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Posts posted by Shelley

  1. A carnival/mardi gras is a great idea for a contest and something people could have a lot of fun with. We'll definitely have to do that! :)


    I have officially extended the entering date of the current contest. It will now end on January 25th! So everyone has an extra week to either perfect their entries or start one. I have received 5 wonderful entries but would love to see some more this round :) spread the word!

  2. Hi Pat! It’ nice to meet you. My family is from Williamsport, PA and I plan on moving there sometime in the near future. Good luck on the Altador plot, I really enjoyed that one :) The stock market is also a great way to invest your money! Once you really get into it it’s hard to stop


    I’m sorry to hear about your accident :( I also came back to neo after coming down with a medical problem where I had to do a lot of bed rest. Real life down time isn’t so bad when you have something to entertain yourself with. Neo is something that never gets boring to me :p

  3. I've definitely faced some "ugh why" moments after coming back from hiatus. First off during my longest hiatus my account was purged along with all my pets (I really loved my disco kougra lol). That really stunk. But honestly I didn't mind rebuilding. Sure it was a pain, and I was upset that I had lost everything. But then again when I was 12 I wasn't exactly a pro at the game so I didn't have that many achievements anyway.


    But neopets is just a game. Sure you may have some regrets, but don't let that stop you from playing. As one of my teachers used to say in high school, "accept it and move on" lol


    also never regret abandoning neo to build up some real life "account achievements" :)

  4. OMG! Deb these are fantastic!! I'll be using one right away! :D


    Well I know there are at least 3 more entries in the works....but I will most likely extend the entering period once again depending on how many entries I receive by Sunday. I understand that this is a busy time of year, especially with school starting back up again :) So everyone should be on the lookout for changes to the entering date!

  5. YAY Sloth Day!! :D


    I really do like the smile, but like the "Infectious Smile of the Shootout Showdown Goalie" I think it looks kind of out of place on some pets (I was just trying it out on DTI with a draik)

  6. Hello jenks! I used to live in the NE too (not PA though), but I don't envy you guys right now. I do miss those NE summers though.



    Shelley, where in upstate NY are you from? I lived in upstate NY for several years for uni. (Amazing how when I used to tell people I lived in NY they'd always ask about the city... NYS is bigger than NYC... :shiftyeyes_anim: )


    I live in a small town around the lake george/glens falls area. I used to attend school at New Paltz but now I'm going to a school in the Saratoga region. I actually enjoy the Adirondacks for then the big city. But NYC doe have it's charms (and the Met! :D)


    Jenks, I forgot to ask, any clues to the username? :p

  7. Yes! They accept visual art of all forms that are neopets related. Even things like nail design will be considered by the judges. I remember seeing a colored clay sculpture for TDMBGPOP day recently. Your idea sounds neat, I would love to see it in the Art Gallery :)

  8. I think I remember you actually, Welcome back! I live in upstate NY (and I mean upstate, upstate) so I know the cold you're talking about lol. My family has always been huge into geneology...I don't know how they can possibly be discovering new relativesl, but I suppose it's endless! I do really love hearing the stories of close relatives in the past and who I'm related to


    Good luck in the CC this week! I need to enter again sometime :)

  9. Here's a question from editorial 270


    Hi TNT! I'm just asking -- can you change main accounts every month or so? Thanks! ~zbelac
    Uh, no. This doesn't quite go along with the spirit we intended when we said you could change main accounts. While there is no definite number of times you can switch, we imagine it would be more like a one or two time thing. Basically, you may switch accounts if you feel serious about leaving an old account behind and starting anew or moving to one with a new name. This shouldn't be something done lightly, and please do your best to stay committed to your new main account. Randomly swapping back and forth all willy-nilly-like is basically using multiple accounts to play Neopets, which is not allowed. (Just because it's not every day doesn't mean it's okay.) We do realise that you may find a username you like better down the line and want to switch to that one, for example, so we're trying to accommodate by allowing you to switch. But make a decision. Pick one account and stick with it, eh?


    (I know this is kind of an off topic editorial, but related) It's perfectly fine to switch accounts. Some people suggest a waiting period between switching, meaning no game play for a week or so. You can treat your new main the same as you treated your old main- collecting any trophies that you want. Just make sure you strictly treat your old main as a side. Good luck! I've never switched accounts :)

  10. This was a while ago but I remember I had a friend who also entered a fake birthday and couldn't access her account. She wrote to TNT explaining the issue and they sent her her fake birthday. Maybe they can update your birthday to your actual one. It's worth a shot


    I should have done the same thing, I lost my old account because I couldn't remember my fake birthday and it was eventually purged.

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