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Posts posted by Shelley

  1. I'm sorry to hear that you'll be leaving neopets :( I would never have the guts to deactivate an account (although with the account purges neo has swept two of my accounts away for me :p)


    There are a LOT of perks for an older account, I wouldn't want you regretting your decision


    but best of luck in your future endeavors! :) I'm sure you will have no problem finding homes for your pets but unfortunately I can't be one of them

  2. So far it appears the sale wasn't extended. I just loaded the mall and the LE's from the weekend are gone and the regular prices are listed. Perhaps something will be stated in the news. :(

    That's really disappointing to hear :/ I'm sure they'll have to extend it, I mean it's really unfair to us.


    Grrr...I really wish I had checked out with at least a few of the items I've been wanting before site went down


    Welcome to the voting thread for the third round of the Customization Contest (V2)! Brrr...it's cold in here

    Looking to cure the lag time blues?

    Head on over the main thread to check out the next round and start customizing! :)

    The next round starts Monday the 2nd (is it really that close to February??)


    Thank you to all who entered! As of now all the original voting rules still apply. This will still be a public poll with multiple votes allowed. Anyone and everyone is welcome to vote :) If I have made a mistake with your entry please mail me ASAP!

    Theme: Frozen Over/Winter


    1. You can't vote for yourself, as stated in the rules on the Customization Contest thread.

    2. You can vote for more than one entry.

    4. The top 3 multiple voted entries will awarded a trophy and a designated prize.

    5. If you have any questions, please mail my account (Shelley).

    6. Please do not use any of the trophies from the Forum Customization Contest if you don't have permission


    Congratulations to the Top Three Voted Entries!!

    First Place

    (Awarded Ice Garland)




    Second Place

    (Awarded Sparkling Icy Winterscape)




    Third Place

    (Awarded Snow Laden Foreground)








    All other participants also awarded "Ice Caves Background"

    Thank you for participating! :)


    Expired Entries

    #1 When Hell Freezes Over

    By: Deboratibi


    Link for animations:http://impress.openn.../outfits/829835

    Story: UCs will be creatable

    #2 Ice Queen

    By: Dan!elle


    Link for animations: http://impress.openneo.net/outfits/777171

    Story: When the winter time comes, this Water Wocky embraces her fate and morphs into the beautiful Ice Queen that she is! You may go ahead and insert a Frozen quote here, if you must... :)
    By: LillytheGrundo
    Story: Far in the future Tyrannia's volcano has frozen over and the Neopians of the time have begun digging in the ice to hopefully learn more about the past. One day, a frozen Wocky was discovered encased in ice! Lucy, the Zafara archeologist, is certain they will be able to thaw her out and reanimate her.
    #4 Winter is Coming...
    By: Shelley

    Link for animations: http://impress.openn.../outfits/831180

    Story: Beware the white walkers!
    By: Spritzie
    #6 Snowy Vacation
    By: cat_attack
    Story: Aziza was delighted when she looked out the window one morning to find the landscape outside her vacation lodge covered in snow. As a desert wocky she had never seen snow in person before. As she ran around outside exploring she thought "Best winter break ever!"
    #7 Blizzard
    By: Siniri

    Link for animations: http://impress.openn.../outfits/835611

  4. You need some confidence!! :) *sends some your way* Don't let your physical body stop you from being who you want to be, whether that's feminine or not. I'll be the first one to admit that in high school I had a serious sweat problem! I mean it didn't matter how much anti-antiperspirant I used, I was a waterfall by the end of the day. I would have to go to the bathroom all the time and dry out :p haha. Jackets and sweaters were great friends of mine.


    I consider myself pretty girly. I wear dresses every day, refuse to go out in public without make-up, and spend wayy too much time doing my hair. I love my style. But most people don't know that I rarely shave my legs. It's just not for me, I don't enjoy doing it. I'm not taking that time out of my day to do something so I can appeal to society's definition of beauty. Just because I don't shave my legs as often as I should does not make me less of a women.




    YOU make the call on how you want to dress, not society, and not your sweat glands!

  5. I had a pet that was given to me by a relative and I forever regret pounding her. That was years ago. I usually feel no regret pounding pets now because A.) I don't do it often B.) it was a pet I adopted from the pound and zapped so it would have a better chance of finding a permanent home or C.) I used to the pound for the purpose of a pet avatar


    I don't really trade pets or do anything like that either. I feel so silly but I really do feel attached to the pixels that are neopets xD I even feel bad having my permanent pets on my sides!!

  6. my internet is terribly slow today- not just neo. I mean it just took me 10 minutes to load TDN D: satellite internet and snow storms don't mix.


    but at least I can access other sites eventually, neo just comes up with a "this page cannot be displayed" ..disappointed to see it lagging again :/


    I should have used my bottle of lag-be-gone!!

  7. whoah you're like living my life! lol (minus the junk food). I've always been a clean freak but the past few months I've let things go a bit so I did a massive clean out of all my stuff two days ago. I've also started seriously exercising this week and literally set my alarm earlier as well to help with my insomnia xD


    I've been a lot happier this week, especially after the exercising, and I hope you are too :) Feels good!

  8. Hi Shelley :) Thank you, I love customizing my pets :D Wow... your UL is amazing! You're a great artist!


    I love how you can "like" comments here. I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to do that on the Neoboards, lol

    aw thanks, I appreciate it ^^ Also if you're ever up for it, there's a customization contest here on the forums you can feel free to join in on *pokes banner in signature*


    I also really enjoy the "like" feature xD

  9. Hi Suz! You have an impressive avatar collection! All I wish is to get to 300..I can't imagine going beyond (especially with my game skills lol). I also really like the customization on your draik


    I should get on writing more poems, it's fun and I've gotten some decent prizes too!


    welcome to the forums :)


    Hi there!!Unfortunately no I did not:( but it's pretty isn't it?! And I'm sorry about the transferring thing, I'm actually in the midst of transferring schools as well unfortunately.

    I'm sure I can have the patience to stand by while they fix everything! The only thing that's frustrating is the lack of petpages to code because I really wanted to make some layouts hahaha but oh well.



    lol it is a very cool picture :p Transferring schools can be a pain, I hope it's going well for you! I hope the petpages will be up soon, it's funny how much I've realized I actually use them

  11. um, I just don't tell anyone o.o


    haha my best friend plays so it's not a huge secret I have to carry. A roommate of mine caught me playing one day and was like "are you playing neopets? rad." and just left it at that. I think if you don't make a big deal of it people around you won't make a big deal of it either :p

  12. Wait, is this your return story or mine?? :O haha oh my goodness, I can relate to everything you just said. I just got satellite internet a year and a half ago. I remember when I was a kid on my family computer late at night playing neopets in the kitchen lol. My mom would never let me play during the day when she had work to do. When I was little all I did was play faerie bubbles, meerca chase, gadgadsgame, gormball, and I had a strange addiction to pick your own. I wasn't very accomplished but I do miss my disco kougra I had before my account was purged. I was just talking to another user abut how this lag is no different than dial up lol -I really hope they fix this mess soon :/

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