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Posts posted by pulpfreeoj

  1. This is such a cute idea!




    (Just so you know, his custom right now is in honor of the holidays and won't be permanent, if you don't mind that.)

    If Knight could speak to you he'd probably say something like this:


    "You can call me Knight! I like to adventure all around Neopia, searching for the deepest dungeons to plunder, the toughest monsters to defeat, the most puzzling puzzles to solve, and the maidens most in need of rescuing. My buddy Spookster the Spyder is a great help, much more than my sisters. The only problem is I can't seem to find any dungeons with treasure or damsels to save..."


    As for your other question, Woodland and Alien! Faerie is always nice too. Or you could do something unexpected like custard, snot or biscuit.

  2. I am just trying to create a petpage with a wishlist from jn on it, and this thing won't let me.


    Lace Tweed Xweetok Hat- okay, tweed on its own is totally innocuous but I can sort of get it.


    But then the filter starts telling me I can't because of items that have "bad words" not even in their names, but the filenames of their images! How was I to know the Purple Edible Socks had "grape" in their filename? And the filename of the Piece of Wool DOESN'T EVEN MAKE SENSE: https://images.neopets.com/items/med_booby_2.gif. Honestly, it's not even a certain kind of bird or something understandable like that, it's Piece of Wool, why would they even do that?


    So yes, if you want to talk about your new tweed suit, you can't.



    I'm not a fan of Wockies anyway, not since the conversion.

    I really loved the Wocky years ago when I used to play, but to my dismay when i made my current account I realized I don't anymore. Now I don't know if my tastes have changed or the conversion changed something really subtle about them (which I cannot seem to pinpoint, however I try). Luckily my number one favorites, Kougras, are still fine.


    I always get surprised when pets get some color for their pet day that is old and I would have expected them to have already, like Split. That said, the clothes are pretty cute.

  4. So I just changed my language on Neopets to Portuguese on my account to get the Raindorf gift bag from the NC Mall.


    Unfortunately, I can't seem to change the language BACK (to English). I keep selecting English in the drop-down list and pressing the "Go!" button, but after the current page changes to English, it will immediately switch back to Portuguese when I load another page (or reload the current one).


    is there something I'm missing? Now my account is stuck in a language I don't understand.



    Anyway, going to the NC mall yourself lets it load just fine, and allows you to claim the bag. :)

    That's not the case for everyone. Or at least, that's not the case for me, and I would assume anyone who keeps getting the "technical difficulties" error.

  6. I suppose cardinals are very much a North America thing. They're on decorations and cards and everything all over. Did you ever notice that usually you don't see depictions of more than one male cardinal together? That's because males are very territorial. Also, European robins are in a totally different Family from American robins, which are actually a type of thrush. And the Japanese robin is more closely related to the European robin.



    Being an Australian, I don't even have the winter connotations in my personal life to connect with, however I have lived long enough to be familiar with this kind of representation because all of the Northern Hemishpere winter and Christmas concepts are somehow strangely embraced by a good chunk of those of us living in countries that are actually going to be HOT at Christmas... anyway, I digress. I think my daughter wouldn't get it, but I'm old enough to know.

    I always wondered how that even worked for people in the southern hemisphere who celebrate Christmas.

  7. Yesterday I finished dressing my pets up for the holidays. What do you think? I finally found a nice use for that snowman hoodie! Show off your snazzy pets or even just your ideal winter customs.







    Rainbow's shoes aren't showing up for some reason. (She hasn't changed in a long time but shhhh this is her time to shine with all those wintery neocash clothes.)


    And one of the darlings on my side account got gussied up too. (Link to page because the preview doesn't show the clothes properly.)



    I'm also super excited for the advent calender this year after totally flaking out and not participating last year.

  8. I wouldn't say that your custom looks very much like Elsa.


    Is it strange though, I recently had the thought that a Royalgirl Kyrii might be a good base for an Elsa theme? Particularly the unconverted one. Then again, you wouldn't go wrong with most of the more wintery Royal Girls either (Bruce, Bori [with that braid], etc.).

  9. Excuse me please - I don`t know much about this one. You can lose petpets, can`t you - for like ... a couple of hours? Days on end? Till the next full moon?

    You don't really "lose them"- their image on your pet's page just turns into a swirly thing for a few hours as they're "exploring the tomb" or whatever, and you can't remove it during that time or pound your neopet that has it attached or anything like that. I think there was an editorial where TNT said your petpet actually isn't in any danger.

  10. 2.png

    Is anyone looking to adopt a robot pet or a korbat? Bat_Matt was given to me roughly a year ago by a user who left neopets and wanted to find him a good home. I'm just not that attached to him despite my love of korbats, but I don't want to change his rare color or pound him. He's up for quick adoption to a nice home. He DOES NOT have any of the robotic casing.


    I have an Adagio petpet I made just for him that I can reattach to him, if you'd like. Shoot me a neomail if you'd like to adopt this little guy. I will eventually pound him if I have to, so please contact me if you would be interested.


    He's been pounded.

  11. Quick update, today I decided to sell a few things from my SDB and ended up with enough to surpass the 5 million mark in my bank account! I've never had this many neopoints, ever.


    Since my goal was pretty much just to reach that account level, and since habitarium is gone (making it harder to reach those last few levels since that's what I used to invest my time and effort into), I'm going to start working on my pets' customizations and my side-account gallery. What fun!

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