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Posts posted by pulpfreeoj

  1. So I actually ended up adopting Pexcis a while back (thanks pokeneodragon! I love her), and I'm having a bit of trouble with choosing her custom.


    Here's what she has now, and I like it but it feels off somehow.



    And here's another custom I cooked up half for laughs and half seriously. I would almost be tempted to go with this if I could find a background I liked for it.



    And finally, what do you think of this custom for Rainbow_Dipped? I have so much trouble trying to customize her I swear, but I think this one might be good...


  2. You have a woodland aisha and a gnorbu (named LittleWoolScarf!)?


    And you're a biologist who loves BUGS and MOLLUSCS? Your mollusc gallery makes me want to cry (with joy)! It's everything I had vaguely dreamt of one day doing possibly. I'm more of a cephalopod person myself, but any mollusc or bug is fine by me! Welcome welcome!


    a Royal (boy/girl) _____ Morphing Potion could do the trick for you.

    Forgive me if I'm wrong on this, but I know you can have Royal Boy/Girl pets even if the pet is Girl/Boy gendered (respectively) if something like the lab ray xzaps your pet the opposite gendered Royal or if you choose the opposite gendered Royal on a fountain faerie quest (I believe, not sure about that one). Does the morphing potion actually change the gender? I wouldn't count on it...

  4. Cybunnies have a lot of cute colors, a couple of my personal favorites are Cloud (that extra-fluffy ruff!) and Camouflage (it looks more like a real rabbit than most colors- my own angorabunny is painted camouflage).


    Then again, I also have a weird fondness for basic Red Cybunnies. Maybe the red and pink combo? In any case, it's probably easier for you to come up with a theme you like and pick the paint based on that, or pick one based on your own preferences. As for Lutaris, I'm not quite as familiar with them, but I'm sure you can find something you enjoy. Snowbell is right, the Rainbow Pool is a great place to start.

  5. Aw, I can't believe I missed Kougra Day. I like these colors better than last year though, the Woodland Kougra was kind of really boring IMO.


    In fact, I like the Transparent kougra enough that I would totally have one of my own.


    neopets risks abandoning it's loyal fanbase if they tried to become modern and hip with the facebook hipsters when everyone's playing some god awful game like candy crush on their phones you really don't want neopets to go down that route of specializing in content for the selfie tweeting crowd

    See, I disagree with you because the site's in dire need of an update. "Pandering to this newfangled twittering generation get off my lawn" is one thing, but there's a definite need for a LOT of streamlining as far as Neopets usability, layout, navigation, etc. etc.


    And if some fans would get upset at THAT, how loyal could they possibly be? Neopets shouldn't have to be stuck in the late 90s; we live in 2015, a time when computers can do crazier things than ever before, and the site should be free to reflect that and make the most of it.

  7. So much negativity. I like the polka dot colo(u)r, I think it's cute (even if the combination of polka dots and a red mane makes the Tonu look kind of clownish, lol).


    This is obviously meant to be one of those not-deluxe colors like starry, split, camouflage, Disco (on certain pets that don't get accessories with being painted Disco) etc. It's supposed to be a little quirky and maybe not to everyone's tastes. We've had colors like that since neopets began so I don't understand the issue.

  8. Oh man, I was about to get angry but I looked at the guide and I think I missed yesterday's negg somehow. (OK not 'somehow,' ten hour shifts stink and I don't recommend them.)


    Is this really the last day for real? I'm not even close to an avatar collector but I missed out on a lot of events and plots in the past (like...all of them) so I wanted to start getting the unique ones for events and stuff, for memories' sake. I managed to get the Charity Corner one without even breaking the bank, so I thought I was off to a good start.


    The festival is a little disappointing this year as compared to the prior years. Do you think this has anything to do with the staffing restructure?

    I'm a bit disappointed at the prizes (the fact that as of yet there doesn't seem to be a NC component doesn't bother me because I don't buy NC), but I think maybe if you collect a negg a day here might be something cool to make up for it a little bit (the negg meter thing is what makes me think this). I would think the reduced/changed staff would probably explain the differences of the event, yeah.



    I'll probably be selling the background, if that's what you are looking at.

    In that case you don't want to try and get me to buy it, because I'm cheap :whistle:

  10. Howl's Moving Castle is my favorite. I don't even know why. It's one of my favorite things to do to watch Howl's Moving Castle and spend the whole of it doing needlework.


    Though to be fair, I haven't seen some (the more recent ones like Princess Kaguya which looks absolutely gorgeous, and the one about designing planes in WWII or something which I'm not that interested in).


    knightofearth's custom looks cool! Quite the dark and dashing type.

    goodwool looks really cute! Add the Bright Yarn and Bells Foreground, if you have NC. You can trade for it with others.

    angorabunny and Tnuq look well! They both suit their species and colours!

    I can't see rainbow_dipped though.

    And seheteep looks really nice for me. Just lacking a lil something...

    Thanks for your feedback, ArowanaPrincess! I'll definitely consider getting the matching foreground for goodwool if i ever buy or get enough NC for some trading.


    And as for Rainbow_Dipped, I don't know what happened there with the image (I probably changed or deleted it without realizing), but here's how she currently is dressed.



    Previous comments about her outfit still stand. (Plus, I can never get the Tacky Lighted Holiday Shoes to work on her Dress to Impress outfits, they actually are in the right place on her Neopets image.)


    Now, I'd like to say that I knew exactly what your pets were dressed as almost as soon as I saw webcomic, but seeing the head of your Chomby confirmed it. So yeah, fellow trash here.


    All of your pets look great but, and I hate to say it, I have to agree about Dirk being hard to customize; you have the general themes right, but it doesn't really resemble him much, somehow.


    Here's what I came up with quickly; the glasses were the closest fit I could find, and I didn't go through ALL the wigs to find a good one (and the ones I did find hid the glasses anyway), so no wig. I realize that this might not be a reasonably achievable custom to actually do, I was just going off looks.


    Here's the outfit page so you can see the kind of items I used.




    Dirk is really hard. Dirk is REALLY hard. At one point I had a custom and realized it was an almost perfect Bro custom (that Impressive Plushie Collection makes a great pile of smuppets), but not so great of a Dirk custom. This one obviously isn't perfect and probably not even that good, I just tried to capture the character a little bit.

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