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Posts posted by lianakos

  1. I will post here my story.

    I had one account and at 6/20/2017 I was frozen for my own protection.
    I created a side account, created a ticket and waited. I posted at the posts every day and I tried to update the ticket every day but I could not. I provided as much info as I could, I even gave the activation code from 6 years back when I created the account. 
    I was lucky because I had read an article about what to do in a case like this so I had all the information I needed. Neofriends, equipped items to pets, closet items, old passwords and PINs etc. So, I suggest you gather this information.

    What I believe helped me? Facebook! I waited for Neopets to post something in their page at Facebook and I posted my ticket number and the problem (7/13/2017). The next day they responded at my Facebook post saying that they will look into it. And 3 days later I got my account back!

    I don't think anything was stolen from me, maybe because I had a PIN. The money in the back, the stocks and the codestones are fine. I still have not seen the rest items in the SDB.

    Also, I found out from a lot of search that you must not have "&" or "@" as symbols in your password!

    Lastly, I change my password and PIN.


  2. Which faction are you joining for the 112nd round?

    So, vote!

    Good luck!

    PS. You must win in 10 battles each round in order to win the boons!

    My only account at neopets was frozen for my own protection. 27 days have passed. My ticket is "Work in progress" for a few days but still nothing.  This may be the end for me in the neopets. 6 years down the drain. :(
    I will keep this posting here.

  3. Which faction are you joining for the 111st round?

    So, vote!

    Good luck!

    PS. You must win in 10 battles each round in order to win the boons!

    Sorry I was so late again!


    My only account at neopets was frozen for my own protection. 13 days have passed without any news. This may be the end for me in the neopets. 6 years down the drain. :(
    I will keep this posting here.

  4. OK! I created a side account lianakos81_ ( I am soooo original)

    I submited the ticket. I am going to updated every day, but how? I will press the button "provide additional info" and then write something?

    I send a private message in the neopets FB page and a public one. Should I post every day?

    I am waiting for the account to be 24 hours old to post at the neoboards. Yes, here I will post every day!

    Wish me luck! 

    Thank you very very much for all your help!

    Anything else I should do?


  5. OMG! What can I do? My account is lianakos81
    Please help me!

    I did my dailies today, and just now I tried visiting the Healing spring and I was disconnected. I am always online from my PC. I try to connect and it said that my acc is frozen! :(
    I can't subbmit a ticket so I send an email with my info. Wish me luck! I also had changed my password this month! I don't know why :(


    This account has been FROZEN for the following reason:

    Due to potentially suspicious activity on this username, it has been frozen for the owner's protection. This can include falling for a scam or entering information into a fake login page. If you would like information on getting this account back, please contact us by clicking here.

    It's the end of neopets for me. I have not logged in in days! My passwords is saved in my browser! I don't believe someone stole it? Whyyyyyy meeeee?
    OK ! What else can I do? 


    6/20/2017 - My account was fine in the morning and in the afternoon I was frozen for my own protection. I have not loged in my account for days because I am always logged in from my personal computer.
    6/21/2017 - I created a side account. Submited a ticket. Posted in FB. Posted in the neoboards forum.
    6/22/2017 - Updated the ticket. Re-posted in the neoboards forum. No response.
    6/23/2017 - Updated the ticket. Re-posted in the neoboards forum.
    6/24/2017 - Updated the ticket with more information about my account. Re-posted in the neoboards. I am loosing my hope.
    6/25/2017 - Updated the ticket with more information about my account. I found the activation e-mail, so I send it as a screenshot. Re-posted in the neoboards.
    6/26/2017 - Updated the ticket. Re-posted in the neoboards forum.
    6/27/2017 - Updated the ticket. Re-posted in the neoboards forum.
    6/28/2017 - Updated the ticket. Re-posted in the neoboards forum.
    6/29/2017 - Updated the ticket. Re-posted in the neoboards forum.
    6/30/2017 - I do not updated the ticket because I have nothing else to say. I gave all the info I could think. Re-posted in the neoboards forum. 
    7/1/2017 - Re-posted in the neoboards forum. I give up! There is no one at neopets answering the tickets.  



    7/18/2017 I GOT MY ACCOUNT BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    If anyone wants to talk to me messege me here or at neopets at the new account lianakos81_
    If I get my account back or I have other news I will post it here.

    My account would have been 6 years this August. 6 years I played every single day!  I am just so sad. I followed every rule and now this is what I get? 6 years gone?




    8/28/2032 - Still no responce :blink:


    Dear Rune Valentine,

    So sorry I posted in the wrong section. I just needed a plase to vent.


    I found out from a lot of search that you must not have "&" or "@" as symbols in your password! Of course had. Maybe that's why I was frozen?

    Thank you very very much for all your help!

    This topic has been edited by a member of staff (Rune Valentine) because of a violation of the forum rules.
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    Per the reason above, this topic has been LOCKED. Please contact Rune Valentine if you have any questions regarding this action.

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