer for trade, but most of them are retired or special event items so maybe they're of interest. There's a list on Rainbow's pet page; some things are more willingly parted with than others but don't be shy about asking for a trade.


    Due to a stroke of good luck and events on the neopets site, I also have a little NC to work with so I can possibly offer capsules. If interested in trading, please PM me or neomail me to discuss. I got it!

  3. Are you speaking to a medical professional about the food you're eating? Especially if you have concerns like this, I'd say it's important.


    Also, just so you know, snacking isn't your enemy. It's better to have six smaller "meals" (more like three reasonably-portioned meals and three "snacks") throughout your day than to have just three small meals. For one thing, having something in your stomach every few hours vastly helps to remove any temptation you might have (and on a diet, you WILL be tempted). Just make sure your snacks are reasonably healthy things like a serving of fruit or whole grains for carbs, or some lean protein like low-fat yogurt. Things like that. And make sure to stay hydrated, especially when you exercise! A lot of times people mistake thirst for hunger, and lots of water is good for you anyway. (Sorry about the unsolicited advice, you can definitely feel free to ignore it if you want. I just lost a lot of weight a couple years ago and I think a lot of the principles I learned when it comes to food are useful.)


    And I hope your bruise feels better.


    Happy birthday! :D I hope you have an amazing day!

    Hopefully the lag will let you have a good time, and that you get some good REs. :) Maybe try your hand at Pyramids or Sakhmet Solitaire?

    Thanks so much Lia!


    I ended up sort of losing steam after I lost the first match I tried to the tree monster guy...so yeah. Haha.

  5. This is such a heartwarming story (well, the end and outcome are, and they're all the more bright for the scariness in the beginning and climax).


    I hope you and Stripes continue to care for one another, and that his owners treasure him as well.


    I have always liked animals, and have been closer to more animals than I have people. One of my cats is around 15 years old (we got him in December of '99 and he was born around October of that year), and I don't know what I'll do when he eventually passes on. He's mostly just a mouthy needy brat but he's so charming about it that I can't deny him the pleasure of snoozing on my bed all day and a scratch or two when I look at him and find he's looking at me (honestly, I swear cats have hypnotic powers, he can get me petting him for ten minutes at a time or more with just a plaintive meow and a glance!). I understand what it's like to care for a cat so strongly and they seem to love you back; it's truly a privilege.

  6. Hi guys.


    Today is my birthday! (Does that make me a Buzz?) Is there anything I should do on Neopets today? I plan to try and get that last Snow wars trophy since the lag has let up a bit, so maybe I'll get some nice REs.

  7. Oh man, my Gnorbu goodwool on my side account basically "takes care of" my wool/needlecraft gallery on that account, and I totally missed the "sheared" appearance! I'lll be kicking myself until NEXT Gnorbu Shearing Day.

  8. Those clothes are really cute! But yeah, not together. Much more appealing than the Aisha Day clothes though.


    The wig is especially cute. And I have a weird fondness for Biscuit pets for some reason. it's hard not to like a cookie.

  9. Aisha day! Love those Aishas.


    The Wraith color looks good, and while I don't really like the pastel I don't think it looks like a corpse like a bunch of you guys are saying, the colors just remind me of the Mutant Aisha with the blue and pink.


    The clothes are ugly though. Shoulderpads, yeesh. I think Knight will do fine without them.

  10. I just saw the last movie yesterday for New Year's Eve, and...yeah, my opinions pretty much remain unchanged.


    First one was the best, LOTR films were much better though (and naturally the books blow them out of the water but I digress). Even my mother said she liked the LOTR films better. There were definitely some enjoyable parts, and it was visually gorgeous as always (minus some really obvious CGI in a couple parts that detracts from the whole thing, what in the world were they thinking), but I wouldn't pay to watch it again.


    I am gonna see if we still have a copy of the Rankin/Bass Hobbit movie, I always liked it.

  11. I bought a celery and asparagus biscuit (the biscuit was a bit overpriced but not TOTALLY unmanagable) and had everything else. Today I got the avatar! :happydance: I feel lucky because I didn't spend a gazillion neopoints on the items for any day, and a lot of people did, which makes me a bit sad.


    Now I will probably participate to get the exclusive items if I can each day, and sell off my extras cheaply for people to use.



    the reason people "ask enormous amounts for useless crap" is because they are trying to make a profit...

    When the profit comes from artificially inflating junk so no one can have a chance at an exclusive item or avatar, I am gonna have to agree with everything AllTimeMarr has said. It's the risk you took and you have to live with that. I had copies of at least one of everything in my SDB today, probably sell off my extras cheaply. I'm up to 6 adopted neopians.

  13. With all these people hoarding these items and charging outrageous prices for them, I hope they get stuck with worthless items that won't sell after this event. There's literally no reason to deny other people the chance at an avatar (if that is the prize) besides meanness and greed.


    I have one copy of each of the books and two of the kabobs for today's adopt-a-neopian which I do not need because I won't be paying stupid prices for the other two pieces of junk, if you need one of these items neomail me and I will give it to you. I'm going to bed right now but in a few hours I will respond to neomail.

  14. If you possibly can, try and be on at midnight NST when the tags change. I did it this morning and it worked for me, I was able to get the items before they inflated beyond all recognition. I realize it's not feasible for everyone, but if you are able to be up at that time, whatever it is for you, it's your best bet. You'll have to deal with INCREDIBLE lag and trying to find items a bit lower on the shop wizard that haven't been sniped yet, but it works.


    If I can pull it off again, I'm going to try and see if I can get a few duplicate items for people here on TDN, because this game people are playing with this event is ridiculous.


    Good luck finding someone to sell.

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