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Posts posted by Shelley

  1. Thanks for the warm welcome.

    It had better come out soon - the show is already on A Feast for Crows! And I doubt they'll split five into two seasons. x__x

    Seem to be lots of fans of GoT, which mkaes me happy! Who is/are your favourite(s)? c:

    And yeah - I may be too ambitious, but better to aim too high than too low. But good that you can avoid public speaking - possibly a better talent is being able to blow off what you don't want to do. b)


    not to mention George R. R. Martin is getting pretty old! lol The pressure is on. Aside from Daenerys (the obvious favorite lol- my draik is customized after her :D) I'm like in love with Jon Snow haha. I also tend to like the more complicatedly "evil" characters like Cersi and Melissandre. And when I began reading the series I really hated Sansa but now she's one of my favorites as well


    haha I don't know how I manage to get out of so man public speaking events...I must have some sort of magic on my side xD

  2. Isn't that the cutest!!! oh my gosh :D I love puppies but after a week or so with them, I'm just so excited for them to grow up..they can be a pain!!


    You sound like you are going to be a great owner! Just make sure you keep him up to date with his vaccines, make sure he gets his parvo vaccine as soon as he can (I've seen the disease take far too many pups). Dogs can rake up a much higher vet bill than any cat.


    but dogs are so much fun <3 The last puppy I had was a high energy Brittany Spaniel...but we also had a lot of land for her to run around in :) Unfortunately she passed from something completely unpreventable (I blame the "breeders")

  3. I have an "oddity" collection which is just more like a nature collection. Mostly things I've found around the house like animal bones, rocks, bugs, wasp nests, things like that. I like to order owl pellets off amazon and dissect them because I'm weird like that...


    In my defense, I use these objects for my art :nerd:

  4. I DEFINITELY think the all NP challenge is a great idea. When it comes to customizing our actual pets a lot of us (including myself) don't have an abundance of NC items to work with. Ideas that people come up with could more easily carry over to our actual neopets :)


    I've already received four entries this round so I do not think I need to extend it another week. I've been getting such great ideas and I'm excited to try them out! I have a species in mind that might work well for a valentines day round :p


    So the entry period will officially end the 8th! :)

  5. I would like to apologize to entries 1, 5, and 6 for the broken links! I was not aware of this. And thank you sinri for providing a way around the broken links


    I'm really sorry guys, I'll double check that that they all work next time, I don't know how that happened


    This round of voting is going to end in a few hours so if anyone wants to sneak in some votes, now is the time :)

  6. Hi Pinwheel! lol isn't re-discovering neopets fantastic? Game of Thrones for the win!! I was kind of disappointed to hear that the Winds of Winter will not be coming out this year :/


    You have some admirable career goals! I don't think I would ever have the people skills to be a politician lol.. not to mention I very much dislike talking in front of large crowds lol in school I usually do everything in my power to get out of them without haring my grades, and I have to say I'm pretty successful at it ;)


    welcome to the forums! :)

  7. lol!! that lair of the beast is pretty terrifying D:


    I used to think the word "inventory" was some made up word pronounced "invent-ery" like you know, it's a cool place where you can invent things? When I heard it used in real life I was like "ooh".


    ^haha and I also just discovered the arrows on the world map far too recently. So recently that it's pretty embarrassing xD

  8. NUMBER TENNN!!!!!!


    Dear Shelley,

    Congratulations! Your entry (Hm, I Wonder Where They Get Those Eggs) has been selected to appear in a future issue of the Neopian Times. A shiny trophy has been added to your user lookup. Thank you for contributing to the Neopian Times!




    I'm so happy!! Only took a year and a half to get that avatar :p I shall use it with pride!! I also have to give a shoutout to Sabs' round of the Forum Customization Contest in which we had to dress up a baby pteri. My alternate entry gave me the idea for this latest 'toon ;)

  9. I would definitely go with the old account!! There's so many perks that accompany aged accounts -one of my favorites being the maximum bet when playing food club.


    I would recommend looking at this guide for tips in how to switch successfully if that's what you plan on doing (I was reading this myself a little while ago- it's a good guide)



    It also talks about what you can or cannot transfer..it should answer all of the questions you might have


    good luck!! and congrats on getting your accounts back :thumbsup:


    oh! and P.S. sell off all your stock before the switch!

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