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Posts posted by Shelley

  1. Guilds can also be very helpful when it comes to account improvement. Kind if like this forum, guilds can be places to look for help or ask questions. Many have activities to participate in and things like 1np auctions, an avatar lending program, or an adoption agency.


    It's just kind of nice to have a network of people that you can chat with really

  2. I have a little over 11mil but I want to buy all these nice things like a desert PB. I want to have a steady 10mil in the bank, for me that's rich. I know there are people with hundreds of millions but that's just an amazingly unrealistic goal for me. With 10mil in the bank I feel comfortable now :)


    With nearly 10mil I am apparently considered rich but I don't feel it for some reason. lol I have enough to get the paint brush I want but I'm always afraid of spending money.

    ^yes!! I know this feeling lol

  3. I really love my guild, the Collective investors Association or the CIA. It's just a general account improvement guild. It's been around since 2009 and there are a lot of older players that have a lot of good advice to give when it comes to making more neopoints or avatar collecting. I now run an adoption agency and a flash game activity. We also have things like a customization contest, caption contest, and avatar lending.




    My guild may not be your thing though so I would highly recommend checking out the guild board on the neoboards. There are a LOT of guilds out there for every interest imaginable. Take your time and ask questions! :)

  4. the pastel aisha looks kind of like a toned down verison of a ghost pet. I don't hate it but I'm not a huge fan. The wraith looks awesome though! The collar just looks a little funny but I like it :)


    Welcome to the voting thread for the second round of the Customization Contest (V2)! I'm really amazed at all the entries this round and I'm sure you will be too :)

    Thank you to all who entered! As of now all the original voting rules still apply. This will still be a public poll with multiple votes allowed. Anyone and everyone is welcome to vote :) If I have made a mistake with your entry please mail me ASAP!

    The next round starts Monday the 12th. If you are interested in participating please see the main thread:


    Theme: New Years Celebration


    1. You can't vote for yourself, as stated in the rules on the Customization Contest thread.

    2. You can vote for more than one entry.

    4. The top 3 multiple voted entries will awarded a trophy and a designated prize.

    5. If you have any questions, please mail my account (Shelley).

    6. Please do not use any of the trophies from the Forum Customization Contest if you don't have permission


    Congratulations to the Top Three Voted Entries!!

    First Place

    (Awarded Translucent Faerie Wings)




    Second Place

    (Awarded Fancy Ball Mask)




    Third Place

    (Awarded Magic Ball Table)




    All other participants also awarded "Basic Yellow Balloon"

    Thank you for participating! :)


    Expired Entries

    #1 A Musical Ixi NYE

    By: Dan!elle


    Link for animations: http://impress.openn.../outfits/817727

    Story: The night before we ring in the new year we celebrate what the old year brought us and anxiously anticipate what adventures are to come in the new year. Some of the best celebrations are surrounded by elegance and music, such as this Ixi's party theme.

    #2 A Lightmite New Year

    By: Shelley


    Link for animations: http://impress.openn.../outfits/816497

    Story: Where it's warm and the nightmites are still glowing, you can find Neopians ringing in the new year with elegant outdoor parties. Everyone who knows the lightmite knows there's no comparison when it comes to their brilliant light displays.
    #3 Betsy Sparkles' New Years Party
    By: Deboratibi
    Story: Betsy Sparkles says: "In Y17, may the lag last as long as your New Years resolutions!"
    #4 Moltara New Year
    By: LillytheGrundo

    Link for animations: http://impress.openneo.net/outfits/818027

    #5 Underwater New Year
    By: acquarella
    #6 New Years in the Woods
    By: Spritzie
    Story: Every year on New Years Eve, everyone dresses in their finest and gathers in the forest clearing to bring in the new year under the stars.
    By: Siniri

    Link for animations: http://impress.openn.../outfits/824598

    Story: Síofra knows the best spot in Shenkuu for New Year's Eve. Down in the valley past the pagoda, there's a little pond. It's a long walk from the hustle and bustle of the crowds at the festival, but that's just the way Síofra likes it The fireworks are launched from the mountains surrounding the valley, and Síofra enters her own secret world of land and sky, fire and water, light and darkness, magic and mist.

  6. Welcome to TDN from a fellow socially awkward college student! lol, you're never too old for neopets! I major in art management with a focus on art history. I'm still mourning after the loss of my old account haha, but I've kept this one for quite a few years now :)


    Well anyway, I hope you enjoy your time here ^^

  7. I love the Birthday Petpets! I have a birthday meepit :)


    Jinjahs are kind of cute and I really like the gingerbread dandan the advent calendar gave out. The Faerie Walking Carpet has a cotton candy vibe to it, actually I think a lot of the faerie pets might accompany the sugary colors on chocolate pets :)


  8. since I was young I've always been dragged to my mom's boss's new years party since they're good family friends. So I've never cared much for New Years. Usually don't do anything exciting. I have relatives coming up new years day which will be fun though :) Although they're coming up for my dad's Birthday- not New Years lol

  9. A music theme would be really cool! Something like that never crossed my mind. I'm a huge Broadway fan so that would be super fun :D I'll keep that in mind!


    I've only received 4 entries for this round so far so I've extended to entering date. Maybe with an extra week we'll receive double the entries! I know I've been very busy during this holiday season and I'm sure everyone else has been as well :)


    Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday <3

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